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What is a Quantum Bioresonance Analyzer?

Quantum bioresonance analyzers are cutting-edge noninvasive technologies designed to detect any imbalances within the body – such as virus, bacteria and parasite infections; vitamin deficiencies; heavy metal toxicity; food allergies or fungal growths.

Quantum physics states that every living cell emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be scientifically measured and then decoded to provide your practitioner with a complete picture of your wellness.

Bioresonance Analysis of Health

Bioresonance analysis is an innovative noninvasive technology that has proven its efficacy in treating various conditions, from allergies and respiratory issues to digestive troubles and thyroid conditions. Furthermore, it helps quit smoking more effectively while improving quality of life for people living with diabetes.

As part of this process, an energy field scan is performed using a special computer program designed to identify any anomalies in its frequencies and create harmonizing waves that restore balance to the body. This technique is particularly helpful for detecting problems with lymphatic systems which cause inflammation and pain as well as diagnosing the root cause of autoimmune disorders or other forms of inflammation-based illnesses.

This device does this by reading energy wavelengths from different cells within the body and comparing this information with benchmarks of healthy bodies to detect any deviations and correct them accordingly. Furthermore, this system is capable of uncovering any hidden causes of illness, such as psychological or emotional conditions that have yet to manifest themselves as illness.

Contrary to traditional medicine, which often fails to pinpoint and treat the underlying causes of illness, this new approach to health can discover and treat them before they manifest as symptoms. This is key because many ailments stem from imbalances or dysfunction within one or more body systems – which don’t always show up in standard blood tests or other diagnostic tools.

Bioresonance analyzers offer another great benefit of holistic evaluation: their ability to assess an individual’s health on multiple levels. This allows for an in-depth examination of his or her individual situation and needs, taking into account different healing modalities that allow practitioners to formulate tailored programs of treatment that are safe and effective.

Benefits of bioresonance analysis are numerous; its uses range from physical evaluation to mental/emotional health analysis; it even detects parasites and environmental toxins!

BICOM-Optima Magnetic Bioresonance Analyser

BICOM-Optima is an electronic device that uses quantum physics to emit signals that alter electromagnetic and biochemical balance within the body, in order to aid its healing process.

As part of its healing process, the human body emits electromagnetic waves known as photons that communicate between cells using specific frequencies called resonant frequencies. When healthy cells emit these frequencies in harmony with one another and promote healing; when unhealthy cells emit them out-of-balance results; these altered electromagnetic waves can be detected using BICOM-optima magnetic bioresonance analyzer.

NYCIM offers this cutting-edge testing and treatment equipment specifically for animal use. NYCIM stands as one of the few clinics providing this groundbreaking testing solution.

BICOM-optima magnetic bioresonance system can identify energetic interference areas, chronic imbalances within an animal’s organism and various forms of inflammation. Resonant tests also detect nutritional deficiencies or excesses as well as allergies or intolerances without placing undue stress upon them. All this is accomplished without stress to animals involved.

Based on recent findings in quantum physics, all substances including living cells possess both wave and particle characteristics, making bioresonance devices capable of measuring frequencies emitted by particular cells or substances emitting resonant waves.

Proponents of bioresonance therapy maintain that this device can detect abnormal energy wavelengths emitted by unhealthy cells, and adjust them back to their regular frequencies for healing purposes. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof that this theory holds up; no reasonable person would believe any bioresonance device could cure any disease.

QXCI (Quantum Bioresonance Cyclic Immunassay Scanner)

The QXCI (Quantum Bioresonance Cyclic Immunassay Scanner) is an innovative machine that measures your body’s response to more than 9000 different substances. Each inert or organic substance emits electromagnetic energy waves which the QXCI records against its database for comparison purposes, also providing data regarding weakness, imbalances, toxins, food sensitivities etc.

An appointment is pain-free and non-invasive; clients wear headband, wrist and ankle straps which communicate with 54 electrical pathways within their bodies to collect signals which translate to cellular-level analysis of energetic status, supporting natural healing process in body. A computerized system is so advanced it can accurately diagnose and treat physical, emotional and psychological disorders with incredible precision.

After an initial interview, clients are carefully evaluated for any contra-indications such as pacemakers or electrical implants that might prevent QXCI treatment from working properly. After calibration is complete, which involves what can only be described as an “energetic handshake”, they are connected with their device via head, wrist and ankle straps that create a cybernetic link connecting all 200 trillion cells within the human body with QXCI.

QXCI uses advanced diagnostic technologies to assess its clients’ physiological digestive, lymphatic and endocrine systems; interpret emotions and spinal energy flow; detect and read toxicity levels in teeth and gums as well as chronic sinus patterns and nutritional absorption; as well as identify viruses, bacteria or parasites as well as chronic tendencies, weaknesses or imbalances that need correcting.

A typical session begins by inviting the client to sit comfortably with eyes closed while the QXCI scans their entire body at a rate of one hundredth of a second, comparing its results against its vast database of over 9000 substances, to produce a list of anything stressing their body, as well as check its compatibility with these substances, including allergies or intolerances.

The QXCI is an advanced energetic medicine interface that integrates biofeedback, stress reduction and homeopathic medicine with electroacupuncture and computer technology to provide one of the most comprehensive energetic medical devices available today.


Metatron is an archangel and scribe who holds the keys to accessing knowledge from higher realms. He oversees energy flow between heaven and earth as well as divine intelligence – acting in God’s place to deliver His messages through humanity’s various languages as well as having one million eyes and mouths communicating countless languages as well as having the ability to read thoughts and emotions. Metatron is known for being associated with divine intelligence as well as celestial scribe or most powerful angel; known by various names such as celestial scribe or celestial scribe. He holds keys for accessing knowledge from higher realms while overseeing energy flow between heaven and earth as well as overseeing divine intelligence – his keeps secrets while overseeing their balance, providing harmony between both. Metatron acts in God’s place while communicating messages via divine intelligence – acting on His behalf by way of divine intelligence as well as having millions of eyes/mouths/voices speaking various languages simultaneously as being capable of reading thoughts/emotions simultaneously!

Metatron’s symbol, the Cube of Metatron, features 13 circles from the Flower of Life as its petals – an ancient geometric design which represents creative intelligence unified across space-time. It contains keys for all shapes within both our physical Universe and those beyond it – as well as being interwoven with 78 straight lines from Merkabah – the vehicle connecting Divine Feminine energy with masculine Creator energy.

The Bioresonance Analyzer utilizes quantum medicine and operates on the principle that all matter emits electromagnetic frequencies detectable by sensors. The Bioresonance analyzer collects these frequencies and compares them with standard patterns associated with different organs or pathologies at various stages in their progression; should there be any deviation, it detects it and takes corrective measures.

Non-invasive technology offers a comprehensive health assessment in just minutes with this non-invasive test, taking just minutes. It identifies imbalances within your biofield – including pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungus as well as vitamin deficiencies, food allergies, hormone imbalances and EMF sensitivity – as well as stress or trauma sources that keep us stuck in old patterns of behaviour.

The Metatron NLS developed by the Institute of Applied Psychophysics in Omsk, Siberia is an impressive piece of machinery with CE approval that could revolutionize medical practice by using polarized torsion fields to effectively prevent, treat and cure a range of pathologies.
