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Depression and Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy utilizes a machine to analyze the body’s energy waves and use this data to identify illness and treat it; its supporters maintain that bioresonance therapy may also help treat depression.

After five bioresonance therapy sessions, four men and 10 women from a first group experienced significant reductions from moderate to mild levels of depression – as opposed to those receiving only pharmaceutical treatment. This result was compared with those receiving only pharmaceutical intervention alone.

Bioresonance therapy is a form of electromagnetic therapy

Bioresonance therapy has traditionally been utilized for physical health concerns; however, it can also have a profound impact on mental wellbeing. The therapy works by sending electromagnetic waves to the body that strengthen healthy frequencies while neutralizing harmful pathogenic frequencies and unhealthy cells – creating balance in the body which in turn can lead to improved cognitive functioning and an upbeat outlook on life.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and drug-free therapy available at integrative medical clinics. Practitioners use an instrument called Mora Nova to measure electromagnetic vibrations of the human body and create a map of imbalances; then use this data to diagnose diseases or other medical conditions using electromagnetic frequencies as treatments for their patients.

During treatment, patients lie on their back with their head supported. A device reads vibration from their body and uses an algorithm to identify areas that need focus. This allows practitioners to pinpoint discordant frequencies which are then sent as electromagnetic pulses into the limbic system – an area responsible for managing emotions and mood regulation in humans.

Bioresonance machines use pulses that target specific parts of the brain – like the hippocampus and amygdala areas – which can increase neurotransmitter release such as dopamine and norepinephrine to improve mood and ease depression, though its effect may only last a few days at most.

Researchers conducted a controlled study that discovered bioresonance therapy provided significant relief from depression symptoms, with treatment leading to significant reductions in severity when compared with taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). This research paper was published in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology in 2011.

Bioresonance therapy is a painless, noninvasive solution to numerous health conditions. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy for relieving stomach pain, treating allergies, improving rheumatoid arthritis by increasing antioxidant activity levels within the body, treating mental health disorders such as ADHD or even treating autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It targets the limbic system

Depression is a devastating mental illness, impacting not only its victims but their loved ones and community members as well. Experts have expressed serious concerns regarding its prevalence in society as a whole. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medications remain standard options, yet an innovative alternative has emerged in bioresonance therapy – although lesser-known, it has proven successful at relieving depression symptoms. Bioresonance therapy targets the limbic system using electromagnetic waves to correct energy imbalances in the body, by identifying and cancelling out damaged cell signals that distort messages to each other. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy against many conditions ranging from allergies and the common cold to cancer and arthritis.

Recent research investigated the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy on those suffering from recurrent depressive disorder. Researchers split participants into two groups; one received only bioresonance therapy sessions over five weeks while the other combined bioresonance with conventional pharmacological treatments; results indicated that bioresonance therapy improved symptoms across both groups while increasing quality of life overall.

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that certain diseases and disorders generate electromagnetic resonances that a computerized device can detect and eliminate, helping balance your body’s cellular energy levels and potentially healing any diseases in which they reside.

Bioresonance scans reveal that depression-prone brains are overburdened with stress. This leads to disruption of inner energy flow, leading to preclinical symptoms. Bioresonance can help enhance cognitive function of the brain and thus prevent its onset.

Bioresonance offers many advantages over pharmaceuticals and supplements for treating health issues. This holistic approach to healthcare is more effective than drugs while remaining safe for all ages, making it particularly helpful for people who have chemical or environmental sensitivities; its techniques can rid bodies of E-Smog, Toxins, Parasites and Metals while improving hormone imbalances, sleep patterns and weather changes sensitivity.

It is a non-invasive treatment

Studies conducted over the last several years have established that human bodies contain an electromagnetic field which can be utilized to treat various health conditions, including depression. A new treatment called bioresonance therapy utilizes various frequencies to create vibrations within the body which help relieve depressive symptoms and enhance mood.

Bioresonance therapy entails connecting patients to a bioresonance machine that measures their body’s energy. Once recorded, results are then interpreted by a qualified therapist, who may suggest remedies or lifestyle changes to promote healing in their bodies naturally. This noninvasive approach offers a great alternative to antidepressant medications which may have negative side effects.

Bioresonance therapy has helped many depressed individuals improve their cognitive functioning following bioresonance treatments. The therapy works to balance brain chemistry and prevent anxiety related to depression; however, bioresonance may not treat all causes; for example, difficult childhood experiences or chronic frustration cannot be resolved entirely through bioresonance treatment alone; nonetheless it can reduce stress levels and enhance wellbeing overall.

Researchers conducted a study with two groups of 40 patients with recurrent depression to test its efficacy. One received bioresonance therapy alone while the other received antidepressant medication; researchers then evaluated levels of depression using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (17 items), concluding that bioresonance treatment significantly alleviated symptoms more effectively than antidepressant medication.

Bioresonance devices consist of electrodes attached to hands and feet, connected via an earphone jack to a computer and emitting sounds at various frequencies, depending on which symptoms need to be treated. Therapists select frequencies accordingly depending on which symptoms need to be treated during each session – with no pain involved and no preparation needed beforehand – although metal earrings or clips should not be worn during treatment sessions, nor any alcohol be consumed before commencing with therapy sessions.

It is a holistic treatment

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic therapy proven to increase cognitive health and decrease symptoms of depression. However, its success will ultimately depend on which techniques and devices are utilized as well as factors unique to each individual patient.

Bioresonance devices emit a safe electromagnetic field and detect any imbalance in your energy fields, before applying specific frequencies to cancel out negative frequencies and restore balance. Beyond treating depression, this treatment may also help treat other conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders and insomnia – making bioresonance an ideal complementary therapy to antidepressant medication regimens.

At each session, patients are connected to a bioresonance machine via electrodes on their hands and feet, which reads their vibrational frequency as well as depression levels in various parts of the body. Once this information has been gathered, a practitioner applies specific frequencies directly onto affected areas to flush away any pathogenic substances responsible for creating their condition.

Bioresonance therapy may also assist with depression by decreasing inflammation in the brain and strengthening immune function. According to one study, patients receiving bioresonance experienced significantly fewer depressive symptoms than those taking antidepressant medication alone and it also improved quality of life for these patients.

Bioresonance therapy is becoming an increasingly popular alternative treatment among patients and practitioners. It can also be combined with other treatments like acupuncture and massage therapy to decrease side effects from prescribed drugs.

Bioenergetics is an approach to bioenergetics that uses energy fields and resonance resonance techniques to treat pain and allergies, digestive disorders and rheumatism. Studies have also demonstrated its ability to help with depression recurrence or mild episodes – with similar results as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). When used independently or as an adjunct therapy antidepressants can be more effective.
