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Resonant Frequency Therapy

Resonant frequency therapy has proven highly successful at eliminating harmful bacteria such as that causing Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi). Rife technology employs frequencies which resonate with Borrelia bacteria’s resonance frequency to achieve this result.

Each molecule, cell and organ in our bodies has a natural electromagnetic frequency, with resonance frequency modalities providing the ideal energy blueprint to each cell and stimulating natural correction processes.

Resonant Frequencies

Resonance refers to an object’s natural vibrating frequency. When excited by other forces, this vibration can be made to resonate at that same frequency – an example being quartz bowls or brass bells which resonate at audio frequencies; however, resonance extends far beyond audio-frequency response. Light, radio waves (used for MRI), X-Rays and other forms of radiation all resonate at various frequencies; all contributing towards resonance phenomena.

Long ago it has been established that electromagnetic energy travels at a rate which is proportional to the square root of the product of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of any medium, commonly referred to as Faradays Law. Due to this relationship it is extremely important that pulse rise/fall times be quick in devices; having rapid pulses has an enormously profound effect on resonance cells in an instrument.

The author’s devices make use of resonance to achieve many of their physiological effects. The basic concept behind resonance is that when tuned with an infectious organism or tumor, its resonance frequency will stimulate or entrain that organism/tumor into becoming healthier – much like how an ocean wave gets excited by sun or wind and moves in an anticlockwise direction.

To determine the resonant frequency of any material, it must first be tested against various frequencies. This can be accomplished with a frequency generator and computer that uses known principles of physics to calculate results quickly; there are various spreadsheet programs that facilitate quick calculation; however, author’s device also employs them quickly as well as using Charlene Boehm’s patent-pending theorem for additional calculation speed.

Many of the resonant frequencies detected by the author’s device are clinically relevant. Some serve as therapeutic frequencies for specific microorganisms such as Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria; others are related to general metabolic processes in the body; yet others result from research conducted into specific areas of physiology – for instance using oscillating magnetic fields to induce biochemical changes within cell membranes.


Resonant electromagnetic fields triggered by electromagnetic fields with resonant frequencies can induce biological responses at the level of cells, organelles, tissues and organisms. These biological responses range from regulatory to treatment stimulating or even debilitating effects. They’re achieved by altering resonance amplitudes within living organisms’ vibrational electromagnetic circuitry to cause changes in membrane permeability, transport of ions across membranes, concentration levels in their environment or metabolic processes resulting from physical modifications of resonance “amplitudes”.

Resonant frequency therapy allows a person to entrain the oscillations of any particular target object with their own, thus creating an energy transfer proportional to the amplitudes of both objects’ oscillations. This process is known as entrainment, a basic principle of quantum mechanics which says if their amplitudes coincide, energy will transfer at an equal rate whereas out-of-phase oscillations cancel each other out and no transfer occurs at all.

Certain frequency devices produce not just one fundamental frequency, but multiple harmonics of that fundamental frequency as well. Each harmonic represents an integer multiple of its parent frequency. Methods provided in the present invention enable users to quickly determine therapeutic resonant frequencies for target genomic materials and program them into devices so they are also released as harmonic emissions.

Resonant frequencies used to treat an illness can bring about physiological healing and normalization. Resonant frequencies have the power to inhibit disharmonious fluctuations within inflammatory cells as well as regulate metabolic processes and membrane permeability, helping patients achieve therapeutic gains and restore equilibrium in their health.

Studies of fibromyalgia revealed the most effective frequencies for treating this condition were those that suppressed muscle contractions and improved circulation while normalizing cellular metabolism of muscles and bones affected by the condition, such as through resonant frequencies which proved safe and highly effective treatments.

Failing to accurately estimate frequencies has limited the use of frequency-based therapies; thus it is vital that an easier and quicker method be developed for estimating them so as to increase effectiveness of such treatments. Individuals given only weeks to live have responded impressively well to resonance frequencies through therapies like this one.

Frequency Modulation

Rife devices produce complex electromagnetic frequencies with many harmonics, producing wide bandwidth resonant/physiologic effects. By employing different tubes, gasses, RF carriers and pulse rates it is possible to tailor its spectral output towards specific cell or tissue resonance frequencies. Furthermore, this device has also been proven to effectively kill cancerous and pathogenic micro organisms by disrupting their internal vibrational frequencies through resonance destruction.

Royal Rife discovered “Mortal Oscillatory Rates”, or MORs, to effectively destroy disease causing micro-organisms. Resonant interactions of carrier waves with microtubules and ion flows has shown to disrupt cell division and cause cancer cells to lose their polarity and deform, ultimately leading to their death by apoptosis.

Existing transmitters typically are limited in their modulation frequency due to the capacity of their modulation transformer and audio amplifier to manage carrier frequency and sideband emission of RF emission. This patent application introduces a new transmitter with superior modulation frequency handling capability; allowing it to handle higher carrier frequencies and modulation frequencies simultaneously.

Current iterations of this device can produce resonant frequencies of up to 200,000 Hz using an innovative method of modulation that yields much more complex harmonics that are proportionally further away from their fundamental frequency than previously possible.

These harmonics give the device a highly complex sound quality similar to digital radio. An experienced user will find it very straightforward to view the harmonic content of any particular RF emission.

There is an increasing number of cancer patients using the device and finding it very effective at eliminating their cancer. Anecdotal reports of people who had metastatic cancer responding favorably have also surfaced. Response may depend on how advanced your disease is as well as your body’s capacity for recovering and healing itself.


As a rule, the more harmonic frequencies that are added into a waveform, the greater its effects may be. Aside from creating musical resonance as heard in concerts, other effects include radio waves, magnetic fields and even electromagnetic radiation such as X-Rays resonating within their waves; hence many devices that produce physiological effects rely on amplification and resonance for their operation.

Utilizing an AM type transmitter that has been severely overmodulated, the device produces thousands of frequencies in accordance with resonance laws. The generator is then connected to a plasma tube which acts like an electrical mixer producing harmonics, overtones and heterodynes.

By combining fast pulse rise and fall time with fast RF energy induction rates, the induced RF energy becomes more effective at impacting resonant cells due to Faraday’s Law which states that an electric current induced in a conductor by electromagnetic waves transmitted oscillating at different frequencies will generate voltage depending on their rate of change in magnetic field strength.

An outstanding demonstration of this device’s effectiveness lies in its capacity to destroy Lyme Disease bacteria. Lyme is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria which are carried by ticks from Ixodes genus; by targeting its resonant frequency with tick-borne ticks infected by these germs, cell interference occurs that neutralizes toxic waste produced by Borrelia bacteria genome thereby eliminating toxic build-up caused by Lyme bacteria toxins and debris that might otherwise remain.

As one example, the resonant frequency of the chickenpox virus genome has been successfully used to heal people of the disease. By targeting other harmful micro organisms and viruses like Herpes B virus, this device can destroy them during their dormant stage and eradicate them altogether.

Resonant frequencies associated with human DNA can also be an effective means of killing cancer cells. Their resonance frequency is very close to that of messenger RNA associated with cancer enzyme tyrosine kinase; using this new and more potency frequency could significantly reduce chemotherapy required to kill cancer cells.
