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Bioresonance Ultrasound Therapy for Cancer

Focused ultrasound’s inertial cavitation and sonoporation effects destroy tumor cells without harming healthy tissue, as evidenced in preclinical studies. It has proven its efficacy against cancer.

The Food and Drug Administration has taken action against purveyors of unproven electronic devices that claim to diagnose and heal diseased organs or cells using an untested theory that states diseased cells emit altered electromagnetic waves caused by DNA damage.

Bioresonance Matching

Also referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic therapy, this noninvasive energy healing approach addresses electromagnetic frequency imbalances as the source of illness. Once identified, electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges are sent out in order to harmonize discordant frequencies and promote natural healing processes in the body.

Healthy organisms communicate and exchange information seamlessly via specific frequencies that all cells communicate using, but if toxic substances interfere with this communication process, organic changes may manifest as physical symptoms such as pain. Bioresonance matching seeks to discover these altered frequencies and restore balance, so the body can heal itself more rapidly with renewed vitality.

The theory behind this treatment suggests that diseased organs and cells emit altered electromagnetic waves as a result of DNA damage, while returning frequencies back to their natural states will cure them – however there is no scientific proof for this hypothesis to hold up in practice.

An electrode is placed on the skin during each session, transmitting its readings to a bioresonance device that measures energy wavelength emissions from your body and detects irregularities that require correction by your provider in order to restore optimal balance and wellbeing.

Ultrasound technology is a commonly utilized diagnostic and therapeutic tool in clinical settings, and has even been demonstrated to augment chemotherapy by increasing taxol penetration into cancerous tissues through sonoporation. Ultrasound may also be used to treat tendonitis and muscle tears by stimulating collagen production and decreasing inflammation.

Ultrasound can also provide several other advantages over its competitors, including nerves and blood vessels. This feature is key in procedures like extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy where it’s used to break up kidney stones; additionally low intensity ultrasound may be used as part of drug delivery into tumors by increasing cell membrane permeability or creating more clathrin-coated pits; this allows more targeted delivery of high intensity drugs directly where they’re most likely found.

Electromagnetic Impulse Treatment

Electromagnetic impulse treatment, also known as bioresonance therapy or bio-energetic medicine, uses electronic devices to identify discordant frequencies within the body and send electromagnetic signals of specific ranges to harmonize them and thus initiate healing processes in the body itself. Bioresonance therapy has been successfully used to treat various conditions including allergies, fibromyalgia, asthma, gastrointestinal complaints and cancer; however controlled (using placebo treatments) or uncontrolled studies have had mixed or unfavorable results; The American Cancer Society advises cancer patients against seeking treatments with unknown electronic devices that might harmonize them and bring forth their natural ability for healing processes to initiate healing processes within them self.

Bioresonance therapies proponents contend that unhealthy organs and cancerous cells produce different electromagnetic waves due to differences in cell metabolism or DNA damage, which electronic devices can detect by destructive interference techniques. They claim these devices can detect these signals and bring the wave emissions back into balance through this method; the FDA has prosecuted several purveyors of such devices for making unproven claims about their ability to cure cancer; while the American Cancer Society advises patients against choosing them over more effective and proven treatments.

Research has demonstrated that sonication, an experimental technique where ultrasound waves are directed directly at cancerous tumors or target tissues to kill cancer cells by heating them up. Furthermore, targeted ultrasound can create microbubbles to insonate or disrupt blood vessels within a tumor and damage its blood supply, further diminishing it without harming any surrounding normal tissues.

Some cancer patients can benefit from using focused ultrasound in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation treatments, or via sonoporation – an innovative technology allowing scientists to deliver drugs or genes directly into cancerous sites without damaging normal tissue nearby.

One of the most promising uses for targeted ultrasound is in administering cancer drugs directly into tumors or brain regions, thus reducing toxicity associated with traditional treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that targeted ultrasound can effectively deliver chemotherapy agents such as taxol directly to tumor sites while protecting normal tissue from any toxic side effects of its delivery.

