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The Benefits of a Bioresonance Scan

Biological resonance is one of the most effective holistic healing methods. Based on quantum physics principles, which recognize that all things emit frequencies which can be measured, biological resonance provides a holistic healing solution with potential.

Studies have established that oscillatory frequencies differ between diseased organs, cells and tissues and healthy ones. A potential electrical device would likely detect such variances and address them accordingly.


Bioresonance scan is a safe, noninvasive technique that utilizes quantum physics to detect imbalances within the body. The scan takes minutes and measures bioenergy of various systems of your body – which could include digestive blockages, emotional stressors, spinal health concerns, chronic sinus patterns or injuries due to physical trauma, as well as bacteria or parasite invasions.

Bioresonance therapy is founded on the idea that all living organisms produce electromagnetic energy. This energy resonates throughout our bodies in oscillations of various wavelengths and frequencies which can be detected, amplified, graphed and detected using bioresonance machines to identify healthy and diseased cell resonance frequencies to restore optimal balance in our systems.

Bioresonance is one such paradigm of 21st-century biological healthcare that utilizes cutting-edge computer technology based on quantum physics to restore your natural healing processes rather than treating disease directly. Bioresonance provides another example of this modern medical paradigm and uses advanced computer systems to decode information from within your own body.

Instead of traditional healthcare practices that involve patients consulting their general physician before going for tests and being referred to specialists, Bioresonance scanners offer instant reports on people’s health within one hour – thus saving both time and money! This revolutionary device makes life simpler for its users by cutting out lengthy waits for doctor appointments while saving both time and money when accessing healthcare services.

The QXCI scanner can take over 8500 measurements in a single session and provides comprehensive bio-energy analysis of your entire system. It is an accurate non-invasive medical device with palm sensor to scan various energy systems of the body such as the Physiological (organ), Endocrine, Nervous and Lymphatic systems as well as digestive stressors, Spinal Energy Flow Dental Health Chronic Sinus Patterns Emotional Balance.

When placing their palm on a sensor to collect bioresonance data, this is then transmitted to a computer for interpretation and a personalised treatment plan is then generated to address specific areas of concern and offer remedies that support natural healing such as food supplements, homeopathic medicines, flower essences or other holistic therapies.

Detects Diseases

The bio resonance magnetic analyzer is an innovative medical device capable of identifying disease states within the body – including parasites, toxins and other harmful substances – as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. By doing this, it helps prevent diseases before they become serious while saving time and money by forgoing expensive MRI scans.

Bioresonance scanner technology works on the principle that unhealthy cells and organs emit different electromagnetic frequencies due to DNA damage, so the bioresonance scanner is designed to identify these frequencies and restore them back to their usual states, helping repair and restore health back into the body.

Method is noninvasive, using no needles or radiation and provides clients with a complete list of results to review. While some experts remain skeptic of its efficacy, others view it as an invaluable way of diagnosing disease early and preventing further symptoms from emerging.

Modern life’s many stresses – such as electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones and Wi-Fi, electricity radiation, pollution, chemicals found in drinking water supplies, pharmaceutical drugs, and pesticides – can disrupt our bodies’ natural balance and cause illnesses to surface quickly. This may exceed self-healing abilities of the body and result in multiple illnesses affecting each system of our body simultaneously.

To identify imbalances in the body, bioresonance scanners scan for individual cell and organ frequencies before comparing these with optimal frequencies stored within its database and making an appropriate diagnosis.

Bioresonance scanner is a form of holistic medicine which integrates aspects from homeopathy, acupuncture and quantum physics into one holistic treatment approach. The basis of its methodology lies in its discovery that every substance – be it human cells, food or pathogens – produces its own electromagnetic waves which can be detected and measured using quantum sensors for diagnosis purposes; proponents believe changing these frequencies back to their original frequencies may treat illness.

Measures the Effectiveness of Remedies

All living organisms and their components – cells, tissues, organs and hormones – emit electromagnetic waves with particular frequencies known as frequency patterns or signatures. Each substance, whether pathogens such as viruses and bacteria or allergens such as pollen or toxins has an individual frequency pattern which bioresonance scanning uses to identify any discordant frequencies and then correct them.

Scientific evidence has demonstrated that electromagnetic fields emitted by diseased organs differ significantly from those emitted by healthy ones due to changes in cell metabolism or DNA damage. A bioresonance scanner measures these differences in frequency emission rates and then changes any negative frequencies back into their original states – said to heal the body.

Bioresonance devices are electronic equipment used to measure the frequencies of energy waves emitted by human bodies and use headphones to record this data, then analyze it to pinpoint potential health problems and suggest natural treatments that could address them.

Bioresonance was invented by German scientology member Franz Morell and his son-in-law Erich Rasche in Germany as MORA therapy (Morell + Rasche). The theory behind bioresonance rests on the belief that all matter, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic vibrations which can be detected, amplified and analyzed – claims which were later disproved through extensive scientific study.

Bioresonance does not deliver on what its proponents claim it can do. A randomized controlled trial involving 20 patients suffering from psychosomatic illnesses found that bioresonance therapy was ineffective; further, an analysis of multiple clinical trials did not support its use in treating either gastrointestine conditions or psychosomatic illnesses. Some studies have reported that bioresonance may aid rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing the function of antioxidants within the body to lessen inflammation, but these results were inconclusive and did not include control groups. No other study was able to replicate them, and overall evidence is weak so no money should be spent on this form of alternative medicine.

Resets the Body

Human bodies are complex ecosystems, taking time to restore themselves. A bioresonance scan may assist this process by helping restore balance to internal energies while acting on electromagnetic or biochemical imbalances that could otherwise lead to disease.

Bioresonance therapy is founded upon the observation that all living organisms, such as cells in our own bodies, emit electromagnetic oscillations at various frequencies that vary with cells and organs; they may even be altered by pathogens, chemicals or changes to DNA sequence. This therapy uses these oscillations as indicators to target various areas within an organism with therapy treatments designed specifically for them.

Biophysicists record biophysical materials like bacteria, pollen, drugs and toxins and use bioresonance scanners to record them; then biotherapists counteract any negative frequencies with positive ones so the body can return to its usual energy state.

Bioresonance machines come in various varieties, but one of the most widely-used is Bicom-Optima. This device places electrodes directly onto a patient’s skin and monitors energy wavelengths emitted by their body; additionally it detects all major organs and meridians of their system allowing it to provide accurate diagnosis for various health conditions.

The Metatron NLS bioresonance scanner uses similar technology as the Bicom-Optima. As an non-invasive system, it can perform a comprehensive health check within an hour – this includes checking head, neck, thorax, lungs, heart and thyroid glands as well as digestive tract, urine analysis, bones and joints as well as food intolerance detection and blood counts without taking blood samples from users.

The Metatron NLS is an efficient healthcare tool, saving patients time and effort compared to traditional care. It can detect pathologies at an early stage, thus reducing treatment costs; provide early warning signals about illness; and assist them in making healthier lifestyle decisions.
