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Bioresonance Diagnostic Machine

Bioresonance is an electromagnetic device which detects and transforms pathogen signature frequencies within one’s body to facilitate healing purposes. By listening for these weak signature frequencies, Bioresonance transforms them and sends them back into your system for therapeutic benefit.

Royal Rife developed it, discovering that natural frequencies could kill pathogens. His non-invasive technology is compatible with pacemakers.

Detection of pathogens

Bioresonance diagnostic machines use frequency analysis to detect pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi in the body’s electromagnetic balance that threaten its health. They can also identify allergens and toxins which disturb this balance, by analyzing frequency fluctuation patterns – often without physiological traces or symptoms being apparent – which enables treatment to begin immediately upon detection.

This device combines several therapies to use information collected to play back frequencies directly into a patient’s body, purportedly reinstating its natural ability to heal itself while relieving stress on immunity and improving response to external forces.

All living or nonliving materials consist of particles of particles such as protons and neutrons that vibrate at different frequencies, detectable by bioresonance detectors. When harmful substances such as drugs, chemicals or food enter our bodies they emit a vibration which can be detected and altered with bioresonance machines; sending out countervibrations back out can reverse pathogenic organisms’ harmful effects on patients.

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative health approach which purports to treat everything from skin conditions and allergies to digestive issues, yet has no scientific basis behind its claims. When reviewing an advertisement about bioresonance‘s effectiveness, the Advertising Standards Authority found many of the clinical papers provided were too vague for adequate evaluation of quality.

The BICOM is a medical-grade bioresonance device, intended to assist patients suffering from chronic and acute illnesses. This bioresonance device can help patients identify underlying causes of diseases as well as support treatment of chronic disorders like asthma, rheumatism and arthritis; post-surgery recovery; post-traumatic injuries recovery and injury rehabilitation. Claimed noninvasive and drug-free therapy method; available at various UK healthcare centres where combined with diet and exercise it’s considered one of the best non-invasive solutions available today

Detection of toxins

Life forms such as human cells, viruses, bacteria, allergens and toxins all vibrate at electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies that can be detected using bioresonance machines and used to diagnose our health status. According to bioresonance theory, each substance has a distinct frequency pattern which vibrates harmoniously when in a healthy organism and disharmoniously when unhealthy; bioresonance therapy can detect disturbances to this pattern and restore cell frequencies back into their natural wavelength to hopefully treat conditions more effectively.

Electrodes are placed on the skin and connected to a bioresonance diagnostic machine which “reads” the energy wavelengths produced by each cell, to which frequencies can then be altered in order to return cells back to vibrating at their typical frequencies – purportedly helping reverse effects of toxins on body and restore healthy state.

Bioresonance advocates claim it can treat various conditions, from cancer and chronic diseases to kidney stones and skin fungus. Using electromagnetic waves, this treatment modifies cell vibration to alleviate inflammation and pain as well as kill viruses, bacteria and pathogens such as bacteria. Furthermore, kidney stones may even be broken apart and eliminated from your system completely!

Research remains limited on the efficacy of bioresonance therapy. While some studies have demonstrated its success at alleviating symptoms related to allergies and asthma, others report experiencing nausea, headaches and fatigue as a result. Furthermore, some have claimed it’s ineffective at treating cancer or other serious diseases.

Bioresonance technology is founded upon quantum physics principles. Research in this area has demonstrated that all objects – whether particles or waves – possess both wave and particle properties, hence why all substances, including humans, possess both wave and particle characteristics. Bioresonance combines quantum physics with traditional medicine in order to accurately diagnose and treat illnesses.

Bioresonance scanning uses a computerized system to scan your entire body to detect imbalances in organs and systems, then displays this data along with remedies to restore equilibrium to your system. Bioresonance can help identify and eliminate toxins while improving non-organic digestive complaints such as acid reflux and stomachaches.

Detection of allergens

Each living organism possesses a unique information carrier in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns, which vibrate harmonically within healthy biological systems while disharmonious ones indicate pathology. Disturbances caused by pathologie can be detected using bioresonance devices. Furthermore, these devices can detect allergens and bacteria frequencies which have an impact on physiological processes of organs and tissues.

Bioresonance therapy has quickly gained popularity among alternative medicine practitioners and patients despite widespread skepticism from scientific circles. According to proponents, bioresonance can aid in diagnosing allergies to food, drugs, chemicals and environmental pollutants; alleviating stress and speeding healing processes; however there is no clinical proof to back these claims up.

Alternative approaches for diagnosing allergies include iridology and electrodermal testing. Iridology involves inspecting the iris for signs of adverse reaction, such as vascular grids at its border – with this belief stemming from specific allergens or toxins being responsible. Unfortunately, scientific tests have demonstrated otherwise and show iridology has no value as an allergy diagnosis method.

Electrodermal testing uses a small electrical circuit with electrodes connected to specific acupuncture points on fingers or toes, where allergen injection takes place and electrical current changes are measured after administration; any increase in pulse indicates increased sensitization while changes before and after food consumption can indicate allergic responses.

BICOM can also be used to detect food and beverage products, vitamins, minerals and metals found in them, chemicals used for antibiotics or herbal treatments as well as antibiotics or herbs used for herbal treatment and antibiotic resistance as well as testing for diseases or conditions such as arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune disease or cancer.

The BICOM device measures electromagnetic fields within the human body and transmits the data to a computer for analysis. Once completed, this analysis can identify harmful substances and recommend treatment plans accordingly. When purchasing this medical device it must bear an approved CE mark from MHRA; additionally it’s crucial that all practitioners receive proper training on its use.

Detection of stress

Bioresonance scans can detect imbalances caused by heavy metals, toxins, or stress levels and restore the body to its ideal state. Devices like Amp coil devices use pulsed electromagnetic fields to help the body operate at its optimal energy frequency.

This device is painless and comfortable for patients; it scans electromagnetic vibrations of tissues, organs and cells in order to evaluate any level of distortion they might contain – helping identify root causes of diseases as an alternative approach to traditional medicine; additionally it identifies allergens that need treating in order to take preventive steps and restore health naturally.

Bioresonance therapy is founded upon the principles of quantum physics and molecular biology, with a goal of stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities and restoring balance to achieve complete health. Used widely throughout Europe since the 1970s to treat everything from allergies to cancer, Bioresonance is a holistic therapy approach which addresses all aspects of an individual’s life in its treatment approach.

According to the creator of bioresonance therapy, an individual can achieve perfect health when both mental and physical systems are balanced. Bioresonance therapy acts like an open dialogue with your body’s intelligence in an attempt to identify and eliminate any factors which interfere with its natural cell functions.

Bioresonance therapy comes in two varieties, endogenous and exogenous. With endogenous bioresonance therapy, electrodes are attached to various parts of the body for signals to be picked up by BICOM device and sent back electronically with electronic inversion capabilities that match up with natural frequencies of body’s cells in order to heal or promote growth. This allows healing as well as growth to take place simultaneously.

While results from some studies are promising, bioresonance therapy research remains limited. Still, some practitioners claim it can diagnose diseases and other medical conditions; however, according to MHRA regulations all devices used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes must bear CE marking.
