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Bioresonance Diagnostics

Bioresonance is an energy healing technique, using an amp coil device to restore your body’s natural energy frequencies.

Based on an unproven theory that electromagnetic oscillations produced by diseased organs or cancerous cells differ from healthy cells, an electrical device can detect and isolate harmful signals to block them out.

What is Bioresonance Diagnostics?

Bioresonance therapy is an unproven alternative medicine practice based on the unfounded hypothesis that electromagnetic oscillations released by diseased cells differ from healthy ones, and that an electrical device can detect them to effectively replace one supposedly detrimental signal with one that’s beneficial for healing the patient.

Bioresonance tests use an electronic probe to measure electrical resistance at various points on your hands and feet based on ancient Chinese meridians, known as meridians of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. How easily or difficultly current flows through one indicates balance, stress or weakness within that meridien; elevated readings could indicate inflammation while decreased ones point toward areas that need strengthening.

As well as detecting imbalances, bioresonance systems are also capable of testing for various substances – from foods & beverages, vitamins, minerals, metals and more – to evaluate their reactions with our body energy levels. This information is then stored as an individual fingerprint that can be compared with organ-specific energy patterns.

An example is sinusitis, an often painful condition in which nasal passages become inflamed and swollen, blocking drainage. Bioresonance machines can be used to identify symptoms associated with sinusitis as well as their source, such as allergies to certain molds or bacteria; by eliminating that source, sinusitis can often resolve naturally without needing antihistamine medications or other drugs to alleviate it.

Bioresonance treatment can also be utilized for other issues, from chronic back pain to stomach discomfort. A recent study demonstrated its success at helping smokers stop smoking. Furthermore, bioresonance is known to provide effective relief for allergies including atopic dermatitis (eczema) and asthma.

How do Bioresonance Diagnostics Work?

All living organisms – including people – possess individual information carriers in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns, which vibrate harmoniously in healthy organisms while disharmoniously in unhealthy ones due to disease-causing factors like toxins, allergens or bacteria disrupting electromagnetic equilibrium and disrupting communication between cells. Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic resonance frequency measurement technology to detect such disturbances before correcting them by sending your own energy back into its harmonious vibrational state.

Bioresonance energy that is applied to active points on the body is generated using oscillations generated by individual cell membranes and has an immediate impact on their biological processes, helping the cell return to functioning normally again. This noninvasive and painless treatment method has proven its worth against conditions like allergies, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Studies have demonstrated that bioresonance therapy helps fibromyalgia sufferers experience significant decreases in muscle pain associated with this condition. Other benefits of receiving bioresonance treatment may include easier breathing, decreased stomach discomfort and improved sleep issues. Furthermore, this therapy has proven successful at treating IBS, headaches and chronic fatigue as well.

Bioresonance testing works by taking a sample of hair from your body – which serves as its fingerprint – and matching its frequency with various substances such as foods and drinks, vitamins/mineral supplements, metals or enzymes. Once this match has been established, bioresonance can measure responses your body has had to these frequencies before reporting back its findings.

Proponents of bioresonance assert that it can diagnose disease by measuring the frequency of wavelengths emitted from damaged organs or cells; suggesting these frequencies might provide clues to illness. Unfortunately, however, no scientific evidence supports such claims, with scientists believing bioresonance cannot identify the root cause of any illness.

Bioresonance therapies should not be seen as a replacement for medical care; rather, they can only be considered safe when combined with traditional medicine and surgery treatments. Yet many practitioners have reported success using bioresonance in treating various conditions ranging from allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses to Crohn’s disease; skin issues including rashes; and even rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Diagnostics?

Bioresonance therapy has been found to be highly successful at helping individuals quit smoking and reduce pain from rheumatoid arthritis. According to one study, people using bioresonance therapy had a greater success rate with quitting than those who tried placebo treatments alone.

Bioresonance scans can identify imbalances that traditional blood tests miss. For instance, they can reveal low stomach acid levels that contribute to digestive issues like bloating and constipation as well as identify parasites not picked up by traditional tests.

Bioresonance testing can reveal whether your body is receiving all of the essential vitamins and minerals it should from food and supplements you’re eating, with low stomach acid making absorption more challenging than it should be. A BICOM treatment can restore balance in your system so you’re getting proper nourishment on all fronts.

At a BICOM session, electrodes attached to your body are exposed to an electromagnetic frequency machine which emits safe electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with healthy organs and tissues in your body. However, if there are issues in your body like inflammation, these frequencies won’t resonate as effectively and disrupt natural flow of energy throughout the body – however the bioresonance device can isolate any discordant frequencies before sending electromagnetic impulses to match them and harmonize any differences.

After attending a bioresonance session, there may be an initial worsening of symptoms afterward; this is an indicator that your body is beginning to heal itself. During this period it’s essential to drink plenty of water and avoid processed foods, alcohol and caffeine as much as possible while sleeping well, exercising regularly and maintaining an optimistic attitude throughout your recovery journey.

How can Bioresonance Diagnostics Help Me?

Bioresonance therapy is an extremely powerful form of energetic healing. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine, bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize your body’s resonances and restore balance while starting the self-healing process. Noninvasive, natural and highly effective – Bioresonance has been successfully employed against many illnesses over time.

Bioresonance theory holds that unhealthy cells and organs produce different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones due to damaged DNA in these tissues and cells, with their frequency changing accordingly when bioresonance technology detects abnormal waves from them. Proponents believe detecting such abnormal waves with bioresonance technology is one way of diagnosing disease; changing back into its original frequency state could potentially treat it.

A typical session typically begins with a comprehensive body scan to gather an overview of energy levels within. From here, your holistic health practitioner can identify any areas of stress or imbalance and establish their source; whether that be nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins or hormonal misbalance. Once this problem has been identified, bioresonance devices can use specific frequencies to restore equilibrium and heal itself.

Chronic sinusitis is often caused by a buildup of mucus in the nasal and sinus passages, leading to pain, swelling and loss of smell. Bioresonance helps pinpoint any allergies related to pollen, mold or chemicals; then we provide targeted remedies that relieve symptoms while encouraging healing.

Bioresonance can also be used to diagnose and treat other conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Traditional diagnostic techniques often fail because no specific underlying cause can be pinpointed; with bioresonance we can quickly and precisely identify their root causes while creating personalized programs designed to address them naturally.

Are you curious to explore the amazing potential of bioresonance diagnostics? Reach out to us right now so that we can arrange for a consultation session and introduce this cutting-edge technology that can help promote wellness from within out. We can explain its many uses as we provide insight into its workings.
