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Bioresonance Device For Sale

This device uses electrodes to analyze energy wavelengths emitted by cells in your body and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy cells.

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SensitivE Audit / Sensitiv Imago

Bioresonance devices are an incredible piece of equipment that can detect and pinpoint health problems within the human body, while providing remedies such as vitamins, herbs and supplements to address them. By aligning itself with organ electromagnetic frequencies then providing biological norm frequencies in response to any deviations, bioresonance devices make life healthier by supporting biological equilibrium frequencies to produce healthier bodies that function more optimally.

SensitivE Audit / Sensitiv Imago is the latest noninvasive machine developed to simplify diagnostics and treatment. Utilizing advanced computer programs, this machine scans your body in order to pinpoint its cause – including pinpointing problems at cellular level before they cause harm to patients.

The system’s scanning process is completely safe and painless for patients. During their test, they may observe graphic representations of anatomical organs on a monitor screen that do not represent actual images but instead use Rekvig’s scale as markers to demarcate organs geometric coloured tracers demarcate each organ and characterize its state with six point patterns that indicate each organ state.

These patterns indicate whether an organ is functioning well or not, and this device gathers and analyzes their frequencies to identify any imbalances, providing appropriate frequencies to balance out any imbalances and inform the practitioner as to which course of action would best serve the patient’s wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative and groundbreaking way to address health concerns and speed healing times for patients. Each living object and cell creates its own electromagnetic field; bioresonance machines such as Sensitiv E Audit 550/555 bioresonance machines collect these frequencies, filter out harmful ones, and translate the results into language both practitioners and patients can comprehend.

SensitivE Audit 550 and 555 devices are an indispensable asset to any wellness center or integrative medicine practice, providing spectacular outcomes with both CE and FDA certifications. Both models may be combined together or independently for maximum efficacy.

BICOM Optima

The BICOM Optima represents the latest advancement in bioresonance technology. Featuring an intuitive user-friendly interface and on-screen therapy manual with electrode placement instructions, this device makes bioresonance easily accessible for veterinarians and therapists in practice settings. Furthermore, there is also an additional input channel which enables constitutional support treatments to be given simultaneously with primary treatment plans.

This holistic bio resonance method detects electromagnetic waves within a patient’s body and modifies them, altering their energy field to positively impact metabolic, cellular respiration, cell proliferation, tissue regeneration, wound healing and immune system functions. As an effective diagnostic and therapeutic tool that improves well-being and increases success of treatment.

BICOM bioresonance therapy is used to address all symptoms related to allergy and intolerance in animals, including food allergies, environmental allergens, urogenital issues and low immune defenses. Furthermore, this therapy can assist with digestive tract inflammation diseases as well as bone and joint problems and even help ease osteoarthritis pain relief.

In this preclinical and experimental study, functional neutrophils were exposed to the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device via its program chain “pathogene Ai.” Neutrophils are an important type of granulocyte within the immune system as inflammation mediators; results revealed that using this treatment achieved anti-inflammatory results by decreasing basal metabolic activity as well as production of superoxide anion radicals which cause localized oxidative stress in inflamed tissue areas.

The PMCF study is a multi-center, observational clinical trial designed to test whether the BICOM optima, a CE marked medical device approved for use in accordance with its Instructions for Use, can reduce mild-to-moderate allergic rhinoconjunctivitis by either inducing remission or decreasing symptoms in those already in remission.

Bioresonance therapy is an efficient, safe, and non-invasive means of treating allergies and other disorders. Based on the principle that all energy flows are essential to our wellbeing, when these become jammed or blocked they lead to disease symptoms – this device works by unblocking stagnations within your body so it can begin healing itself again.


The BICOM Mobil is an ideal mobile unit for therapists traveling between patients or offering home treatments, making this bioresonance device particularly ideal for therapy practice on the road or providing home therapies. Furthermore, its bioresonance properties make it suitable for veterinary medicine – helping dogs with diarrhoea, kidney or bladder disorders, general state weakness or allergies with or without itching symptoms as well as supporting healing for horses and other animals.

The BICOM is a bioresonance device which uses electromagnetic oscillations in cells and organs to process frequencies that then return as therapeutic effects to patients. The device should only be used by qualified, licensed doctors, state-approved naturopaths, or other natural medicine practitioners who possess experience using it.

An ideal organism’s internal frequency patterns vibrate harmoniously; however, due to acupuncture meridians being disrupted or disruption occurring due to infection, stress or pain affecting homeostasis or infection causing dysbalances or other factors this harmony may become disrupted and negatively impact normal functioning of an organism. BICOM can detect disharmonious frequencies and eliminate them.

To achieve this, a BICOM device must be connected to a patient via an input cathode and modulated output electrode, creating what is known as a biocybernetic control circuit – where oscillations from within a patient are collected, processed and fed back through in harmonic waveform form back onto them.

Bioresonance devices work on the principle that every living organism contains electromagnetic wave patterns which contain its unique information carriers – electromagnetic vibrations which can be identified and dissipated via the BICOM system, depending on your therapy program selection.

BICOM has been shown to positively influence biological phenomena at a cellular level, such as cell vitality and wound healing in experimental settings. These results demonstrate how bioresonance may serve as an effective complementary therapy combined with conventional methods and could ultimately enhance overall quality of life for humans and animals alike.


The BICOM Plus device, a portable version of the original Optima model, provides additional features and increased flexibility for therapists. Ideal for naturopathic doctors and other practitioners looking to offer their clients similar diagnostic and treatment capabilities in an easier format, it comes complete with accessories and comes backed with an impressive 24-month parts and labor warranty.

This system can assist clients in overcoming various health problems, including low energy levels. It can diagnose and treat causes of fatigue such as chronic fatigue syndrome or serious diseases using electromagnetic frequencies without causing side effects – providing an effective and natural method to boost energy levels and facilitate healing processes within their bodies.

BICOM bioresonance goes beyond allergies to address other common ailments, including smoking cessation and sexually transmitted diseases. By balancing electromagnetic frequencies to decrease immune system overactivity and alleviate symptoms more efficiently than other methods such as medications can, bioresonance provides relief and support to other treatments such as medications.

BICOM bioresonance can also be used to detect and treat toxic loads within the body that cause fatigue, such as farm-related pesticides or heavy metals that often are present in drinking water supplies. As a result, more energy will be available to lead a more balanced life.

Bioresonance stems from the work of Royal Rife, who discovered that pathogens possess their own signature frequencies which can be detected externally by applying external frequency pulses to them. Computerized equipment known as BICOM machines listen for these frequencies and use them to kill pathogens by making resonance with them.

In addition to offering basic bio-surveys for patients, the BICOM Optima includes additional tests that assess environmental allergies, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), EAV test points and degenerated cells. Practitioners may even create custom surveys tailored to their practice style.
