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Bioresonance Therapy

Each cell of your body emits electromagnetic vibrations that Bioresonance therapy harnesses to boost healthy vibrations while counteracting harmful ones. The device used for Bioresonance therapy is programmed to increase healthy vibrations while suppressing any that are detrimental.

Kinesiological testing will identify which substances irritate your body (food, toxins, bacteria or heavy metals). Our bioresonance machine then helps restore balance to your system.


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to assist the body in healing itself. This noninvasive and painless therapy is ideal for treating allergies, digestive issues and stress relief as well as helping remove toxins and heavy metals from your system – making it an excellent alternative treatment choice.

Bioresonance therapy works by detecting imbalances in energy fields of both animals and humans alike, using resonance to correct them. It can treat allergies, stress and chronic conditions. Furthermore, it may address root causes like emotional trauma or nutritional deficiencies which might otherwise contribute to health problems.

Bioresonance sessions begin with an anamnesis discussion and scan of the patient’s energetic field to detect any disturbances. The BICOM(r) device then records this data, using internal filters to distinguish healthy from unhealthy frequencies before returning only healthy frequency patterns to the body – amplifying the ones which mirror back while weakening or cancelling any disharmonic ones.

Signals generated from bioresonance therapy are transmitted directly to affected organs and tissues to aid their healing, detoxifying the body as a result. Bioresonance can also help address allergies, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders and stress as well as helping reduce inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Though bioresonance therapy may provide significant advantages, the American Society for Acupuncture and Science have cautioned against making specific claims about its efficacy; bioresonance therapy has not been established as an effective therapy against certain conditions such as cancer.

Bioresonance should not be seen as an alternative to traditional medicine; rather it should complement existing treatments, like physical therapy and acupuncture. Before embarking on any new course of treatment plans or beginning any new regimens, patients should always consult a medical professional first in order to make the best decisions about their healthcare needs and maximize outcomes from each.


No matter whether it’s raising your hand to wave hello or raising your knee as you take another step on the Stairmaster, these actions are under your direct control. But other functions, like heart rate and skin temperature regulation are controlled involuntary by the nervous system. Biofeedback therapy offers one solution to gain more control of these involuntary functions – helping treat conditions such as migraine headaches, high blood pressure and urinary incontinence among others.

At a biofeedback session, your therapist attaches electrical sensors to various parts of the body in order to monitor physiological responses and the sensors then provide feedback via auditory (hearing) or visual (seeing) cues. For instance, when your therapist observes you becoming stressed and tightening muscles in response, these cues could include sound or flashing lights to alert you. As time progresses, these signals will become associated with specific physical responses.

Biofeedback sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes and involve connecting electrical sensors to various parts of the body in order to measure things such as heart rate or breathing patterns. At that point, your therapist will guide you through meditation or imagery exercises which correlate with sensor readings before providing feedback through biofeedback equipment that will allow them to enhance and reinforce your practice.

Biofeedback research has demonstrated its benefits in treating anxiety, high blood pressure and muscle tension. It may even help relieve some symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; however, biofeedback should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatments; rather it should complement them and work alongside health professionals to create a holistic wellness plan.

When the BICOM device detects frequency patterns that are harmful to our health, it separates them into harmonious and disharmonious components. Healthy waves are amplified and sent back into the body to reinforce normal functions; unhealthy ones are inverted before being sent back for reduced negative impact on your wellbeing.


Diagnostics are vital tools that allow health workers to accurately detect disease or health conditions early, helping to avoid further complications and costly treatments for patients. Diagnostics also provide crucial data about communicable, noncommunicable diseases and injuries as well as neglected tropical diseases and rare disorders – but providing equitable access requires an integrated health systems approach covering every stage of value chains – from procurement through delivery.

Diagnosis is the practice of identifying diseases or conditions based on signs and symptoms. This process includes various approaches, such as taking a history and conducting physical exams; laboratory tests; imaging scans and biopsies may also be performed for further confirmation. Note that diagnosis may take some time after its onset to appear on medical reports.

Clinicians use pattern matching as part of the diagnostic process, where clinicians compare patient signs and symptoms against their knowledge of various diseases, in order to create an accurate diagnosis. Its speed and accuracy depend upon both task complexity and clinician experience – novice clinicians may rely on system 1 processing while experts often have more developed mental models of disease which allow them to make quicker and more accurate diagnoses.

The BICOM therapy machine can detect stress-inducing electromagnetic vibrations, known as disharmonic vibrations. These can distort physiological balance in the body and lead to incorrect controls or malfunctions which lead to disease. By weakening these vibrations via mirror images, BICOM therapy machines help relieve burden from body and promote natural self-healing processes.

After participating in a BICOM session, patients should drink plenty of water and get adequate rest. Furthermore, follow-up sessions should be scheduled to help meet specific body needs such as eliminating harmful toxins or energy blocks that have built up over time and improve body response to healing stimuli.


Follow-up therapy is essential to maintaining recovery after treatment has concluded, helping identify and address potential relapse triggers as well as promote accountability and responsibility among clients. Furthermore, follow-up sessions offer a safe space where individuals can discuss any concerns or obstacles that arise during this process.

Follow-up plans depend on the nature and goal of primary treatment, for instance if someone was diagnosed with lung cancer they will receive a follow-up care plan from their doctor, which could involve regular doctor visits, blood work and tests as well as rehabilitation measures.

Bioresonance is an holistic noninvasive form of treatment using electromagnetic frequencies to cancel out harmful substances and support natural healing processes in the body. Electrodes placed on the skin connect to a device which analyzes energy wavelengths for harmful frequencies like those produced by viruses or cancer cells; after which counter-balancing frequencies are released to restore balance in an effort to create harmony and restore wellness.

Bioresonance therapy is an effective technique for relieving symptoms associated with various illnesses and conditions, such as pain, allergies and fatigue. Furthermore, it has even been proven effective at helping to overcome addictions such as smoking cigarette addiction; one study discovered bioresonance to be capable of neutralizing chemicals found in nicotine molecules to help people kick the habit for good.

Tracking client progress post treatment is integral to long-term recovery and behavioral wellness success, whether that involves addiction recovery, mental health treatment, or behavioral therapy. Follow-up can take the form of phone calls, emails or letters; using electronic health records (EHRs) makes this process even simpler and more efficient.

EHRs can also be utilized to send appointment reminders, lab results and more via email or text messaging, saving both time, money and resources while increasing patient engagement. Furthermore, this method serves as a great way to share important information with patients who may not have computer or internet access.

Follow-up can be an invaluable asset in monitoring and detecting cancer recurrence in patients, yet its application has only been explored systematically in few studies; as a result, current recommendations are largely informed by clinical experience and expert consensus.
