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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless technology that uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize your body’s energy, helping balance any biological imbalances within you while encouraging self-healing and encouraging wellness.

Qest 4 uses similar techniques to muscle testing or kinesiology to detect unhealthy electromagnetic vibrations that could be contributing to health issues, including allergies, intolerances, fatigue and sleep issues.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic vibrations to restore the natural balance and healing capacities of the human body. According to Altimed’s website Altimed, bio resonance therapy serves the aim of maintaining its proper functional condition by using electromagnetic waves as noninvasive and painless treatment method.

Bioresonance therapy sessions involve placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine that measures energy wavelengths emanating from organs and other parts of your body. The device then attempts to recognize what each frequency means–one might indicate your liver cells aren’t functioning optimally while another could indicate virus or allergy symptoms–and emit a counter frequency as necessary to block out diseased signals.

Research into bioresonance‘s efficacy remains limited, yet some studies have demonstrated positive outcomes. One such study on patients suffering from chronic depressive disorder found that those receiving bioresonance therapy experienced an improvement in their depression while the control group did not. Another found those receiving treatment experienced an decrease in symptoms relative to placebo group.

However, bioresonance claims have been subjected to extensive criticism. The Food and Drug Administration has taken legal action against electrical devices that claim to diagnose illness based on unproven theories that diseased organs or cancerous cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy cells; shifting back these wave emissions back towards normal will supposedly heal patients. Furthermore, UK’s Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that many bioresonance device makers’ efficacy claims may be misleading.

Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy boasts many potential advantages, from pain management and arthritis treatment to cancer prevention and risk reduction. Unfortunately, most of its claims have yet to be proven through controlled studies; moreover, its popularity may discourage people from seeking other forms of therapy which could prove more effective or safer options.

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that our bodies emit electromagnetic waves. If these waves become disrupted or abnormal, they can indicate imbalance or disease; bioresonance therapy works to counteract any negative frequencies by restoring natural energy wavelengths within our bodies – thus supporting natural healing capabilities within us all.

Understand that your body has its own magnetic field – known as biomagnetic field. All cells release electromagnetic vibrations into this biomagnetic field and the bioresonance machine can measure them to detect imbalances that might be contributing to symptoms. Think of it like taking a magnet and realigning its iron filings so they’re all lined up straight!

If vibrations are altered, it indicates that a cell is miscommunicating with other cells in its environment. When communication improves between cells in an organism, biomagnetic field imbalance will subside, helping the body heal itself and return to a state of equilibrium.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool in treating numerous conditions and illnesses, from allergies, intolerances, and addictions to chronic disorders such as cystitis or prostatitis, rheumatism, asthma and sinusitis, respiratory conditions like sinusitis as well as gastroesophageal conditions like colitis or gastritis.

Stress relief therapy is often at the root of most health problems. Additionally, it may aid weight loss, detoxification and pain relief as a non-invasive and safe alternative to traditional therapies or medications. Furthermore, this method may assist in pinpointing hidden causes for symptoms which might otherwise be difficult to identify using traditional approaches.

How Bioresonance Therapy Works

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes placed on your skin to measure your energy frequencies. A machine then analyzes these frequencies, identifying areas of imbalance within your body. Harmonising frequencies restore balance and promote overall wellbeing – an entirely non-invasive and painless treatment option!

Bio resonance sessions involve applying electrodes or using devices known as amp coils that use pulsed electromagnetic fields to restore cell and organ frequencies to their ideal frequencies, helping your body heal itself while maintaining good health.

Bioresonance works on the unproven assumption that electromagnetic oscillations emitted from healthy organs differ significantly from those emitted by diseased ones due to changes in cell metabolism and DNA damage. When conducting a bioresonance scan, devices identify these different signals before “cancelling out” any diseased ones with their own frequencies.

Human bodies’ natural electromagnetic fields have likely been disturbed by environmental and emotional stressors, leading to imbalances that cause muscle cramps or rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Bioresonance scanning technology can identify such imbalances; then the therapist uses an amp coil to correct them.

If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, a bioresonance machine can identify whether your symptoms are being caused by allergies to molds, bacteria or chemicals and then assist you in finding a remedy. Additionally, asthmatics, bronchitists and others with respiratory conditions also use it.

Bioresonance can also be an effective means to treat digestive conditions like IBS and Crohn’s Disease, and allergies by desensitizing immune system cells and reducing allergic reactions. According to research, bioresonance may also alleviate fatigue and insomnia symptoms while helping women manage menstrual pain and hot flushes; though please bear in mind these results come from small studies and further investigation is required.

Cost of Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a relatively novel form of treatment. While its efficacy remains controversial, many health professionals argue against touting it as an alternative medicine solution without scientific support or data showing benefits – for instance a 2014 study discovered bioresonance therapy helped participants quit smoking more successfully than placebo treatment alone! Still there have been positive studies with promising results such as one which found bioresonance therapy improved smoking cessation rates more effectively than its placebo counterpart – for instance helping smokers quit.

Practitioners use electrodes connected to a device that reads energy wavelengths from the body, in order to identify areas of misalignment or imbalance within it. Once identified, this machine can then alter frequencies within this region in order to bring the body back into balance – all substances and cells possess unique resonance frequencies which can be detected using bioresonance scanners – the healthy ones can be amplified while unfavorable ones reduced or “inverted.”

At the initial session, the therapist will scan a patient’s body to detect electromagnetic waves. This process is quick and painless; its results will appear on a computer screen immediately afterwards. With this information at their disposal, the therapist can use personalized treatments.

Initial consultations typically last 90 minutes and cost an approximate cost of PS190 in Germany. Some practitioners offer discounted package plans that could save the patient money; Reson8 provides both weight loss packages at PS90 per session as well as smoking cessation packages to save their clients money compared to paying individually for individual sessions.

Bioresonance therapy cannot promise to cure every illness or disease, yet many have reported its success in managing chronic pain and conditions such as allergies and asthma. While traditional medicine remains important, bioresonance therapy provides another noninvasive option that may help.

Bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a means to diagnose or treat medical conditions; rather, it aims to restore equilibrium within the body. If you would like more information about this alternative treatment approach, reach out to one of your local practitioners today.
