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Bioresonance Food Allergy Testing

Bioresonance is an alternative form of medicine based on the idea that all items emit energy frequencies which can then be captured by machines and compared with various food items.

Instead of blood tests, our food intolerance test only needs a small sample of hair from you for collection – making this test quick and painless to administer.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a quantum physics-based alternative treatment. It works by aligning your body’s electromagnetic or “biomagnetic” field, similar to how tapping piano strings causes them to vibrate. This helps balance your field and restore cellular energy, promote self-healing processes and limit overloads.

Your holistic health practitioner will use a small BICOM machine to transmit frequencies throughout the body, which resonate with specific cells and are picked up by it, before emitting counter-frequencies that help reestablish an effective biomagnetic field. Similar to how a magnet rearranges iron filings on a dish, healthier patterns strengthen while unhealthy ones vanish into thin air.

Rebalancing of the biomagnetic field has many benefits, including decreasing stress levels, improving emotional well-being, and increasing mental clarity. Furthermore, this process may help address weight issues, digestive difficulties and back pain symptoms.

Bioresonance does not yet have any controlled studies to support it, yet many individuals report positive experiences and find the treatment to be safe and painless. Some experts, however, remain sceptical of bioresonance.

Therapists’ claims can often be very deceiving. For instance, one clinic in the UK advertised their BICOM machine‘s ability to detect intolerances for 338 foods as well as allergies – although an intolerance does not equal an allergy.

The Advertising Standards Authority conducted an investigation and determined that, although the machine was CE marked, there wasn’t sufficient clinical evidence supporting its claims. As a result, these claims were considered misleading, prompting them to ask the clinic to remove their claims immediately.

Actually, various things can cause imbalance in our biomagnetic fields including diet, chemicals, pollution and radiation from phones, Wi-Fi and electricity. If any concerns arise regarding these symptoms it is advisable to discuss them with a holistic practitioner and seek medical advice when necessary. They will be able to interpret your scan results and guide changes that will positively impact on your health while offering nutritional recommendations or supplements that enhance bioenergetic wellbeing.

How does bioresonance work?

Biological resonance is an electromagnetic principle which causes objects to vibrate with one another at an identical frequency, transmitting this vibration through waves known as electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Bioresonance uses EMR technology to detect imbalances in the body’s energetic systems that are not working optimally, noninvasively testing your bioenergetic levels and providing a detailed assessment of their energy levels, such as minor stressors or chronic weaknesses in different areas, hormonal imbalances, deficiencies in nutrition or any resonating toxins that might exist.

All substances, whether living or inanimate, emit an energetic frequency measured in Hertz that can be detected with a bioresonance machine. When consumed by our bodies, something may have an adverse chemical reaction with surrounding cells which has the potential to compromise our overall health if consumed regularly; hence why it’s vital to consume healthy diet and avoid toxic substances as these will have detrimental effects on immune system.

Bioresonance therapy aims to restore balance to your body’s energetic systems and aid its own healing process. A machine will identify imbalances within the body before sending electromagnetic signals that correct these anomalies – frequencies will also be directed toward areas that need healing such as gut or brain health – this means your body will start healing itself gradually while becoming more balanced and healthy overall.

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated to be successful at reducing inflammation; however, conventional medicine still doesn’t widely accept its practice. There have been some clinical studies using bioresonance to treat stomach pain and allergies successfully.

Bioresonance therapy can be an invaluable way of treating various conditions, but for optimal results it’s essential that it be performed by a trained holistic practitioner. They will interpret your scan results and recommend nutritional changes or supplements that may aid your body’s healing process. In addition, ensure your bioresonance device has been CE marked and approved by the MHRA to avoid experiencing harmful side effects or spending money on unnecessary treatments.

What are the benefits of bioresonance testing?

Bioresonance testing can be an invaluable way to identify food intolerances. A BICOM device sends pre-programmed electromagnetic signals into your body, which are then tested against how your body reacts. This test can reveal which foods your body responds negatively or positively too, helping you make healthier choices when selecting meals to consume.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of bioresonance therapy on weight loss, rheumatoid arthritis, skin problems, allergies and fatigue. Furthermore, bioresonance can also help detoxify your body as it detects imbalances between liver and kidney functions; assess vitamin and mineral levels which helps detect deficiencies; as well as monitor body acidity – an overly acidic body is one major contributor to disease and illness.

Bioresonance involves employing several techniques, with resonance being one of the most popular approaches. Resonance involves matching frequencies that correspond with electromagnetic signatures of pathogens to cause them to resonate and break down, then transmitting counterfrequencies via bioresonance machine in order to restore equilibrium in the body.

Bioresonance operates under the assumption that electromagnetic oscillations produced by healthy cells differ from those produced by diseased or cancerous cells, and an electrical device can effectively cancel out these signals through destructive wave interference (6). Unfortunately, however, this premise remains unverified and the American Cancer Society advises patients against seeking treatments with such devices (7).

At The Natural Switch, we employ an established bioresonance scanning machine. It is manufactured to ISO EN 13485 standards for medical-grade scanning device class 11a use. We have found this approach to be extremely valuable for helping clients address health concerns related to food intolerances. As new patients can book consultation packages here and indicate on their health intake form that they would like to include food intolerance testing in their appointment, existing patients can request it as an add-on for an existing consultation appointment at the same cost of a standard 60-minute new patient consult.

What are the disadvantages of bioresonance testing?

Food intolerance testing can provide solutions for many health conditions, from digestive to skin conditions and chronic autoimmune conditions. Bioresonance testing can also be used to detect food allergies, which can produce various unpleasant symptoms like itching, itchy eyes, hives and wheezing. Unfortunately, identifying what foods cause such reactions without appropriate testing equipment can be challenging; bioresonance is here to help! Bioresonance is an alternative form of medicine which utilizes electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances within the body. This method involves placing a strand of hair into an analysis machine, which then compares its resonance frequency against those found in foods, additives and toxins to determine if any are creating imbalance within your body and should be avoided. If any matches are found then that indicates they should be avoided as potential sources of health imbalance and should be avoided altogether.

Bioresonance is an unproven belief that diseased cells and organs emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, which an electronic device can ‘cancel out’ using frequencies known to “cancelle.” Bioresonance claims it can also ‘heal” your body by restoring normal energy of affected cells and organs – though the FDA has taken action against manufacturers who make unsubstantiated claims regarding cancer healing or other health benefits, so its usage should generally not be recommended by anyone seeking treatment using them.

At The Natural Switch, the food intolerance tests we offer use bioresonance equipment certified as ISO EN 13485 class 11a medical scanning device class 11. Hair samples collected for these tests can easily be collected at any time of day without impact from recent food intake (unlike blood or urine tests which require fasting before being performed).

However, bioresonance scans don’t offer definitive diagnoses and should not be used to treat illness or disease; rather they provide valuable insights for holistic approaches that seek to rebalance and reeducate the body; this data can guide dietary decisions as well as eliminate potentially toxic substances from the diet.
