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Therapy on a Bioresonance Machine

Bioresonance machine therapy, often referred to as bio resonance therapy, helps the body reduce toxicity or stress loads and heal itself naturally. It has long been recognized by physicians, alternative practitioners and patients alike for its efficacy as an adjunctive therapy solution.

Resonance testing detects imbalances and allows cause-oriented discoveries to take place. Both BICOM optima and BICOM optima mobil are certified medical devices of Risk Class IIa status.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive diagnostic and therapeutic technique which uses electromagnetic wave patterns as information carriers, to activate your body’s natural healing powers. By eliminating disharmonious frequencies within a patient’s body and sending back harmonic ones instead, Bioresonance produces therapeutic benefits while simultaneously supporting an individual’s immune system.

Resonance tests enable physicians to assess the biological balance of minerals, electrolytes and trace elements to detect chronic deficiencies or excesses of any of these. Bioresonance is also useful for identifying causes of allergic reactions like food or environmental allergies; with its BICOM device providing accurate frequency data on allergens to treat symptoms through specific resonance medicines.

An optimally healthy organism consists of cells vibrating in harmony; however, due to stress, toxins, and environmental pollution these natural electromagnetic oscillations may become disturbed, leading to health complaints and the development of disease. To aid self-regulatory processes and decrease toxin/stress load. Thus, inflammation, respiratory conditions, allergies, arthritic pain may all be treated effectively without needing medication and in a completely painless and stress-free way by using natural physical frequencies created by our own bodies – thus making treatment effective and stress-free.

Franz Morell created the BICOM device in 1977 using quantum physics principles. This electromagnetic wave transmitter transmits information and treats overloads by rebalancing tissue regenerative capacity, increasing cell activity and augmenting your body’s own healing powers.

Regumed devices have long been part of German medical culture. Since 1987, over 19,000 have been sold globally – both the BICOM optima and optima mobil are class IIa medical devices; mobile versions allow therapists to take treatment anywhere, including offering treatment directly at customers’ homes or other locations.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy operates under the assumption that all living organisms, including human beings, are enveloped by and penetrated by an electromagnetic energy field. Just like iron filings in a container can become out of order over time, imbalances in this energy field cause symptoms and are at the core of many disease processes. Bioresonance therapy supports our body’s natural regulatory systems while compensating for energetic blockages or malfunctions to increase self-healing abilities and foster overall well-being.

To achieve this goal, the BICOM bioresonance machine measures electromagnetic frequencies produced by body cells and compares them with frequency patterns associated with foreign substances or disease patterns. Harmonious frequency patterns are amplified, while disharmonic ones are diminished or neutralized – prompting your body to act therapeutically by breaking down disease and illness patterns and patterns.

Bioresonance scans involve placing applicators on various parts of a patient’s forehead, hands and feet as well as organ areas and reflex zones while sitting or lying down. Once attached, these applicators connect to a BICOM bioresonance device which records results and stores them. Once uploaded into its system, this BICOM bioresonance machine analyzes this data into something readable for doctors.

Once a therapist knows the results of a bioresonance test, he or she can use appropriate bioresonance frequencies to treat the root cause of any disease process using energy medicine – considered one form of “energy medicine”. It can help treat many different ailments.

Not only can this treatment treat allergies, but a range of other ailments as well. These include urogenital issues, menstrual disorders, chronic pain management issues, low immunity defenses and digestive concerns as well as healing chronic infections.

Though bioresonance isn’t recognized as a medical treatment by mainstream scientific opinion, some clinical studies have proven its efficacy for treating certain conditions. One such study demonstrated how it helped treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing antioxidant function within the body; other research indicated it helped relieve anxiety symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and psoriasis; it may even help lessen side effects associated with chemotherapy treatments.

What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance works to neutralise any harmful frequencies present, creating optimal balance in the body and helping prevent future illness or health complaints from appearing – it has even been used successfully for treating existing disease! Bioresonance has been successfully used on both people and animals without any negative side effects.

Bioresonance therapy can also help to minimize and alleviate drug-induced side effects, particularly in allergy treatment. Indeed, many patients have reported no longer suffering from allergy symptoms after receiving bioresonance treatments. Furthermore, the BICOM device can also provide help to horses suffering from respiratory disease or disorders without needing surgery or other invasive means.

Bioresonance‘s greatest strength lies in its ability to detect stress that cannot be detected with traditional blood tests, often due to being stored in the form of fat cells or mucous membranes. With its BICOM device, bioresonance can detect these tensions and then counteract them, providing relief from allergies, rheumatism, digestive disorders and chronic pain symptoms and conditions such as allergies.

The BICOM device can distinguish between healthy and disease-related oscillations by listening to electromagnetic signature frequencies of pathogens in the body. Once identified, these frequencies can then be altered through weakening, amplifying, or electronically inverting; sending back into resonance within the body for greater effectiveness against pathogens that threaten its health or even destruction. This process helps break down or even kill pathogens.

Additionally, the BICOM device uses natural substances to generate therapeutic oscillations that can be sent directly into the body, treating ailments such as anxiety and depression as well as treating inflammatory diseases like asthma and rheumatism.

Bioresonance may not be scientifically recognized and falls within the realm of alternative medicine; nonetheless, many doctors and naturopathic practitioners recognize its benefits when used alongside conventional medical therapies – this is especially true of devices like the BICOM optima certified Class IIa medical devices.

How much does bioresonance therapy cost?

BICOM bioresonance therapy can provide an effective complementary solution to many illnesses and symptoms, from toxin overload and stress relief to the prevention and recovery of existing ailments. It does this by transmitting physical resonance frequencies directly into body cells and organs – making BICOM suitable for both humans and animals alike!

To use the BICOM device, practitioners must collect samples of saliva or mucus from both mouth and nose of their patients and use the BICOM to pick up energy frequencies produced from these samples, amplifying healthy frequencies while cancelling out unfavorable ones. After which, these results are compared against a database and the results compared with them, which allows a therapist to then identify which of these frequencies align with body needs while others do not, ultimately creating a personalized treatment plan.

Regumed is a German manufacturer and offers two versions of their BICOM device, the optima and optima mobil. Both certified as class IIa medical devices offer similar therapeutic functions; with optima mobil optimized specifically for traveling or house call therapists.

One session on a BICOM bioresonance machine costs approximately PS90 and requires fully clothed sitting or lying-down patients connected in some way (usually wrist and ankle bands or probes) with the device. Therapy will usually last between half an hour and two hours and once finished, your therapist will discuss its results and identify any necessary next steps.

Bioresonance should not be seen as traditional medicine and is instead seen as an alternative therapy, therefore not covered by state health insurance plans. However, private health insurers may offer some reimbursement. Therefore it would be wise to contact your provider and establish what the exact costs would be for a session with them.