Sonodynamic Therapy

Solid tumor treatment currently involves chemotherapy, radiation and surgical resection as the basis of care. Yet complete cancer cell eradication remains difficult; tumors frequently acquire resistance mechanisms. Sonodynamic therapy (SDT), however, combines chemical sonosensitizers with noninvasive ultrasound therapy in order to trigger reactive oxygen species formation that kill cancer cells directly.

Many pharmacological agents have been proposed as potential sonosensitizers, with most distinguished by their ability to generate superoxide anions when present with specific oxygen species from cells. Their cytotoxic action occurs via activating enzymes within cancer cell mitochondria that lead to an imbalance between prooxidant and antioxidant compounds in cancerous cells.

Studies revealed that many sonosensitizers show strong responses to low-intensity ultrasound waves with frequencies from 0.4-3.0 MHz – this range corresponds with frequencies with maximum ultrasound attenuation in human tissue – and could therefore provide an effective noninvasive ultrasound approach in lesions with impaired blood supply or difficult-to-access locations.

SDT is a form of photodynamic therapy (PDT), but is superior in that it can treat deep-seated tumors without needing to inject sonosensitizer into tumor tissues directly. Furthermore, SDT treatment is noninvasive and patient friendly.

The combination of ultrasound and chemical sonosensitizers is an exciting new anticancer strategy. By simultaneously applying low-intensity ultrasound and sonosensitizers at once, ROS are produced within cancer cells that increase permeability, leading to targeted drug delivery to tumor sites and increasing elimination rates from body. Furthermore, activation of DTCs (circulating tumor cells) by ultrasound/sonosensitizer therapy bolsters overall effectiveness in clearing away cancerous cells from body.

Moosa’s team has combined PDT with SDT to successfully treat disseminated glioblastoma cells that have spread beyond their original primary brain tumor site, rendering surgery impossible to completely eradicate them all. SDT used in combination with chemical sonosensitizer HiPorfin has shown to induce cell death at multiple tumor sites as well as eliminate DTCs found in bone marrow or blood stream.


Sonoporation is a microbubble-mediated cavitation-induced process used to increase cell membrane permeability for drug and gene delivery. Microbubbles are exposed to low frequency ultrasound pulses which cause rarefaction and compression phases of their bubbles, amplifying their acoustic waves into shockwaves that subsequently induce cell sonoporation and translocation of therapeutic molecules.

Sonoporation not only produces pores but can also induce calcium-ion transients1, depolarization of plasma membrane potential2, and disruption of actin cytoskeleton organization3. Furthermore, sonoporation may delay DNA synthesis and arrest cell cycles4, or at the very least delay them by an intermediate step4.

Sonoporation remains unclear in regards to how molecules pass across cell membrane barriers during sonoporation; various theories have been proposed such as pore formation, endocytosis and membrane wounding5.

Recent studies have demonstrated that sonoporation produces an acoustic shock wave that induces cancer cell apoptosis without direct contact between microbubbles and cancer cells, targeting specific cell structures for drug delivery, providing promising treatment of cancer with additional therapies such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

An accurate understanding of the cellular impacts induced by sonoporation is key to optimizing its use in therapy, so researchers have conducted exhaustive experiments and bioassays on its downstream impacts.

In this study, HL-60 leukemia cells were exposed to pulsed ultrasound at 1 MHz frequency (0.50 MPa peak negative pressure, 10% duty cycle, 30-s exposure period and 29.1 J/cm2 acoustic energy density). Following exposure, fluorescence-activated cell sorting was employed to isolate sonoporated and unsonoporated cells; then time-lapse viability, proliferation and cell-cycle behavior of these two groups over 24 h were monitored over this period.

At this experiment, it was determined that both intact microbubble oscillations and violent, ion-disrupting cavitation could induce sonoporation of cells. Furthermore, results demonstrated how driving pressure and bubble-cell distance had significant effects on sonoporation rates – short acoustic pulses produced higher delivery rates and viabilities while longer pulses led to lower delivery rates and larger-scale membrane damage.
