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The Benefits of an AO Scan

An AO Scan digital body analyzer employs vibrational frequencies to examine bones, organs and cells non-invasively as an alternative to radiation-exposing scans. Furthermore, its non-invasive nature helps avoid false positive results that could potentially put patients into medical trouble.

Integrate quickly into a Radiology or Orthopedic practice with this helium-free device with power efficient design that promotes faster workflow.

The AO Scan Technology

AO Scan technology works by scanning vibrational frequencies to identify and correct imbalances at the cellular level. Each cell emits unique frequencies, and when these are interrupted due to health problems it can indicate issues in the body. The AO Scan compares each cell for frequencies against its database of healthy cells to pinpoint any potential issues and provide its user with a comprehensive wellness report.

The AO Scan can be used on any computer or smartphone with a bluetooth bone conduction headset, providing in-depth visual reports that evaluate over 130 organs, bones, muscles, chromosomes and other vital systems of the body. Scan results may help identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as environmental toxins or food sensitivities; providing users with invaluable data to make changes that improve health in their daily lives.

AO Scan medical tests differ significantly from traditional medical examinations in that they’re more efficient and timely; taking only minutes to scan an entire body in its entirety and offering detailed analyses of every system’s energetic expression – providing patients with information they need without long and difficult appointments.

AO Scan is a noninvasive and easy way to assess skin tone. Reports can be seen in English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Arabic languages for maximum accuracy. Furthermore, its portable nature means it can be used anywhere! The AO Scan can assist in pinpointing the source of various health issues and has provided many individuals with tools for taking control of their own wellbeing. Some users have reported reduced discomfort as a result of using this scanner. AO Scan can also help individuals identify food sensitivities and make changes that will improve digestive health, as well as emotional attachments that interfere with DNA copying that lead to health issues. By addressing these issues, it can restore one’s original genetic blueprint and increase their overall wellness – technology which has quickly gained favor among naturopaths, chiropractors and energy healers.

The AO Scan Headset

AO Scan is a frequency-based modality that offers feedback about your body that may not be easily detected through traditional diagnostic techniques. When conducting an AO Scan session, a computer wearing special bone-conducting headphones scans your entire electromagnetic energy field while comparing frequencies with healthy frequencies stored in its database – then identifying any areas of imbalance and providing solutions for them as needed. In addition to clearing away negative vibrations or energy that might interfere with its work.

The AO Scan digital body analyzer employs radionic principles to detect abnormal energy frequencies within your body. Every cell and organ has an individual vibrational frequency or oscillation that, when disrupted by diet, stress, injury or illness can cause dysfunction and disease – the AO Scan analyzer will provide an in-depth report that details any irregularities pertaining to energetic health in order to give a complete overview.

As it scans your cellular energies, the system also looks out for emotions stored in the body that may be negatively affecting health and wellbeing. With its help, the AO Scan can assist in releasing those stored emotions to achieve greater vitality, health, and well-being.

Access your AO Scan results through mobile phone or tablet device (compatible with iOS and Android) so you can scan friends or clients who cannot visit your office directly and receive the report on their behalf.

AO Lab accessory was specifically created to be fully integrated with our AO Scan technology and provide additional functionality and ease of use for clients and practitioners alike. Bluetooth transmitter cones used with our software connect directly with clients’ phones or tablets and send frequencies directly for emotional clearing/balancing programs like Inner Voice/EZ Scan.

The AO Scan was designed for use in Radiology settings and Orthopedic practices with high throughput needs, featuring a compact magnet covering all extremities and joints – including knee, calf, foot, ankle, hand and wrist – in one scan. Cost effective yet user friendly, it integrates easily into existing infrastructures while working alongside full body scanners in Radiology departments.

The AO Scan Reports

In contrast to more traditional medical tests that take hours or days to yield results, the AO Scan produces results quickly – within minutes! This makes it much faster for practitioners to identify any imbalances and recommend ways to correct them. In addition, its noninvasive nature means it does not involve needles or any other intrusive techniques – providing much safer and more comfortable solutions for patients.

This innovative technology uses electromagnetic analysis of the human body’s natural electromagnetic field to detect any illnesses or abnormalities energetically. This is accomplished by measuring electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies and comparing them against an established database of healthy cells; with these frequencies the AO Scan can identify imbalances as well as potential areas of concern.

The AO Scan mobile app gives practitioners access to therapeutic frequencies transmitted directly from their device. These frequencies can then be used to restore equilibrium in imbalanced areas of the body and promote overall health – this methodology was endorsed by scientists such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein who believed energy, frequency and vibration are integral elements of vibrant energetic health.

AO Scans provide another benefit by helping identify and treat imbalances at their source rather than waiting until symptoms emerge. This can reduce costly interventions while helping conditions from worsening further, and encourage proactive wellness management by detecting subtle energetic imbalances early and encouraging diet or lifestyle modifications that might be beneficial.

AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is an advanced assessment tool that utilizes principles from both acupuncture and homeopathy to measure how your body responds to specific frequencies. This noninvasive scanner has the capacity of projecting someone’s health status three or five years into the future – something no other noninvasive scanners can do.

As a result, the AO Scan has quickly become one of the world’s most sought-after holistic health technologies. Adopted by practitioners ranging from naturopaths to chiropractors alike, its popularity can be attributed to its ability to deliver tangible and quantifiable results while remaining noninvasive and affordable.

The AO Scan for Autism

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with no clear etiology and few effective treatments, yet the possibility for treatment with immunologically targeted drugs grows with each new trial that shows immune system abnormalities in ASD patients both human and animal model trials.

AO Scan can assist in pinpointing imbalances or energetic disturbances that contribute to autism-related symptoms and conditions, including digestive issues, ear infections, allergies, eye problems, emotional and behavioral disturbances and physical discomfort. Furthermore, this tool offers insight into diet needs, environmental sensitivity sensitivities or potential stressors which may be contributing to autism symptoms.

The AO Scan technology, together with ONDAMED biofeedback therapy and Qi-5 multi-channel scan and NuVision harmonic imprinting offer an interdisciplinary approach to healing. Studies have revealed its many advantages including increased focus, decreased anxiety and emotional stability – listen to Shelly Lewis’ powerful testimony of how the AO Scan has changed her family life forever by helping her autistic sons.
