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Bioresonance Hair Testing

Bioresonance hair testing is an alternative form of medicine whose proponents assert it can detect food intolerances by measuring energy wavelength frequencies extracted from your hair sample. Unfortunately, it has no scientific basis and is therefore unacknowledging by mainstream healthcare professionals.

In comparison, ELISA blood tests are scientifically-validated and widely utilized to detect IgG-mediated food intolerances; however, they are more costly than hair testing.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an alternative or holistic medicine technique which claims to diagnose and treat disease. This practice operates under the unproven theory that cells and organs with DNA damage emit altered electromagnetic waves which bioresonance machines detect; by increasing healthy frequencies while simultaneously modulating harmful ones, bioresonance machines may effectively cancel out diseased signals to allow your body to heal itself more easily.

Though bioresonance therapy has some support from small studies, most scientific experts consider it pseudoscience. Most evidence supporting bioresonance comes from testimonials or anecdotes; supporters claim that not everything can be measured clinically so this evidence indicates it works. They point out how thousands of testimonials on online forums support bioresonance as proof.

Bioresonance advocates often make ridiculous claims that defy scientific truth and logic. A UK-based organization dedicated to rational inquiry – The Good Thinking Society – has described bioresonance tests as “complete and utter bullsh*t,” providing as an example a man who sent hair samples from his dog for bioresonance testing and received back a report that claimed they had contracted human diseases.

Even without scientific proof, many people swear by bioresonance as an alternative medicine option. A recent survey revealed that over half of respondents believe bioresonance helped them overcome health issues; many also experienced reduced anxiety and improved sleep as a result of using it.

Bioresonance practitioners will use a device to measure vibrations of your electromagnetic fields and look for distortions, before purporting to read molecules in blood and tissue to identify toxins, imbalances or blockages in them. They then employ various therapies aimed at correcting this imbalance; such as detoxification diet modification and stress relief techniques.

As with most medical treatments, bioresonance treatment studies are small and uncontrolled. Some have demonstrated how bioresonance can ease symptoms for certain conditions like stomach pain; however, no significant healing benefits were seen in any significant studies conducted to date. Other research has demonstrated how it may also help people quit smoking by canceling electromagnetic signals produced by nicotine molecules.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance hair testing works on the principle that everything emits vibrations or frequencies, which can be detected and measured. A machine analyzes resonance energy of each strand of hair in comparison with registered items in its database; if an item matches any registered diseases or symptoms, this information is recorded and shared with body energy fields, hopefully speeding healing processes faster and relieving stressors that could contribute to disease or symptoms.

Bioresonance should never be seen as a replacement for medical care; rather, it should only ever be used as part of an integrative medical plan. There can be many risks associated with bioresonance treatments – the potential risk being that people delay seeking proper medical attention that could save their lives; additionally it can be expensive; one session costing up to PS200 can cost.

Proponents of bioresonance argue that environmental toxins and pollutants can interfere with our body’s natural biophoton vibrations and lead to illness, so bioresonance claims it can diagnose these imbalances by reading energy wavelengths from cells within our bodies and manipulating waves back towards their natural frequencies in order to restore our natural healing ability.

Studies support the efficacy of bioresonance therapy; however, many have been criticised due to methodological flaws or lack of control. Furthermore, the American Society of Allergists and Allergy has determined that claims that bioresonance can treat asthma or allergies are misleading and hence should not be presented as effective treatments.

Research indicates that bioresonance may be useful in treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and overtraining syndrome (also known as burnout). Bioresonance may reduce joint inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis, helping reduce pain associated with it; similarly, overtraining syndrome is alleviated through reduced sympathetic nervous system responses during exercise – helping lower heart problems and blood pressure as a result of overtraining syndrome. More study needs to be conducted into how bioresonance can treat these issues effectively.

Does bioresonance work for food intolerances?

Bioresonance testing is a non-invasive and painless way of detecting food intolerances. It assesses your body’s electromagnetic responses to various foods by measuring energy frequency wavelengths in your hair sample – making this more comprehensive approach than blood tests or elimination diets when it comes to uncovering causes of discomfort and inflammation.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that cells communicate through electromagnetic waves in our bodies. When subjected to physical, chemical or emotional stressors, electromagnetic wave frequencies become affected and result in imbalanced energy within us – this therapy seeks to correct it by targeting imbalanced energies within your system to bring them back to their optimal states.

Food intolerances may be at the core of chronic illnesses like digestive issues and fatigue. By identifying food intolerances, you can make diet-based changes to promote improved health and well-being. Bioresonance testing can detect food allergies which could be dangerous without proper treatment – often caused by environmental and chemical toxins in our environment.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective means of treating conditions beyond intolerances, including fibromyalgia and fatigue. According to one study, people receiving bioresonance combined with manual therapy or point massage experienced more improvement in muscular pain relief than those only receiving either of those approaches alone.

Bioresonance may also help with detoxification, smoking cessation, weight loss and hormone balance; although scientific evidence supporting many of these claims remains limited.

bioresonance uses an electromagnetic signal-emitting device called BICOM to send pre-programmed electromagnetic waves directly into the body and measure how your body responds to different food, beverages and environmental substances – unlike traditional allergy tests like the Prick Test – bioresonance can detect both food sensitivities as well as environmental sensitivities.

Proponents of bioresonance claim that although bioresonance has yet to be scientifically verified, BICOM machines can help diagnose illnesses by scanning electromagnetic fields of the body and “reading” how its response to frequencies differ. Furthermore, they claim BICOM machines can counteract bad frequencies by adjusting electromagnetic fields accordingly and restoring balance back into your body’s electromagnetic fields.

Is bioresonance safe?

Bioresonance falls under the category of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Although bioresonance hasn’t been scientifically studied, studies have demonstrated its positive results and it’s safe to use with no known side effects compared to allergy tests that require blood samples or injections – bioresonance hair testing is non-invasive alternative medicine that’s been around for centuries!

One strand of your hair will be placed into a bioresonance machine, which then boosts electromagnetic waves deemed healthy for you while inverting those considered harmful or unhealthy for you. Finally, this device compares your results against its database of item frequencies to identify any imbalances or allergies.

After your bioresonance session is completed, the practitioner interprets your results and provides you with a report detailing any sensitivities or allergies identified during testing. While you don’t need to be established patient, we strongly suggest booking an initial 60-minute new patient appointment in advance so you have all of the information needed to decide if bioresonance therapy is suitable for you.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to detect emotional imbalances, including stress and anxiety, as well as medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. By harmonizing energy fields in the body, this therapy helps create an environment which promotes mental clarity and wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy may also prove effective at helping treat addictions such as smoking. One study demonstrated how it helped individuals quit by eliminating harmful electromagnetic signals caused by nicotine molecules within their bodies.

Bioresonance should never be used as a medical substitute; rather, it should be seen as an effective complementary healthcare treatment option that complements existing plans. While some have successfully used bioresonance to overcome allergies and other health conditions with bioresonance therapy alone, for anyone concerned it’s vital that you seek advice from medical professionals if there are any symptoms you need addressing; otherwise you might just end up masking symptoms with medications instead of getting to their source.
