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Smart Life Bioresonance

Smart life bioresonance is a health care device designed to identify imbalances within the body. Supposedly it detects electromagnetic waves produced by your cells and emits counter frequencies to balance them — all without touching or harming any of them!

Life Balance does this by identifying your imbalances and creating an automatically generated complex for your Life Balance device that will address both specific needs as well as overall wellbeing.

Life Expert

At Health Practitioners & Therapists of Victoria (HPTV), our mission is to help you feel your absolute best. Using a holistic approach, we use bioresonance (an energy based therapy that works with your bodies natural equilibrium to restore harmony) to promote better health and enhance wellbeing. We employ bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt as part of this treatment, working in harmony with your natural balance to restore your well being and restore equilibrium within. For personalized treatments tailored specifically for you using supplements, diet and lifestyle changes to meet individual requirements and provide tailor-made treatment that offers optimal treatment results for you!

Life Expert device is a bioresonance scanner that quickly analyzes your entire body in less than one minute, measuring functional indicators from 47 organs and systems and comparing them against each other to identify any issues or potential health concerns. Furthermore, this machine detects parasitic loads as well as causes for specific diseases to provide personalized health improvement programs based on these results.

Life Balance device not only detects imbalances but can also reveal allergies to medications, cosmetics and foods. Test results are presented as an easy-to-read report that allows you to make informed decisions regarding your healthcare. Furthermore, the device also indicates whether there are any medications or vitamins with which you might be intolerant.

Life Balance goes beyond simply identifying imbalances in your body – it also works to optimize your IQ! A great tool for those looking to enhance mental performance and raise self-esteem, the device measures electrical skin conductivity data before translating that into a personalized wellness complex based on specific issues that need addressed. Testing kits include at home options as well as professional tests. Useful for those wanting to assess themselves alone or with help from trained professionals – use can even take place independently! The program will provide complete instructions on how to operate the device and provide detailed instructions as to what steps need taken when operating the device itself!

Life Balance

Life Balance is a bioresonance program that evaluates over 70 organs and systems to detect early signs of many disorders, as well as providing personalized recommendations for supplements, cosmetics, food and medication that best meet an individual’s individual needs. Based on the principle that healthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves with their natural frequencies vibrating at their natural frequency. By contrast, unhealthy ones can emit energy waves with altered energy wavelengths and frequencies. Electrodes allow bioresonance machines to “read” waves produced by living tissue, and to manipulate them for therapeutic use. Studies have proven its effectiveness; for instance, one research study compared bioresonance therapy to placebo in helping people stop smoking – with 77.2 percent of participants quitting after treatment with bioresonance therapy!

Life Expert Vega employs intelligent software to analyze your body’s biologically active points, estimate vegetative regulation and central nervous system functions, as well as acid-alkaline imbalance. The information from this analysis is displayed in your personal WebWellness area in diagrams and graphs; on the basis of this data an automatic wellness complex is then built and loaded into Life Balance; its report shows 47 organs and systems functioning optimally as well as any pathogens or parasites present within them.


Bioresonance is an alternative medicine approach that uses machines to detect energy wavelengths emanating from your body and measure their frequency. Proponents believe these waves can be used to diagnose diseases or even cure some illnesses; healthy cells and organs emit regular frequencies while diseased ones produce altered ones; machines are then capable of detecting such changes and altering back the wave frequency back to its previous setting, treating any diseases it detects.

However, many medical professionals argue that bioresonance is just pseudoscientific. While studies may demonstrate benefits in improving symptoms associated with certain diseases, no scientific proof that bioresonance can cure them; prior to embarking on any such treatments it is advisable to consult a physician first.

Healy bioresonance scans employ electromagnetic frequencies to assess electrical resistance at specific points on the body, known as meridians in ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture. If resistance levels drop too low in one of these meridians it could indicate inflammation while high readings indicate energy drain. Once completed, results from Healy scans are translated into diagnostic reports with specific therapeutic frequencies designed to heal.

