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Oberon Bioresonance Machine

Oberon bioresonance machine measures the fluctuations of electromagnetic waves emitted by body tissues, cells and chromosomes to detect fluctuating electromagnetic waves emitted by them. Furthermore, this instrument compares medicinal preparations according to their frequency spectrums to identify which may be most effective.

Metapathia software displays the results of the scan on a computer monitor. Areas with low entropy values are indicated with colors ranging from pale yellow to orange, red and purple indicating their low levels.


Biofeedback is a noninvasive technique designed to relax and improve your health, using breathing exercises, visualization exercises and relaxation techniques to achieve this. Biofeedback seeks to teach individuals to monitor and control the responses from their bodies – such as anxiety and high blood pressure – enabling them to monitor, regulate and ultimately treat these responses accordingly. Biofeedback may also relieve muscle tension and pain relief.

The Oberon bioresonance machine can quickly scan your entire body for imbalances in organ frequency. By comparing this data against healthy frequencies, it can identify any areas of imbalance and suggest treatment solutions. It may also help identify parasites, as their vibrational patterns differ significantly from healthy tissues and cells; or to pinpoint its underlying cause so you can address it directly.

There are two primary forms of biofeedback, physiologic and biomechanical. Physiologic biofeedback can be used for conditions like anxiety and high blood pressure while biomechanical biofeedback treats musculoskeletal conditions like low back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome. When participating in sessions, clients wear pads which monitor changes in skin temperature or heart rate which is then connected to a computer which provides real-time audiovisual feedback in real time; during a session patients might see or hear messages like: “Your heart rate is normal” or “You are calm”.

Biofeedback operates under the assumption that unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves. Proponents believe detecting these waves can help diagnose disease and altering their frequency could possibly cure illness. Although biofeedback may be used alongside traditional medicine, many patients are often resistant to having an outside machine interpret their energy wavelengths. Bioresonance therapy is often considered part of holistic or complementary medicine but has yet to demonstrate effectiveness at diagnosing or treating disease.

Cancer Frequency Detection

As cancer cells multiply and emit electromagnetic radiation at specific frequencies, which differ from healthy cell frequencies and allow detection via non-invasive devices like an oberon bioresonance machine. This machine scans your body for these different electromagnetic radiation frequencies to identify potential problems as they arise and notify you. It can even help prevent cancer by rebalancing natural frequencies of your body making it less likely for it to manifest as disease in the first place.

Oberon bioresonance machines use probes that act as bioresonance frequency detectors and an application vehicle to apply frequencies in a narrow frequency range to balance in-vivo resonance frequencies of organs or tissues being studied. Once this data has been collected, its analysis using Non-Linear Statistics (NLS) produces an accurate image of any imbalances present within an organ or tissue studied; with lower values representing better structural organization and functional balance. Entropy values displayed with color on Oberon Metapathia computer displays indicate more well-organized and functional balance than higher values which means more well-organized structures being studied.

At 163 patients’ tumor-specific frequency detection sessions, 1524 frequencies from 0.1 kHz to 114 kHz were identified during detection sessions; 1183 of these frequencies were unique to specific tumor types (57-92% of them).

Oberon bioresonance machine can identify a broad array of potential diseases, some that are currently difficult to detect through traditional means. Furthermore, this device can detect degree of manifestation, age and sex of disease as well as tracking progression in individual cases of certain pathological processes.

Oberon bioresonance system can detect parasites like bacteria and viruses by sensing their different vibrational patterns compared to healthy cells, enabling practitioners to pinpoint areas of infection for treatment. Furthermore, this system will inform you which of your health issues are more pressing, so they can be addressed with urgency.

Non-Invasive Testing

Numerous medical professionals do not believe bioresonance to have any value in diagnosing or treating diseases. While some studies suggest it can improve health, these have only involved a limited number of people and have not been replicated across large studies. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has successfully sued at least one person who made unsubstantiated claims regarding bioresonance benefits.

Bioresonance advocates hold the belief that healthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves while those suffering from disease produce altered waves, with altered frequencies easily detectable with special machines; changing back to normal frequencies will therefore cure illness.

Bioresonance machines are devices designed to analyze organ and tissue frequencies on a cellular level, which allows these machines to detect imbalances before they cause serious symptoms or become chronic. Furthermore, it helps identify which symptoms are caused by pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites as well as identify toxins or sensitivities to aid practitioners in prescribing appropriate treatments for their patients.

The Oberon bioresonance machine works by measuring electromagnetic vibrations of each individual cell, tissue or organ within your body. The information gathered is then compared to healthy tissues or those suffering from disease to determine which ones resonate more with one another – using this data, the device can determine each part’s state and what needs to be adjusted or corrected.

Bioresonance devices will scan your entire body and give a report with its findings, while providing treatment suggestions based on those results. Treatment plans could involve herbs, supplements or diet changes – the goal being to help balance out energy in your body so you can heal yourself naturally.

Oberon bioresonance machine is an excellent way for individuals looking to take charge of their own health. Non-invasive, this device offers numerous health benefits. Easy to operate and with user manual and training videos provided as standard features compared to high-tech diagnostic equipment used by doctors and hospitals, the Oberon machine makes taking control of one’s health simple.

Customized Treatments

The Oberon Bioresonance Machine is an innovative new form of diagnostic scanner that employs Non Linear Statistics (NLS) to analyze and process vast amounts of information about your body. Using NLS analysis techniques, this device identifies imbalances and stresses by listening in to signals being transmitted by cells; then compares this frequency data against healthy frequencies, making treatment recommendations. A holistic approach that’s completely non-invasive but very effective.

This technology can also detect imbalances and stressors within the body before they manifest as physical or mental illnesses, making it an excellent preventive care tool, allowing you to identify issues early and take measures to address them before they become more serious.

Oberon’s spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields creates records of each organ and cell in your body’s distinctive oscillations, and then compares these oscillations against their typical frequencies within a computer program.

The Oberon system then analyses these vibrations for patterns that suggest changes to your body function, altering frequencies accordingly in order to help you restore balance in your system and view results on its graphical display screen.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at treating conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis by altering how your body responds to free radicals that damage tissues, while allergies have been managed successfully through reestablishing natural frequencies in affected tissue. Furthermore, one study demonstrated how patients treated with bioresonance were able to stop smoking after just one session of bioresonance treatment!

While effectiveness varies from person to person, many users have reported positive experiences from bioresonance treatments. Furthermore, controlled studies have demonstrated its superiority over placebos for treating various ailments – although research on its impact in treating cancer or other diseases remains scarce. For more information about bioresonance‘s use as an alternative form of diagnosis and treatment please reach out to your healthcare provider for more details on how best to utilize this alternative method of diagnosis and therapy.
