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Bioresonance Testing for Balanced Health

When electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your body become imbalanced, this can result in numerous symptoms – such as allergies and digestive disorders as well as deficiencies of certain vitamins or minerals.

Imagine that each cell of your body is like a magnet with its own magnetic field, with any imbalances being represented as disorganized iron filings that need rearranging for optimal health. Bioresonance helps reposition those filings so as to restore your innate wellbeing and help bring about the desired changes.

What is Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance testing is an alternative method used to detect imbalances within the body. Based on the idea that each cell, organ, and pathogen releases electromagnetic waves with unique frequency signatures which are captured by an electrical device that compares this information against an established database of frequencies before providing results which practitioners can interpret and use to create tailored treatment plans for their patients.

Energy testing dates back to the 1970s when Franz Morell and Erich Rasche pioneered bioresonance therapy in Germany. At that time, these electromagnetic waves could be measured to identify imbalances that cause chronic pain, asthma attacks, digestive disorders and other illnesses.

Energy testing is noninvasive. Electrodes are placed on your skin and connected to a machine that sends out a gentle electromagnetic pulse into your body, sending electromagnetic pulses with gentle pulses into it. If all cells in your body are healthy and functioning properly, the machine should read back a clear signal; otherwise if there’s any disruption in its biomagnetic field due to disease or other causes, it will read back a lower return signal.

According to the manufacturer of BioScan systems, its electronic circuitry filters and analyses the reflected signals to detect imbalances or blockages in your body’s energy flow and then displays this data on a computer screen. Your practitioner can use these findings as the basis of an action plan designed to rebalance energies and promote wellness.

Bioresonance scan results can also be valuable in pinpointing any food sensitivities or environmental allergies that could be contributing to health issues, as well as for treating autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and overtraining syndrome (commonly referred to as burnout).

Even though bioresonance‘s results aren’t clinically accurate, some practitioners claim it can help detect disease-causing bacteria and parasites as well as cancerous cells. This is based on an unproven premise: damaged cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones and an electrical device can detect these variations.

How Does Bioresonance Testing Work?

Bioresonance testing works on the principle that every cell in our bodies emits electromagnetic frequencies that can be measured against known toxins, bacteria, and chemicals to ascertain how your body responds to each one. By identifying and eliminating imbalances within this spectrum, practitioners hope to promote overall healing within your body.

Contrary to traditional medical tests which use blood, energy testing requires no invasive or harmful substances; all it requires is a small sample of hair and saliva from you as part of a holistic wellness plan.

To ensure the most accurate energy test results, it’s crucial to stay well hydrated and avoid certain foods and substances before undergoing one. Furthermore, getting adequate rest can help your body process this information correctly; and drinking a glass of water after the test may help stabilize frequency patterns and thus further enhance accuracy of results.

Energy testing is grounded in quantum physics, which holds that everything in our universe consists of waves, atoms, and subatomic particles that each have their own specific frequency. A bioresonance machine can scan an object such as hair to determine its frequency before comparing this value against what would normally be found within the human body to identify areas out of balance.

Similarly, if a machine detects that there are too many toxins in your body, it can emit vibrations to counteract them and restore optimal levels. This allows the body to better self-regulate itself and can prevent future health problems from developing.

Bioresonance therapy may not be widely accepted by scientists, yet there is some evidence it can improve overall wellbeing. One study revealed that people receiving bioresonance therapy were more likely to quit smoking than people in a control group that didn’t receive treatment; and other research indicates it can reduce stomach pain and treat allergies.

What Can Bioresonance Testing Help Me With?

Bioresonance testing can identify imbalances within your body and reveal their source, offering insight into any health problems that you are experiencing. Furthermore, it supports your natural healing processes by pinpointing imbalances at a cellular level that require attention.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that unhealthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves with different frequencies than healthy ones, detectable by machine. According to bioresonance practitioners, returning these frequencies back to their natural frequencies will cure disease. This theory was popularized by Royal Rife’s work; he discovered pathogens have specific frequencies which he suggested can kill off infection while simultaneously reinstating our bodies natural, innate healing ability.

Bioresonance therapy is still relatively new as an approach to treatment, so research on its efficacy remains limited. Most doctors do not advise using bioresonance therapy for specific conditions or illnesses; however, many people have reported that bioresonance therapy has improved their general wellbeing and given them more energy.

Bioresonance therapy is often employed to alleviate allergy symptoms. It may work to lessen both their severity and duration by normalizing how antioxidants function within your body and soothing your nervous system’s fight or flight response. Bioresonance can also be used to help decrease pain associated with fibromyalgia; one study revealed that those receiving a combination of manual therapy/point massage/bioresonance therapy experienced less muscle discomfort compared with those receiving only manual therapy/point massage, with longer-lasting relief in those receiving manual therapy/point massage plus bioresonance therapy alone.

Balanced Health offers a comprehensive bioresonance scanning service using hair and saliva samples to measure your energy against specific toxins in your body and identify those which cause stress on it. By doing this, we are able to devise more holistic wellness plans to address root causes of health challenges like dietary changes, targeted supplements or homeopathic tinctures which support your natural healing processes and eliminate symptoms quickly and safely.

What Can Bioresonance Testing Help You With?

Bioresonance testing uses electromagnetic waves to scan the body and identify imbalances causing medical conditions, while not replacing conventional treatment but complementing holistic wellness practices. Energy testing has proven successful at relieving allergy pain, helping people quit smoking, and eliminating stomachache without diagnosis.

Energy testing can also help identify food sensitivities that impede optimal health. By understanding which foods provide the greatest benefit to your body, energy testing allows you to incorporate those into your diet and reduce chances of inflammation or other issues in the future.

A diet composed of whole foods and herbs can boost immune system health. Not only will you receive all of the essential vitamins and minerals from these sources, but a well-rounded diet can also reduce stress levels and promote relaxation – helping lower cortisol levels for healthier sleeping patterns and creating a relaxing atmosphere in which to restful restful slumber.

Bioresonance sessions involve attaching electrodes to your skin and connecting them to a machine that emits gentle electromagnetic frequencies. When cells are healthy and balanced, the machine will read back a clear signal from your body; otherwise it indicates unhealthy frequencies present; in such instances, bioresonance emits different electromagnetic frequencies to cancel out those of concern.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, drugless therapy that’s suitable for everyone. Considered complementary medicine by healthcare professionals, Bioresonance has also been integrated with other traditional treatments to offer patients relief from symptoms. Before undertaking energy testing it’s advisable to check with your healthcare provider to ensure it will be appropriate for you.

Balanced Health offers an at-home hair and saliva test called the Full Scan that can help identify hidden toxins in your system. After receiving the kit in the mail to collect samples from yourself and return them for analysis, their team uses those results to compile a report detailing which toxic substances exist within your system as well as ways to eliminate them from life.