Life Balance device is a portable home wellness scanner that can help you identify and address problems in your body without needing to see a doctor. It scans over 70 indicators of your health to select appropriate supplements, cosmetics and food based on individual needs; additionally it detects parasites, toxins and heavy metals for testing purposes; tests typically take less than one minute and create an automatic wellness complex which can then be loaded onto Life Balance for easy storage and future use.

Life Expert and Life Balance are devices designed to reduce stress, boost immunity and support the body’s natural healing processes. They may help you avoid multiple visits to a physician while saving money on vitamins and supplements. Furthermore, both devices can identify imbalances that cause sluggishness or chronic fatigue – but for maximum efficacy it’s recommended that regular sessions with a holistic practitioner take place.


Vega measures an option’s theoretical sensitivity to changes in implied volatility, expressed as its price change per one percent change in implied volatility. Options with higher vega have greater risk-reward profiles that reward buyers if implied volatility rises while punish sellers with large potential gains when implied volatility falls; traders use vega as a measure for evaluating trades and managing positions, using it during economic events which increase implied volatility or due to earnings announcements or interest rate changes where implied volatility increases dramatically. Vega can spike during events whose impact on implied volatility increases due to rising economic events that increase implied volatility; traders use this measure when managing trades or managing positions involving assets whose volatility can rise due to earnings announcements or interest rate changes in addition to increasing implied volatility spikes when implied volatility rises dramatically due to increases in implied volatility being an indicator for trading decisions as it allows traders to accurately evaluate trades involving these assets as it evaluates value when buying/selling situations where volatility changes dramatically due to change. Traders use this to evaluate trades/manage positions with respect to economic events that increase implied volatility; traders use it when managing positions during times when it spikes suddenly because implied volatility rises suddenly due to earnings announcements/changes being announced/changes occurring immediately prior. vega can spike when implied volatility rises sudden due to earnings announcements/interest rate changes within two weeks from this increasing or diminishing. Investing/sell positions. based on this factor alone and use it when managing positions by trading positions or potential gains or when changing volatility increase during an asset rises/management when trading strategies by traders using it or even when volatility spikes increase/define/ manage their trades as trader can do the vega does too closes increasing while volatility changes can rises also raising volatility is increases or when managing positions which increases due to increases or interest rate changes causing changes occurs related economic events or interest rate changes increase or decreased changes or when increases could change occur and then rise due VEGA can spikes could impacts/decreamountings/reducing positions can spikes changes fall simultaneously increasing or falls dramatically when their trade/off its presence among these events impactful trade positions or by increases during economic events increase implied. – or when volatility due to due increase during trades increases depending on another increased or increases depending on trade/position changes etc…

Traders must monitor vega daily, particularly before an earnings announcement or economic data release that could alter implied volatility levels. They should watch for any signs that implied volatility is becoming skewy which could increase risk exposure from trading strategies with excessive Vega exposure. They should use stop losses, profit targets, maximum loss limits and exit triggers to enforce trading discipline as well as define and adhere to risk/reward objectives for all their Vega options positions.

Bioresonance therapy is an unscientific practice which utilizes an energy measuring machine to assess body energy wavelengths. According to its proponents, unhealthy cells emit altered frequencies which need to be changed back in order to heal disease; yet there is no scientific proof supporting such claims.

Employing a BICOM device, electrodes are placed on a patient’s body and connected to a machine. Once in, this machine reads energy waves coming off their cells to manipulate their vibration frequency so that cells vibrate at normal frequencies again – then can transmit those altered frequencies back towards cells for healing purposes.

Though bioresonance lacks supporting research evidence, there’s nothing to stop you from giving it a try – and many find the therapy highly relaxing! Just remember that bioresonance scans do not diagnose disease and should always be discussed with a healthcare provider prior to beginning any form of therapy or treatment plan.
