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Bioresonance Pseudoscience

Bioresonance therapy operates under the theory that all matter – including human bodies – have their own electromagnetic frequencies, which are detectable using machines. Bioresonance practitioners claim they can use machines that measure these frequencies to identify imbalances and treat them effectively.

Skeptics might call this pseudoscience, but for many such as Manitoban Dennis Ludwig who used this machine to test for lactose intolerance it has proven very helpful.

Bio Resonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive solution to address health concerns like allergies, digestive issues and stress. It works by identifying what’s impeding natural healing processes – including toxins, heavy metals infections or food sensitivities – while electromagnetic frequencies match up and harmonize discordant frequencies to encourage self-healing in order to balance out disharmonies within your system.

According to this theory, each cell in our bodies emit electro-magnetic waves which can be detected using devices connected directly to them, showing any irregular frequency indicative of illness. When bioresonance devices detect such abnormal frequencies they alter them back into healthy wavelengths – people who believe in alternative medicine often claim this form can help treat various ailments including fibromyalgia and cancer among others.

Bioresonance therapy aims not only to treat symptoms but also provide emotional support to people suffering from various disorders. It works by rebalancing energy fields to enhance emotions and mental clarity as well as relieve stress and anxiety which often plays a part in other medical issues.

Treatment itself typically takes the form of a session with a practitioner during which you lie or sit comfortably, with bioresonance equipment attached in some way to your body – either via electrodes placed around your wrists and ankles, or probes held onto by you – in order to detect unhealthy frequencies that are contributing to illness and restore them back to their regular frequency ranges. After doing this, the device may produce a report detailing its findings for your practitioner who will then use these findings as guidance for next steps in treatment plan.

Bioresonance therapy has some scientific backing, while many medical professionals view it as pseudoscience. Still, many success stories from patients claim the technique has helped with various conditions – helping people stop smoking or reduce pain associated with fibromyalgia to increasing overall energy levels and strengthening immunity so that one is less prone to illnesses and infections.

Morphogenetic Field Theory

Rupert Sheldrake developed his Morphogenetic Field Theory as a means of exploring memory’s existence within nature. This concept emerged out of his realization that processes in nature do not strictly abide by physics and chemistry laws alone; according to Sheldrake, full understanding of morphogenesis requires moving from a mechanistic to an organismic perspective.

Sheldrake’s theory rests on the idea that living things leave an intangible “seed” of their shape in an etheric field which other living beings can sense and use to guide physical forms into existence. Additionally, thoughts can leave an imprint in this morphogenetic field which other beings sense and cause them to adopt similar behaviors; which often becomes infectious (resulting in genocides, wars and bloodshed).

Modern molecular cell biology has made great advances in its understanding of cell mechanisms; however, much remains unanswered regarding how large-scale patterns of morphogenesis are controlled and coordinated. Morphogenetic fields may provide a useful framework for comprehending how such patterns arise – this theory has been supported by prominent scientists like D’Arcy Thompson. Furthermore, their concept has also been linked with field equations in physics: potentials related to static electricity, magnetism or other types of energy are linked with this concept as potential potentials – while field equations provide solutions pertaining to potentials relating to potentials involving static electricity potentials as well as potentials relating to potentials associated with different forms of energy sources such as static electricity potential, magnetism or energy types that arises between potentials for static electricity, magnetism or similar forms.

Sheldrake discovered in his experiment with rats that every time one learned a particular behavior, its associated morphogenetic field became stronger allowing other rats to pick up on it more easily and reinforce it themselves more rapidly – consistent with David Bohm’s concept of an implicate order as opposed to an explicate one in terms of matter and gross energy. These results support his explanation that nature contains both explicit and implicit orders in relation to matter and gross energy.

Sheldrake’s ideas have gained increased acceptance since his book was first published in 1982, thanks to quantum physicist David Bohm’s groundbreaking work and its common language for discussing how the morphogenetic field operates. Morphogenetic resonance involves shaping one’s very being, which may one day help treat conditions like Alzheimer’s.


MBTI is a psychometric test that measures personality traits. Its benefits include greater understanding of psychological differences and appreciation of diversity in the workplace, helping you understand yourself more accurately, and forging more meaningful personal relationships. Knowing that one teammate prefers working on concrete details while you prefer more abstract concepts (Sensing) may enable you to adapt your communication style accordingly – helping ensure optimal team dynamics!

However, this test does have its downsides. Critics claim that its dichotomous categories oversimplify complex personalities and may lead to stereotypes or typecasting. They also argue that it lacks account for cultural variations in personality expression when making its judgments.

Even with these concerns, MBTI remains an immensely popular assessment tool, having been subject to extensive research with satisfactory predictive validity and reliability results. However, its misuse for job recruitment or promotion would be unethical and illegal; rather it should only ever be used as part of thorough character work process to guide decisions concerning one’s life or conduct.

Lactose Intolerance

Lactose, a milk sugar that requires the digestive enzyme lactase for digestion, typically disappears as mammals reach weaning age, but humans and people of certain ethnic groups continue producing lactase until adulthood (lactase persistence). Individuals who cannot break down lactose may experience symptoms like bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort from dairy products such as milk or yogurt; however they usually can tolerate fermented cheese and other dairy foods made using fermentation processes to break down lactose effectively.

Researchers remain uncertain why some people can digest lactose while others cannot. One theory holds that natural selection may explain this difference; during historical famines and disease epidemics, those unable to digest milk would have had less chances to pass their genes to offspring, leading to their genetic material not surviving and eventually leading to a gradual decrease in those capable of digesting lactose.

Lactose intolerance symptoms vary between individuals and can range from mild to severe. They usually emerge 30-2 hours after eating or drinking something containing lactose; depending on how much lactose you consume and the level of lactase produced in your body, their severity will also differ.

Avoiding dairy foods will often help alleviate symptoms. If they become severe, however, it’s wise to consult a healthcare provider first in order to assess if they could be related to coeliac disease or IBS.

Note that hydrogen breath tests and lactose tolerance tests do not indicate whether you are actually lactose intolerant; rather they only measure how much lactose your body can absorb, not whether or not your digestive tract can digest it. They may lead to self-diagnosis and lead to unnecessary exclusion of dairy products from diet, leading to nutritional deficiencies including calcium deficiency or vitamin D deficiency.
