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Bioresonance Hair Testing – Noninvasive and Accurate

Bioresonance hair testing is an efficient and noninvasive way of identifying food intolerances, making it one of the more cost-effective forms of testing. Furthermore, this form of bioresonance testing often supplements holistic healthcare regimens with its inclusion.

This test utilizes resonance energy from a strand of hair to detect reactions to foods, non-food items, vitamins/supplements, gut microbiome, hormones and metals; additionally it claims to identify toxins, emotional imbalances and hormonal imbalances.


Bioresonance hair testing is a holistic form of therapy used to identify food sensitivities and intolerances. This form of CAM, along with therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies and other naturopathic practices that don’t fall under conventional medical knowledge is part of an integrative medical approach known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Bioresonance works by comparing electromagnetic wavelengths of healthy and unhealthy cells. This process can help detect imbalances as well as identify supplements that match up with our bodies cellular resonance, or identify toxins or other factors contributing to health issues.

The test utilizes a strand of your hair to measure electromagnetic frequencies, then compares these to food, vitamins, minerals and other substances analyzed during an appointment with an expert interpreter to better understand your body’s responses and make better diet choices.

Food intolerances and sensitivities should not be confused with allergies. An allergy involves your immune system’s reaction to an item and can result in symptoms such as hives and throat swelling, while food intolerances involve digestive reactions such as bloating, gas, or itching.

Many companies provide bioresonance hair testing services, and some claim they can detect nutritional deficiencies; overexposure to heavy metals; food or environmental sensitivities and sensitivities using quantum physics’ understanding that everything emits energy frequencies – which Michael Marshall of the Good Thinking Society notes can even be found in your dog’s hair sample!

Bioresonance scans provide an invaluable assessment of imbalances in energetic systems, from nutritional deficiencies and overexposure to heavy metals to food and environmental sensitivities, toxins, and hormones. For best energy testing results, it’s wise to stay hydrated prior to testing as this will help your energy fields to become balanced for more accurate frequency measurements.


Bioresonance hair tests provide a holistic way of detecting food intolerances and sensitivities. By measuring frequency from foods that interfere with your natural energy flow, as well as imbalances in digestion systems, bioresonance tests provide valuable information that may lead to creating an effective holistic wellness program.

Bioresonance hair tests use machines that measure frequency of energy wavelengths in hair samples to detect imbalances between them and those present in food items, and identify any discrepancies or any anomalies within them. Once results have been interpreted by a homeopath or nutritional counselor, specific remedies or supplements are often recommended to restore balance to your body.

Bioresonance hair testing is an alternative medicine approach that has grown increasingly popular over time. It has been utilized to help many stop smoking, improve stomach pain, and treat overtraining in athletes. While some experts still consider bioresonance hair testing an outdated form of practice, its popularity continues to expand among those searching for nontraditional solutions to conventional healthcare.

Proponents of this practice claim that unhealthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves detectable with machines, and changing these frequencies to heal diseases is possible. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof to back this belief up; though proponents use it to diagnose cancer and other illnesses; but credible medical professionals don’t support or endorse this form of diagnosis.

Many companies now provide hair analysis as a part of their wellness services, making the process fast, noninvasive and safe. Testing kits contain hair samples as well as small vials of water for analysis; you will then receive a report after having undergone this test. You can avoid potential pitfalls by staying hydrated before the test; not smoking; refraining from caffeine/alcohol intake prior to taking part; staying hydrated throughout.

Accuracy in bioresonance tests depends upon the quality of hair sample and technique used. For best results, tested should be administered by trained practitioners with backgrounds in naturopathy or herbal medicine; such tests are best at identifying intolerances, sensitivities, deficiencies in vitamins B6, D & E levels as well as mineral deficiency – even toxic materials like heavy metals may be detected through bioresonance analysis.


Bioresonance scans are noninvasive and accurate ways of discovering imbalances within the body, such as food sensitivities, vitamin deficiencies and gut health problems. Furthermore, they help identify hormone imbalances which cause fatigue, digestive problems or other symptoms – these imbalances may then be corrected through diet changes and supplement use or by supporting holistic wellness programs like acupuncture.

This test operates under the principle that human bodies and potential allergens emit electromagnetic waves with different frequencies, which a specialized machine can measure through scanning energy wavelengths on hair samples. Proponents believe a healthy body should emit normal waves while diseased ones will emit altered ones; with treatment from machines changing wavelengths back into normal state thus treating any diseases that arise.

Bioresonance testing is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Although not recognized by mainstream physicians or covered by insurance policies, bioresonance has several potential advantages that have yet to be proven by scientists; however, its accuracy and reliability has come under question by scientific analysts; its cost may also vary as special equipment is necessary as well as labor expenses.

An ELISA blood test for food intolerances is more reliable and cost-effective than bioresonance testing. However, its accuracy depends on the quality of blood sample provided and laboratory equipment available; furthermore it requires high-grade microplates, spectrophotometers, reagents etc. The pricing varies between companies but generally not significantly.

Bioresonance is a form of energy healing and an alternative diagnostic procedure based on the principle that everything, such as people and food, gives off vibrational or energetic signatures which can be detected and measured using computerized bioresonance systems. A hair sample is then scanned through this system in order to identify foods, vitamins, minerals and substances which might negatively impact one’s health as well as identify nutritional deficiencies or heavy metal overexposure as well as detect nutritional deficiencies or overexposure and heavy metal overloading exposure levels – plus it can identify over 2,600 homeopathic remedies!


Bioresonance hair analysis is an integrative form of therapy classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), using electromagnetic waves to diagnose illness. Some practitioners claim it can even cure certain illnesses; however, evidence supporting such claims remains uncertain.

Bioresonance hair tests use electrodes on the skin connected to a machine which measures energy waves that emanate from your body, then analyzes their frequency in order to restore balance and counteract bad ones. According to experts, this testing method can reveal whether your cells are healthy or diseased – returning them back to their natural frequencies can treat disease effectively.

This method of diagnosis can also identify food intolerances. Many individuals suffer from symptoms like IBS, migraines and skin conditions which cannot be explained, which could be linked to ingestion of certain foods containing E-numbers that disrupt cell functions and lead to inflammation. By conducting tests specifically targeting such products a test can identify them and help ensure patients avoid them.

An experienced naturopath can perform a bioresonance hair test that’s noninvasive, taking only a small sample from their client’s hair follicles for analysis. This test measures the influence of over 500 foods and household products at the cellular level and can determine the best diet to promote optimal health. These tests should always be undertaken alongside an initial naturopathic consultation appointment.

BICOM Bio-Compatibility Test works similarly to bioresonance hair testing devices by attaching electrodes directly to your skin and then connecting this information with a machine that measures vibrations within your body, then analyzes this data in order to identify which foods may be causing an imbalance, as well as identify any possible toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides or chemicals present in your system.

Elan Vital Health in Australia offers the BICOM Bio-Compatibility Test. Using hair samples taken from participants’ heads, this noninvasive test evaluates their body’s compatibility with over 500 foods, bathroom items and laundry products – suitable for adults as well as children – reducing unnecessary allergy tests that are often painful.
