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Bioresonance Therapy

Every substance in our bodies emits electromagnetic waves. The BICOM device reads these waves to assess if they are healthy or dangerous for our wellbeing.

A therapist then works to reinforce healthy waves while inverting unhealthy ones, to restore equilibrium within your organism and activate its self-healing powers.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes bioresonance machines to assist the body in relieving its toxic and stress load, and to facilitate natural recovery on its own. It is safe and non-invasive.

What is bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive and drug-free therapy designed to address energy frequency imbalances that contribute to illness. Utilizing the BICOM machine, practitioners identify and correct imbalances to restore your body’s natural healing ability.

The BICOM machine analyses electromagnetic vibrations emitted by your cells. This device reads electromagnetic vibrations released by cells within your body to identify imbalances that you might not expect; then sends electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges to match and harmonize discordant frequencies so as to bring your body back into balance and promote health and well-being.

Food stress or allergies require the assistance of a BICOM machine in order to identify specific frequencies associated with them. Once identified, its filters will separate healthy from unhealthy aspects and your therapist can transmit mirrored frequencies that weaken or cancel out harmful vibrations, effectively ending your allergic response.

All substances, whether living or inanimate, consist of protons and neutrons which vibrate at different frequencies. By comparing this frequency data against what’s present in your body, the device can identify both endogenous and exogenous stressors – the therapist then can activate your body’s natural regulatory systems to address and eliminate these issues.

Bioresonance therapy is widely recognized as a safe and effective form of medical care that complements other forms of medical care, according to studies conducted. A recent research study reported that those treated with bioresonance therapy experienced improved immune function as well as faster wound healing rates. At Biolite Clinic, our team of trained and certified BICOM practitioners is dedicated to providing customized therapies in a warm and welcoming atmosphere in order to achieve optimal health outcomes for our clients. Learn more about us or book your next appointment by reaching out today.

How does bioresonance therapy work?

Many health conditions stem from energy imbalances in the body’s energy fields, and bioresonance therapy aims to restore them through various devices that scan its energy frequencies and identify any irregularities or imbalances. This noninvasive therapy can be used for everything from allergies and chronic pain management to stress reduction and digestive problems.

Each body tissue emits electromagnetic waves, and these frequencies can be detected using a bioresonance machine such as the BICOM device. Once picked up, these frequencies are separated using internal filters into healthy and unhealthy ones; healthy frequencies are amplified while unhealthy ones may be reduced or cancelled out to help the body to function normally and heal itself more efficiently.

Bioresonance machines also help identify any allergenic substances such as food, chemicals, or metals which may be contributing to allergies in an individual. Once these stressors have been identified they can be removed from one’s diet and their energy field restored back into a more balanced state restoring one’s energy field to healthier state. Bioresonance therapy has proven highly successful at treating various health issues including allergies, autoimmune disorders, digestive complaints and chronic infections – it even applies to animals!

Bioresonance therapy is a safe and noninvasive treatment method, suitable for people of all ages – even pregnant women and people with pacemakers. As it only uses very low frequencies, there’s no risk that it would harm patients or cause side effects.

As part of this treatment, you will lie on a massage table while your therapist uses the BICOM device on you – completely painlessly! The treatment typically lasts 20-40 minutes and the intensity of electromagnetic frequencies can be tailored specifically to meet your individual needs.

After your treatment is complete, your therapist will present a report detailing any toxins found in your system, the level of toxic load you’re under and any areas where stress or overwork are evident in your body. In addition, they will suggest an effective course of treatment designed to restore balance within and heal itself within.

What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy stands out as an efficient and painless form of therapy, offering several key advantages over more invasive or painful processes. You’ll lie fully clothed while electrodes are attached to various parts of your body by an experienced therapist. Once connected, these electrodes pick up frequency patterns sent from various areas to BICOM device using its internal filters; those healthy frequencies are amplified while any detrimental ones cancelled out using its filters – helping relieve symptoms from various illnesses while improving overall health.

Bioresonance therapy offers another advantage over traditional blood tests: its BICOM can detect stressors that cannot be found through traditional means, such as toxins not cleared by liver and kidney functions and stored stress in fatty tissues and mucus membranes. This allows therapists to treat root causes rather than just symptoms.

BICOM device also possesses the power to identify imbalances in an individual’s immune system and assist with its regulation. This feature can be particularly helpful for patients suffering from autoimmune conditions as bioresonance therapy helps balance out natural defence systems within the body and restore their functions.

Diagnostic imaging technology can also help identify the source of allergies in order to help people identify triggers and feel better. Furthermore, it may be used as an effective therapy option for respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

Finally, bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at treating many mental health disorders including depression and anxiety. A controlled clinical study of bioresonance therapy demonstrated its efficacy at alleviating stress-induced effects and improving psychological wellbeing.

As with any complementary treatment, it’s essential to discuss what benefits you can expect from bioresonance therapy with your therapist before initiating treatment. Though studies have proven its efficacy, experts agree more research needs to be conducted before it can become widely recommended as a therapeutic solution.

How long does bioresonance therapy take?

Bioresonance therapy sessions allow you to relax and do what you please (read, use your phone, ask the therapist questions, nap or meditate). Your therapist will connect you to the machine and begin scanning electromagnetic waves throughout your body – this includes collecting information on any harmful substances like toxins, bacteria and viruses present inside, along with specific frequency patterns they send off which the BICOM device can identify before sending your body an appropriate counter frequency signal that helps cancel out harmful ones while strengthening beneficial ones.

The BICOM device can identify stressors such as pollution, heavy metals in the environment, chemical toxins from food and detergents used in agriculture, electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and mobile phones and other factors that disrupt your body’s natural balance and overwhelm its ability to heal itself – factors which disrupt its natural equilibrium and overburden its self-healing capacities. Once identified, these stressors will be balanced out using natural healing mechanisms innate within you body’s organs and cells by stimulating them rebalancing frequencies by stimulating natural healing mechanisms and using internal organs and cells.

For allergies, the BICOM device can desensitize electromagnetic reactions to various allergens in order to ease symptoms and support other treatments. Furthermore, it’s an effective treatment for autoimmune disease by balancing immune system electromagnetic frequencies for reduced inflammation responses; and can assist smoking cessation by correcting any energetic imbalances associated with nicotine addiction.

Bioresonance therapy is widely considered safe and noninvasive; however, it should never be seen as a replacement for medical advice from your GP or health practitioner. You should always discuss any concerns with them first before seeking bioresonance treatment. Furthermore, you may experience temporary worsening of symptoms after receiving bioresonance therapy; this is usually temporary and will likely resolve itself within hours; should any severe reactions occur, medical help should be sought immediately.
