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Bioresonance Food Allergy Test

There are various at-home food sensitivity tests on the market. These kits allow users to submit a hair sample for testing, and receive results that outline which foods could potentially trigger symptoms in their individual case.

However, these tests cannot compare to professional food allergy tests as they require a provocation test in which suspect foods are eaten to see if symptoms arise.


Home food sensitivity tests often boast of their ability to detect intolerance to hundreds of food groups by analyzing your hair chemical composition, taking saliva samples or even pricking fingers with blood samples. While people may feel better after eliminating certain food groups from their diet, commercial tests are often inaccurate in diagnosing the source of your symptoms.

At-home tests often rely on IgG antibodies, which have been linked to specific symptoms but don’t always indicate food intolerance. IgGs are produced by your immune system as part of an allergic response – for instance from bee stings or cuts – so measurements relying solely on IgG measurements don’t provide reliable information on food intolerances.

Labcorp laboratories offer accurate and reliable blood allergy tests that measure IgE antibodies triggered by allergens like wheat, dairy milk and eggs. While the process is accurate and reliable, obtaining blood requires using a needle which some find uncomfortable; alternatively hair intolerance tests from companies like Everlywell, 5 Strands and Ucari provide alternatives.

These tests measure the bioresonance of your DNA sample against electromagnetic waves emitted by various foods. If a food resonates more strongly within your DNA sample, the more likely you are to react negatively to it.

Individuals choosing to undergo a hydrogen breath test to evaluate lactose intolerance will be asked to blow up a balloon-like bag and breathe into it, then be tested by their practitioner after some time has elapsed. While this method provides quick and convenient results, ELISA blood allergy testing remains more accurate in providing more definitive data.

As with other at-home test kits, such as MARS III’s electromagnetic energy imaging to create an image of your body and identify food intolerances, another popular at-home test involves mixing white blood cells with different foods to see which ones cause their cells to swell, as well as muscle response tests (applied kinesiology). Unfortunately these methods do not provide accurate indicators as to which foods you might be sensitive to.


Food sensitivities can cause many unpleasant symptoms, from bloating to fatigue and joint pain. Many individuals find that certain foods cause their body to react negatively and therefore avoid these types of foods, missing out on delicious meals they might otherwise enjoy. Luckily, there are tests available to identify which ones your body does not respond well to and allow you to identify which ones your body does not react positively with.

One such alternative test is the bioresonance food sensitivity test. This noninvasive, home test uses electromagnetic waves to scan your body and see if there’s an adverse reaction to certain foods – making it much simpler and faster than traditional allergy testing, which involves painful needle pricks to collect blood samples.

Your ideal at-home food intolerance test should provide comprehensive testing, be simple to use and remain affordable. Our product testers found that Everlywell exceeded these criteria in spades; thus earning its spot among our list of the top food intolerance tests.

Vega Device – Another popular form of food intolerance test, this medical-grade machine detects food intolerances, drug sensitivities and imbalances in your body using similar technology as allergy tests. All that’s needed for testing is a small sample of hair from you – then in minutes you have an in-depth report detailing imbalances such as vitamins, hormones, gut bacteria or metals in the body!

ELISA blood tests provide the most reliable and scientifically valid method for food intolerance testing available, yet require costly lab procedures in order to conduct. They may also take longer than expected, making the tests inconvenient for certain individuals.

The BICOM device provides another alternative to ELISA tests; it operates similarly but without needing blood samples for analysis. Instead, electromagnetic waves that match frequencies of foods and allergens are transmitted, and then scanned for responses. The resultant data can tell practitioners which foods you may be sensitive to; similar results to that seen with an ELISA allergy test would be achieved.


Food intolerance tests provide an efficient means of discovering which foods cause discomfort in terms of bloating or fatigue, as well as providing long-term improvements to diet. A food intolerance test could also be one of the best things you do for yourself and your body!

At-home food sensitivity tests usually involve mailing in a sample of hair or blood. After several days or weeks, digital results will arrive with a list of foods which may trigger symptoms for you – these tests claim to test hundreds of ingredients! These results can help your digestive system by eliminating potential inflammatory foods.

Although at-home tests may seem convenient, it’s important to be mindful that they may not be scientifically validated and therefore regulated by the FDA. Therefore, whenever possible opt for one backed by a reputable laboratory.

Breath hydrogen testing and bioresonance are the two primary forms of intolerance testing available today, respectively. Breath hydrogen testing entails measuring changes in breath hydrogen after eating certain foods; it is commonly used in clinical settings to diagnose conditions like SIBO, IBS and lactose intolerance. At-home breath testing devices like FoodMarble AIRE provide convenient at-home testing; additionally they have been put up against standard clinical tests in research studies with great success.

Bioresonance testing, unlike allergy testing, is non-invasive and provides a holistic view of your sensitivities. The process works by sending electromagnetic waves directly into your DNA using a device known as BICOM; each wave corresponds to one type of food; by studying how each wave responds, your practitioner can easily determine which ones cause symptoms in you.

Know What Foods To Avoid for Improved HealthWhether you are suffering from bloating, skin issues or headaches, knowing the foods to avoid is key in improving your health. An at-home food sensitivity test can help identify sensitivities and create an elimination diet to alleviate symptoms in no time – giving your life back on track and feeling better immediately!


Food intolerance tests don’t have to be intrusive and require blood samples; bioresonance testing offers a much less intrusive solution – using just a sample of hair to detect your reactions to different foods. A computer program called the BICOM device measures electromagnetic waves in your hair and compares them against 975 foods, drinks and environmental factors found within their frequencies – this shows your sensitivity level as well as any foods which should be avoided in your results.

This method of testing is noninvasive and more accurate than traditional allergy tests, making it particularly suitable for infants who cannot tolerate needle prick tests. Furthermore, this test can identify functional intolerances caused not by immune system responses but due to lack of enzymes necessary to process certain foods.

Contrary to other allergy testing methods that measure levels of IgE antibodies against food proteins, the VEGA test utilizes electrical conductivity of skin through acupressure points in order to identify intolerances and intolerences. It claims greater accuracy than traditional blood tests and may help identify foods which could be contributing to symptoms like IBS, bloating, rashes, itchy skin or joint pain.

Though VEGA tests may be cheaper than traditional allergy tests, they lack scientific credibility and often are dismissed by medical practitioners as unnecessary procedures. ELISA blood tests offer more reliable IgG antibody identification for specific food ingredients as they are conducted by qualified physicians.

Though it may be tempting to avoid foods that trigger an allergic reaction, doing so could result in nutritional deficiencies. Consult with a dietician before making decisions based on limited data alone.

Bioresonance testing can go beyond helping you avoid food intolerances to identify which supplements and other health products can improve digestive health. The results will enable you to maximize your diet by eliminating unnecessary items that cause illness while adding in more healthy alternatives into daily life.
