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Bio-Resonance – A Holistic Holistic Treatment

Bio-resonance is a computerized diagnostic and treatment system which analyzes body systems for imbalance. It identifies disharmonious frequencies that interfere with healthy oscillation, then reverses them for healthy oscillation. Results are displayed on a computer screen for further discussion with practitioners.

Bioresonance therapy has been found to successfully alleviate gastrointestinal disorders in high-performance athletes while simultaneously helping lower stress levels. A randomized controlled study demonstrated this.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and restore balance to energy fields thought to be affected by our emotions. Its goal is to balance and harmonise body systems that may become imbalanced from time to time, helping patients find relief through natural means. Bioresonance therapy can also assist in improving emotional well-being and relieving stress. Clinics as well as home visits offer this therapy option. Electrodes are placed on the body and connected to a computer that “reads” energy wavelengths being transmitted from within. From there, frequencies are altered so cells vibrate at their natural frequencies – according to manufacturer BICOM (Regumed GmbH), this process can identify and treat diseases before they manifest as full-fledged illnesses.

Morell and colleagues conducted a 2014 study demonstrating that bioresonance scanning can identify bacteria, viruses, and fungi present in the body, which can then be used to create customized programs targeting these pathogens and address any health issues at their source. Furthermore, Bio Resonance tests should not be considered diagnoses of any kind.

Another study measured lymphocyte protein synthesis after five bioresonance sessions were given to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and found that bioresonance therapy reduced its production, returning their lymphocytes back to normal levels. Another research paper indicated bioresonance can also help treat digestive disorders.

Some studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance in alleviating symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, including pain, fatigue and difficulty sleeping. Unfortunately, however, these trials only involved small numbers of participants and weren’t fully controlled. Some users of bioresonance believe it can also help prevent cancer by activating tumor suppressor genes and dampening overactive cells’ effects.

Remote bioresonance allows therapists to establish an energetic link with clients using special devices like the Mora Nova. Once connected, healing frequencies and energy can be transmitted directly into clients even when separated by significant distance based on theory that energy and frequency fields possess nonlocal properties that transcend time and space barriers.

It is a non-pharmaceutical therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative holistic treatment method that uses frequency waves to target harmful substances and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. It may be used alone or alongside conventional medicine for maximum effect; sessions may take place either remotely using DNA from nail clippings taken from clients themselves; in-person sessions may be preferable for babies/small children, physically disabled individuals, and those suffering from autism spectrum disorder.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that all matter has its own electromagnetic field with specific multiple frequencies, similar to how tuning forks resonate at harmonic frequencies of an acoustic wave. When an electromagnetic wave strikes a cell, it resonates at that frequency spectrum just as tuning forks do with harmonic frequencies from an acoustic wave; bioresonance therapy seeks to balance those vibrations.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of bioresonance therapy on various health conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines and fibromyalgia. It can also assist those suffering from digestive disorders such as IBS or stress related disorders. A therapist using a BICOM machine will run tests on clients using specific frequencies that best suit them to assess the physical state and transmit these frequencies into their bodies via electromagnetic system.

One study examined patients suffering from recurrent depression who were given either five sessions of bioresonance therapy or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication; results demonstrated that those receiving bioresonance therapy experienced greater reductions in depression severity than those taking antidepressant medications; this suggests bioresonance therapy has a beneficial impact on depression that warrants further investigation.

Some bioresonance therapies rely on unproven theories, including the belief that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, with electronic devices purporting to diagnose diseases based on these altered waves and “normalizing” their frequencies based on them. Health professionals have frequently challenged this claim as lacking scientific proof to support its validity.

It is a non-surgical therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, nonpharmaceutical solution to correct imbalances within the body using frequency to balance its systems. It can be used for treating various ailments while simultaneously increasing wellness and relaxation; additionally it has also been found helpful for helping the immune system fight infection and disease. Based on the principle that all matter has its own resonance frequency – similar to tuning forks with its unique frequency spectrum resonance frequency – bioresonance therapy uses frequencies to detect issues hidden deep within our physiologie and identify problems before they emerge as symptoms.

At each session, electrodes are applied to the skin in order to assess and determine which frequencies can counteract bad ones. Once determined, a therapist then sets their machine so these frequencies reach the client directly or remotely through its connection to a computer, while both parties involved can see results of scanning.

Bio Resonance can also provide relief for depression and weight loss. Therapists using it can detect bacteria and viruses which help identify causes of illness.

One study involved a controlled trial in which patients received four sessions of bioresonance therapy in combination with antidepressant medication, and saw their levels of depression decrease according to Hamilton scale measures. Unfortunately, however, the research did not explore other potential benefits of the therapy.

Though studies have proven positive results of bioresonance therapy, the FDA has not given its stamp of approval as a medical device. Practitioners may make claims that bioresonance can diagnose or cure diseases; however, the FDA has successfully sued some practitioners who make such unsubstantiated statements for violating federal laws and making unsupported statements about cancer detection and other conditions; these assertions lack scientific basis and should be avoided. Bioresonance should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medicine treatment but only used to relieve symptoms and promote general wellbeing.

It is a holistic therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic, non-invasive therapy that utilizes measurements of energy wavelengths emitted by your body to identify and correct imbalances in its systems. According to bioresonance theory, unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves; changing them back to their regular frequency will treat disease; however there has been no definitive scientific proof for its efficacy and no studies proving it’s success either.

However, clinical trials have demonstrated that bioresonance therapy can assist in relieving digestive issues, while another study demonstrated its effect on depression. Furthermore, bioresonance is useful in alleviating stress-related health conditions that often contribute to further complications in life.

One benefit of this treatment is helping you quit smoking. Furthermore, it can relieve pain and decrease inflammation symptoms in your body, including stomach pain caused by inflammation or energy imbalances.

At each session, you’ll remain fully clothed while sitting or lying down with the device attached to your wrists and ankles or held with both hands. Sessions generally last an hour. The machine monitors your body’s vibration frequencies before harmonizing them in order to promote wellness – with no interference with other treatments that you might be receiving.

The machine can also detect and identify imbalances in your body’s energy, such as those caused by emotional trauma and manifest as physical or psychological dysfunction. Such imbalances may be resolved using various therapies like talking therapy or energy healing techniques.

Additionally to addressing energetic imbalances, bioresonance therapy can also assist with allergies and respiratory conditions, and be used to treat stress-related disorders like fibromyalgia. A study showed participants receiving bioresonance therapy combined with manual massage and point therapy saw 72% reduction of muscle pain; bioresonance therapy balanced their sympathetic nervous system which regulates fight or flight responses and reduced muscle pain by 72% – further proof of its efficacy against muscle discomfort.
