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Bioresonance Machine For Sale

Even though bioresonance therapy‘s experimental scientific basis and history remain tenuous and controversial, its popularity is on the rise. According to proponents, it can treat various ailments, such as urogenital dysfunction and low immune defences.

Bioresonance employs an electrical device to detect electromagnetic oscillations emitted by unhealthy cells and organs. This information can then be used to diagnose disease as well as restoring normal frequencies back into cells’ functioning, potentially curing disease in this way.


The bioresonance machine is a non-invasive treatment modality that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance your body’s energy functions. By identifying imbalances within body systems, organs and tissues it enables practitioners to tailor individual treatments plans specifically tailored for each client and help alleviate allergic symptoms while increasing tolerance to allergens.

Based on the idea that all matter is energy, bioresonance devices use frequency patterns emitted by body cells to analyze whether they are harmonious or disharmonic and emit counter frequencies to correct imbalances, encouraging self-regulation and healing while also helping balance energy fields within our bodies and promote toxin release from within.

At each session, patients wear comfortable glasses and sit comfortably in front of the machine. Conductive electrodes are placed on their forehead and torso; these transmit oscillations produced by body cells to a bioresonance device which detects both harmonic and disharmonic frequencies and neutralizes them accordingly.

Bioresonance is a safe, noninvasive treatment technique. It has been successfully used to address various health conditions including chronic pain, insomnia and lack of appetite. Furthermore, Bioresonance tests the immune system as well as detect parasites and bacteria. Furthermore, Bioresonance can identify allergy sources and recommend treatments to alleviate allergy symptoms.

The bioresonance therapy machine market can be divided by end-user, which include hospitals, clinics, home care settings and alternative medicine practices. Hospitals represent an essential segment for this market because their adoption of advanced medical technologies demonstrates their impact on larger healthcare institutions; home care settings and alternative medicine practices present considerable growth potential due to serving clients who favor holistic approaches for treatment.

Bioresonance therapy machines are used to scan the human body, identifying imbalances in its energy system and encouraging self-healing. They can be used to treat allergies and chronic pain as well as test for parasites, bacteria and viruses; for this purpose the BICOM optima bioresonance therapy machine comes in various variants including Life Balance and Mobile.


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to treat various health conditions safely and non-invasively, with no side effects to worry about. First developed in the 1970s and drawing inspiration from both traditional Chinese medicine and quantum physics, its holistic approach harmonizes body energy fields to facilitate healing and promote well-being.

Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife developed this technology based on their discoveries that pathogens possess natural frequency resonances, which can be killed off with electric pulses at frequencies matching those found within each pathogen’s natural frequency resonances. They recorded these frequencies to create a complex for the machine which then sends out signal pulses matched to that frequency to kill pathogens; this form of therapy is known as bioresonance therapy and it’s highly effective.

Bioresonance devices can not only reduce stress and illness, but they can also monitor family members’ health to detect problems before they arise. They can detect respiratory disorders, arthritis and chronic infections; while also being used to reduce fatigue and stimulate immunity.

Bioresonance device stands out as one of the few home health machines that is easy to use without expensive medications or doctor visits, its intuitive user interface allowing you to scan your body’s health, identify imbalances and then follow its instructions for correcting them – ultimately improving overall well-being and prolonging your life.

Although many therapists utilize the BICOM bioresonance system on people, its use on horses has also grown increasingly common. Equine bioresonance machines can treat allergies, food intolerances, musculoskeletal issues, lameness and other health concerns in horses as well as help prevent lameness issues altogether.

The BICOM Optima has been approved by the FDA and is safe to use, compatible with several medical devices – such as insulin pumps – with minimal training needed to get going. Furthermore, its portable form makes it convenient for travel; plus you can connect it to any computer or laptop and easily share data.

Easy to use

BICOM bioresonance machine uses electrodes to detect harmonic oscillations from disharmonic ones in the body, transmitting frequencies that bring them back into resonance and treat imbalances by eliminating harmful bacteria and viruses naturally – this makes this therapy popular with patients and health practitioners alike.

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine approach that is based on the belief that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage, and that returning them back to their regular frequency will cure disease. Although supported by strong scientific evidence, bioresonance cannot be considered scientific evidence-based medicine.

Bioresonance machines come in all shapes and sizes, each offering their own set of benefits and advantages. One popular model is the BICOM Optima; this device offers a display which shows imbalances within the body for at-home treatment; furthermore it can detect and identify bacteria, viral, and parasitic infections as well as offering constitutional support and stress relief programs.

Bioresonance testing can also be used to treat food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, prostatitis, low immune defenses and many other issues. Bioresonance can also reduce medication usage while improving quality of life – even one scan with a bioresonance testing device can be as effective as visiting 20-30 specialist doctors!

Life Expert 3.0, the latest iteration of BICOM device, boasts advanced functions and an improved testing system that can report on 47 organs, systems and tissues of your body as well as identify toxicants or pathogens. Furthermore, this device helps strengthen immunity, improve bowel function and facilitate weight loss.

Bioresonance therapy can be an excellent way to treat various conditions without drugs or surgery, based on the principle that every cell in our bodies has a distinct frequency. A bioresonance machine listens for weak electric signature frequencies of pathogens in order to apply an external frequency which matches their natural frequencies and kill them off; pioneered by Royal Rife and Hulda Clark.


The bioresonance machine utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify and treat imbalances within the body. The device reads electromagnetic waves emitted by healthy cells and tissues and compares them against vibration spectrum of unhealthy organs or tissues, and once identified emits counter frequencies to promote natural healing processes in your body.

Bioresonance devices provide noninvasive therapy that has been found effective at treating health conditions like allergies, pain management and emotional wellbeing. A bioresonance device can be used in tandem with traditional medicine treatments or alone as a stand-in remedy.

At each treatment session, applicators are placed on the forehead, hands, feet and organs/reflex zones while lying or sitting. A device records and converts this incoming information into harmonic frequency patterns before sending these signals through applicators into the patient’s body – the body responds by amplifying harmonious signals while dampening or neutralizing disharmonic ones.

Once distortions have been identified, they are resolved through bioresonance machine’s energy fields and shown on a computerized report that can then be reviewed with clients as part of an interactive therapy session. Therapists then make a diagnosis and outline treatment plans.

BICOM(r) mobile VET provides a non-invasive, stress-free treatment method for treating horses. Ideal for all horses but especially suitable for competition animals and athletes, its applications span across numerous areas – even allergen detection! Sessions tend to be painless and relaxing – leading to peaceful restful dozing afterward!

BICOM bioresonance machine is an excellent way of identifying allergic reactions and encouraging holistic healing. As a highly versatile tool, this can be used in tandem with traditional medical practices or used on its own as a standalone treatment option. Furthermore, this can also be used daily to monitor horse health – for maximum effectiveness use this BICOM device with veterinarians, naturopaths or trained medical personnel for best results.
