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Bioresonance Allergy Test Accuracy

Allergy testing typically requires taking a blood sample, which can be painful. As an alternative, many are turning to alternative tests such as iridology and bioresonance hair analysis which tend to attract long waits online and often have their own website advertising these tests.

Alternative approaches that claim to identify food intolerances lack scientific validation and require expensive laboratory equipment.


Food allergy testing for infants can be extremely painful and isn’t as accurate as more costly and scientifically validated blood tests. Bioresonance hair testing offers an alternative that can identify specific foods which might be triggering reactions, making this technique increasingly popular with allergy sufferers due to its accuracy, speed and scalability.

Bioresonance testing uses electromagnetic devices to identify food intolerances by testing how the body reacts to various food items and environmental pollutants. Furthermore, it can detect environmental and drug sensitivities and measure imbalances in your body such as low vitamin levels or energy blocks – providing valuable insight for holistic healthcare decisions that promote strengthening and balancing of your system.

Bioresonance is a noninvasive complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) technique which measures energy wavelengths to detect intolerances to certain foods, beverages, or substances; identify sources of illness; or address imbalances which need addressing. This non-invasive procedure does not require blood samples and is considered safe.

At a bioresonance test, a BICOM device uses electromagnetic signals to induce DNA samples of patients. Once released into their bodies, these electromagnetic waves analyze how each patient responds to them – ultimately helping identify which foods the person may have an intolerance for.

This test provides more accurate identification of food intolerances than blood or urine tests, which may be affected by recent eating habits and stresses. Furthermore, it’s more cost-effective than blood tests, with results typically available within days – the Vega test goes even further in its breadth of coverage; it can identify intolerances to up to 975 different food items, additives and toxins!


Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative, safe and noninvasive method of allergy testing, without the painstaking pricking required with traditional allergy testing. Instead, BICOM devices emit electromagnetic waves of different foods and measure how the body responds. This data allows practitioners to pinpoint specific foods which cause adverse reactions in their patient.

Even though allergy testing falls under complementary and alternative medicine, its popularity is growing fast due to its ability to uncover hidden food intolerances and allergies that might not otherwise be discovered through conventional means. Furthermore, allergy tests such as skin prick testing or blood analysis tend to be much more costly options than this alternative solution.

This test uses a BICOM machine, which sends electromagnetic wavelengths through hair samples and compares their frequencies against 975 different foods, drinks and environmental factors to identify whether your body is reacting negatively. This allows BICOM testers to identify whether you are intolerant of certain substances as potential triggers for symptoms as well as identify other imbalances like nutritional deficiency or toxic overload within your system.

Bioresonance testing is a safe, noninvasive way of identifying food intolerances that could be impacting on IBS, acne or migraine symptoms, which have often been linked to food intolerances. Understanding why certain symptoms have surfaced helps them make more informed choices when selecting their diet; ultimately reducing allergy reactions in future. Bioresonance testing offers a noninvasive yet accurate way of detecting food intolerances that allows people to adapt accordingly by changing diet or eliminating foods causing issues for them.


Bioresonance allergy testing is an innocuous and noninvasive way of diagnosing food allergies. The system works by inverting vibration patterns from allergens like pollen or animal hair into mirror images and sending their frequencies directly into your body in order to break down antibodies that cause allergic reactions, making the test completely safe even for infants and helping you avoid symptoms like itchy eyes or rashes associated with allergies.

Though blood allergy tests provide a sound scientific foundation, they may not always accurately detect food you are intolerant of and produce inconsistent results depending on who takes them and their unique genetic expression and metabolic processes. Luckily, other methods exist which offer accurate and reliable allergy testing in infants.

One such solution is the BICOM optima bioresonance machine, which measures electromagnetic energy from your body and compares it with that of various substances. It identifies over 975 potential allergens and food intolerances as well as root causes for any health issues you’re experiencing in order to return you feeling healthy and balanced again.

BICOM bioresonance system offers an alternative approach to traditional allergy tests by testing reactions to food products using just a small hair sample taken from you. This procedure is less invasive and faster than its counterparts; typically providing results within days. Furthermore, hair samples provide longer-lasting information than blood or urine samples do.

Bioresonance therapy is an holistic form of healing which seeks to balance your energy flow in order to promote its natural ability for healing itself. Furthermore, unlike traditional forms of allergy testing, Bioresonance testing is noninvasive and painless.


Bioresonance testing is both noninvasive and painless, making it the perfect method for quick results. Results from bioresonance can typically come back within two days – much faster than other tests that take weeks or even months! Furthermore, this method can identify foods to which patients may be sensitive.

Bioresonance hair tests have become an increasingly popular alternative to allergy blood testing. This method utilizes resonance energy to scan for sensitivities to food and non-food items like vitamins, supplements, hormones, gut microbiome bacteria and metals in the body – helping patients uncover hidden imbalances while offering more natural approaches for healing.

Bioresonance testing offers an alternative to allergy testing that only requires hair strands compared to blood samples and skin pricks; thus making the procedure less invasive for those afraid of needles or having their blood taken, and taking less time than traditional allergy testing methods for results to come back.

A hair sample is placed into a special scanner known as the BICOM, which emits electromagnetic waves designed to correspond with specific food frequencies and check how well it resonates within your body. A therapist then provides a report detailing which foods cause adverse reactions from within you body.

Allergy testing offers many advantages, including its ability to identify specific allergies and triggers. But it is essential to remember that test results do not constitute medical diagnosis and should not be seen as an alternative source for medical advice.

Accurate in infants

Allergies can be difficult to diagnose in infants due to their developing immune systems. A variety of allergy testing techniques may be employed, including skin tests (prick, epicutaneous) blood tests (in vitro diagnostics, detection of IgE antibodies), provocation tests or bioenergetic testing procedures such as EAP, Kinesiological Muscle Testing or resonance Testing with the BICOM optima; all of which allow parents to make more informed choices regarding their child’s diet.

Food sensitivities can cause a range of symptoms, from bloating to fatigue. Unfortunately, many individuals remain unaware of their food intolerances and continue consuming potentially harmful foods that have an impactful negative impact on their health. Therefore, getting diagnosed with food allergies is vital if you want to protect yourself and improve overall wellness.

Bioresonance food sensitivity testing provides a painless alternative to allergy testing, using electromagnetic waves sent from the BICOM device into your body and then measuring how your immune system responds. Furthermore, this process is more accurate than blood or urine tests in identifying functional intolerances not due to immune system responses.

Bioresonance therapy goes beyond masking symptoms with antihistamines by targeting their source: bioresonance therapy uses energy tests to assess your body’s responses and create a customized treatment plan tailored specifically for each imbalance in your system. It’s safe, affordable and effective; athletes have even used it successfully after injuries for rehabilitation purposes and improving performance – even members of Sweden’s cross country skiing team use it regularly to maintain balance between health and sports performance.
