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The Benefits of Harmonic Bioresonance

All living organisms and inanimate objects oscillate at various electromagnetic frequencies, and the BICOM-Optima magnetic bioresonance machine detects these frequency ranges to strengthen healthy oscillations while cancelling out diseased ones to restore energy balance in your body and stimulate its natural healing processes.

Allergens, pathological microbes, geopathic stress or environmental toxins all pose threats to our defense system by weakening communication between cells and creating discordant frequencies that disrupt natural balance within our bodies, potentially leading to illness or chronic conditions like allergies.

Cellular Resonance

Cells in our bodies vibrate (or resonate) at certain frequencies. These resonances have radio-like transmitting and receiving properties which allow biological and chemical systems to communicate with one another, as well as regulate them. When healthy cells resonate at different frequencies than unhealthy ones, this sends messages to the body that encourage it to clear away metabolic waste and toxins and return to its regular homeostasis; it is this phenomenon which underpins many natural remedies, homeopathy therapies and harmonic bioresonance technologies’ success.

As we become healthier and consume healthier diets, our bodies tend to produce less of an urge to rid itself of toxins since our energy frequencies become more balanced. Conversely, during times of stress or illness our body may resonate at a higher frequency, sending stronger signals to cells to release those toxins – this often manifests into disease or pain symptoms.

Physics researchers have demonstrated how energy waves of discordant frequencies can be adjusted with specific electromagnetic signals at specific amplitudes and frequencies to neutralise disruptive messages and free the body to heal itself. This process is known as bioresonance therapy and the results can be tremendously powerful once the relevant discordant frequencies have been identified.

Bioresonance signal resonator (1) operates by employing two mirrors (5a and 5b) that face each other and are connected via an annular center tap (6). Individual pre-definable distances between these mirrors can be selected – these correspond with your chosen resonance frequencies. Programmable mirror spacing adjustment enables an automatic resonant frequency sweep. By entering all operating modes directly through a keyboard, device operation becomes more straightforward. Resonators are highly effective tools for detecting cellular resonance in liquids, as they are capable of detecting their natural resonance frequency at extremely low frequencies. As such, it can easily pinpoint virtually any liquid or mixture’s resonance frequency – making them suitable for bioresonance therapies where detecting pathological frequencies is especially essential.

Pathological Frequencies

Human bodies produce extremely low-level electromagnetic vibrations of various frequencies that are known as physiological or harmonic vibrations, part of our self-regulating system. When diseases or illnesses manifest themselves in the form of pathogenic vibrations with negative consequences to physiological equilibrium; these frequency disturbances disrupt cellular communication processes and interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself.

Bioresonance therapy uses a special machine to detect these frequencies, then boosts healthy frequencies while inverting or neutralising pathogenic frequencies – this allows the cells to communicate again and return to their natural function (homeostasis).

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes attached to the body that are then connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths that radiate out from within it, specifically those associated with cell resonance; that is, this machine reads information stored within individual cells about their health or disease status.

This information is then converted into a spectral graph and displayed on a computer screen, showing vibration intensity and directionality. This allows us to detect imbalances or disturbances in information flow as well as determine what treatment might be necessary.

Additionally, the spectral graph provides information on the location and extent of any diseases or disturbances within cells, which is invaluable when treating patients as it allows you to pinpoint and address the root cause of any issues.

Bioresonance offers a noninvasive alternative to other medical treatments and is widely utilized as an effective approach for many ailments such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis inflammatory conditions, metabolic disorders such as obesity or diabetes and chronic illnesses like cancer. Research studies have indicated that bioresonance may assist in relieving some symptoms such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants function within cells and helping the body break down and eliminate free radicals that accumulate over time.


Each living organism carries information in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate harmoniously in healthy organisms and disharmoniously in sick ones. When pathological toxins, metals, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, parasites or allergens interfere with this electromagnetic balance and communication between cells, disease symptoms appear. Bioresonance testing and treatment use bioresonance technology to reveal this disturbing data then neutralize it and harmonize disturbed frequency patterns – part of energy and information medicine which has grown increasingly accepted across various areas of medicine practice. This approach has gained broad acceptance within medical practices worldwide.

Bioresonance therapy aims at the holistic rebalancing of body energies, restoring electromagnetic and biochemical equilibrium and stimulating self-healing mechanisms within. Bioresonance is an extremely noninvasive, painless method of diagnosis; additionally it can serve as an effective preventive care measure.

During a test, patients hold electrodes attached to a device which detects disharmonic vibrations in organs and tissues of their bodies. Once detected, this device transmits harmonic oscillations directly to organs or tissues via closed circuit, helping remove any energy blockages by creating harmonic oscillations with frequencies compatible with cell membranes and metabolic processes; in turn, cells react positively by responding positively to these harmonic frequencies which eventually allow regeneration to take place.

Bioresonance may also be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants function within the body, although results have been mixed and research limited. Further, bioresonance has not proven as effective as more traditional treatments such as methotrexate and anti-inflammatory medication; additionally, bioresonance does not promise a cure and should not be seen as an alternative therapy option.


Every living organism emits and receives electromagnetic frequencies. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites protozoa and helminths all emit specific electromagnetic frequencies which can be easily identified using special diagnostic equipment. This allows doctors to scan all possible causes of health problems with 99.8 accuracy using special therapeutic devices that neutralize pathogenic information balance disturbed frequency patterns stimulate self-healing powers within our bodies to promote overall wellbeing.

BICOM bioresonance therapy machine can be used for treating an array of ailments and diseases, including allergies, urogenital conditions, menstrual disorders, rheumatism, arthritis pain and metabolic disorders such as hepatitis, thyroiditis, autoimmune diseases such as joint inflammation joint pain heavy metal poisoning migraines among many others. Bioresonance therapy is noninvasive and painless therapy with no drugs required – perfect for use as treatment!

At each session, a patient lies down comfortably in an ergonomically designed chamber and relaxes into an ergonomically designed Harmonic Egg chair. Vibrations transmitted from this egg travel to active points on their body to activate biochemical reactions that balance out nervous systems, restore natural processes, and help the body heal itself. Heart rate and respiration rates are closely monitored during every session to ensure the client’s comfort during each visit.

No contraindications exist for this form of therapy. It has proven particularly useful for allergy therapy and mitigating environmental or food allergies. Furthermore, it serves as an invaluable way of pinpointing chronic illness’ underlying cause as well as relieving stress.

Bioresonance therapy may offer promising solutions for many conditions; however, it should never be the only means of treating an illness due to potential side-effects posed by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. These conditions may also dissuade patients from seeking other therapies that have been shown effective through clinical trials. Study results regarding fibromyalgia have indicated that patients receiving bioresonance therapy along with manual and point massage experienced a 72% reduction in muscle pain compared to those only receiving point massage alone. While these results are promising, more studies must be completed to prove its efficacy; additionally, no statutory health insurance covers this form of therapy.
