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Biophoton Therapy Reviews

Biophoton therapy is a non-invasive light treatment designed to balance and strengthen the body’s energy, aiding with various health conditions ranging from chronic skin diseases and migraines to migraines and rheumatism.

Research was undertaken to explore the application of Biophotonics approaches in Dentistry under COVID-19 pandemic conditions, specifically regarding decontamination of surfaces, air, and tissues within dental practices.

How Does Biophoton Therapy Work?

Biophoton Therapy utilizes UV-B light treatments and ozone to rejuvenate blood, strengthening its ability to transport oxygen throughout your body. Furthermore, Biophoton Therapy increases immunity so your immune system is better able to defend itself against viruses, infections or autoimmune conditions that could otherwise linger in the system.

Our bodies are comprised of trillions of cells that communicate via electromagnetic signals known as biophotons. These light particles travel between our cells to relay information regarding our overall health and wellbeing; when our biophoton field is coherent we feel healthy and balanced while incoherence leads to disease or physical/emotional imbalance.

From the early 1900s, it has been widely understood that certain wavelengths of light can help heal many illnesses – tuberculosis included. Dr. Niels Finsen received the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research into photonic therapy based on the principle of wavelength-specific photon therapy treatments acting like vaccines against certain disorders or diseases.

Biophotons, small packets of electromagnetic energy, have generated renewed interest in their role in cell communication. Studies have demonstrated how light can increase biophoton production within human cells and ultimately led to theories suggesting biophoton signals travel along axons between neurons – possibly leading to Alzheimer’s and VaD diagnoses in future years. This discovery may prove vital in our quest for understanding human brain functioning as well as disease causes such as Alzheimer’s.

Studies have also revealed that biophotons can be released by various biological events, including cell stress and oxidative damage. Recent discoveries have demonstrated the key role biophotons play in mediating radiation-induced bystander effects (RIBE). Biophotons trigger bystander cells to release exosomes, modify mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation rates and facilitate communication with irradiated cells – this interplay highlights the significance of creating novel strategies to identify and modify mechanisms regulating RIBE.

Dr. Peter Schumacher developed the ClearView system as a non-invasive means to measure in-vivo biophoton emission in patients suffering from cardiovascular disease. This tool can detect components of cardiovascular illness which cannot be detected with other means and serves as an invaluable screening tool for individuals at risk for such disorders.

What Are the Benefits of Biophoton Therapy?

Biophotons are ultraweak electromagnetic waves produced by living cells to communicate information about cell structure, activity, and chemistry to other cells. Emitted by the mitochondria as part of their oxidative metabolism processes, biophotons contribute to maintaining health throughout the body by helping cells stay connected through biophotonic communication networks. This form of communication known as biophotonics helps maintain overall wellbeing for organisms.

Biophotons can also be used to identify abnormalities within cells. This method can help detect cancerous or diseased cells as well as any conditions affecting them, as well as detect biophotons with special cameras designed to capture light for analysis purposes and determine whether photons are coherent or chaotic and then neutralizing any chaotic ones to strengthen coherent signals.

One of the primary benefits of this treatment is its ability to strengthen one’s immune system, making them less likely to contract infectious diseases. Furthermore, it helps increase blood circulation which in turn benefits overall condition of patient. Furthermore, this therapy may be used for treating inflammation conditions, pain relief as well as anxiety or depression.

Study findings showed that biophotons may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by decreasing amyloid plaque buildup in the brain. Amyloid plaques block biophotons from passing through cell membranes and could thus impede Alzheimer’s symptoms by blocking biophotons that contribute to cell energy generation such as ATP production. Eliminating amyloid plaques could thus help mitigate its symptoms.

Biophoton therapy has long been utilized as an effective form of Alzheimer’s care; however, biophoton therapy can also be utilized for other conditions, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and psoriasis treatment. Biophoton therapy‘s stimulation of serotonin and dopamine production provides relief by relieving stress and tension associated with these conditions and producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine that aid pain management as well as depression relief.

Biophotons offer another advantage by killing bacteria and viruses found within our bodies, aiding the battle against infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia. They may also be useful in treating autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and celiac disease.

How Long Does Biophoton Therapy Take?

Biophoton therapy sessions are quick and painless; all that’s required to receive this therapy is sitting comfortably in a private treatment room while fully clothed for 20 minutes per area to be treated. Biophoton therapy serves as an invaluable preventative tool that promotes overall health and wellness.

The therapist uses the CHIREN device to detect your body’s energetic signature (biophotons). Through consultation and acupressure prodding, your meridian system will be checked. If light waves appear disorganized it could indicate imbalances that need addressing; your therapist can select appropriate remedies to rebalance energy in your system and improve health overall.

Fritz-Albert Popp made a revolutionary discovery in 1990: humans emit light that transmits information between cells. Additionally, he discovered that living cells’ DNA stores and releases photons.

Biophotons, light particles that seem to control all biochemical functions in our bodies, play an important role. When they’re functioning as intended they reflect healthy cells while any disturbance in their coherence could signify disease in our bodies – this could be caused by environmental toxins, electromagnetic frequencies, physical or emotional stressors, food poisoning or heavy metal contamination as examples of disruptions.

During a session, clients hold crystal hand rods or place their feet on glass foot plates while their energy field is monitored using a special camera. If any meridian points have weak signals, a remedy is selected and sent through fiber optic cables into a CHIREN device which filters out chaos while amplifying healthy signals, helping your body rebalance biophotons back to their original states.

At all times during a light therapy session, it is essential that no supplements, drugs*, homeopathic remedies, crystals or energetic devices other than those specifically recommended by your therapist are used as these may interfere with your body’s natural healing process initiated by light therapy and delay or block results. Your therapist will provide a list of what to avoid prior to commencing a session.

Are Biophoton Therapy Safe?

Biophoton Therapy is a noninvasive light modification system that adjusts your own physiological light, to restore health and vitality by strengthening coherent light in each cell of the body. By doing so, Biophoton Therapy activates natural healing mechanisms within you as well as providing energy for healing.

BioPhoton Therapy uses a special light that interacts with chromophores present in body cells to initiate photophysical and photochemical reactions that change molecular and cellular structures, leading to beneficial changes at cellular level which improve cell functions, increase metabolism and restore normal activity; with results visible after just a few sessions of this therapy.

Electromagnetic radiation differs from sound waves in that its transmission does not rely on vibrations for transmission; as a result, electromagnetic radiation travels much more quickly. Furthermore, unlike sound waves which decay over time and cannot deliver light over long distances without incurring significant losses, electromagnetic radiation therapy offers hope to treat diseases in remote locations more effectively than ever.

Bioluminescence, produced by all living organisms, is an electromagnetic form of radiation produced as part of their metabolic processes and detectable using various imaging technologies, such as fluorescence, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-rays. Biophotonics is a relatively new field which studies light’s interactions with matter; for instance it has been discovered that polystyrene beads can be bound together using nets of infrared light before disintegrating once light is removed – an impressive advancement over optical tweezers used previously to move particles of matter around laboratories for years.

Biophotonics is an innovative technique that can assist in the detection and eradication of infectious diseases like tuberculosis (TB), which affect millions of people globally. Achieve global health targets is integral to reaching marginalized regions; however, current diagnostic tools for TB may have limitations; better ways must be devised for early diagnosis to meet them.
