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What Is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy employs electronic devices to diagnose and treat illnesses. Its theory behind its implementation is unproven: that diseased organs or cancer cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, so changing them back to normal heals the body.

Utilizing devices like the Bicom Optima machine, practitioners claim they can detect imbalances in the body using this treatment modality and offer treatments aimed at correcting them; for instance, eliminating geopathic stress, dealing with scar tissue issues and clearing away toxic matter are among the many areas they target.


Bioresonance therapy uses a machine to measure the frequency of energy wavelengths emanating from your body, and then adjust them so they are compatible with your natural physiology, thus helping restore equilibrium and heal itself. The treatment itself is very gentle; just place electrodes onto your skin. You may feel tired afterward.

The theory behind this treatment is that unhealthy cells or organs produce electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage that machines are capable of detecting and cancelling out, with advocates believing this treatment cures disease or cancer cells from multiplying and spreading. Unfortunately, no scientific evidence supports such claims; therefore the FDA has taken actions against purveyors of devices making unsubstantiated health claims, while the American Cancer Society advises people against purchasing these devices.

Although no studies have been conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for cancer, some individuals have found it helpful. One study, for instance, indicated it can lessen recurrent depression episodes among mild or moderate patients while improving quality-of-life metrics in those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.

Bioresonance therapy could also be effective at treating allergies. Studies have demonstrated this potential application, including helping treat hay fever, eczema and asthma symptoms; however more controlled trials must take place before bioresonance therapy can be considered an effective allergy treatment solution.

Many health practitioners also employ bioresonance therapy as part of cancer care treatments; however, this must be under the supervision of an oncologist or health care provider who is certified to discuss cancer therapies with patients. Anyone promoting such a therapy without proper training could violate The Cancer Act of 1939.

Some practitioners claim their devices can treat various ailments and conditions, from cancer to hangover. Furthermore, their machines allegedly help you quit smoking by cancelling out nicotine molecules in your body based on an incorrect theory that Fasciolopsis buski resides within bile ducts and causes all cancer.


Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy used to treat allergies. It works by scanning energy patterns within the body and tuning them back to more harmonious frequencies, with some practitioners claiming it may also aid with other health conditions – although critics discredit such claims citing no science behind them.

Bioresonance can help identify food intolerances through electrode placement on the skin and connection to a device known as BICOM. The machine monitors energy wavelengths produced by your body and restores an ideal equilibrium by counteracting any harmful frequencies that come through.

Other users of bioresonance therapy claim it can assist those living with rheumatoid arthritis. Citing research, they point out how bioresonance therapy may normalize how antioxidants function within the body, potentially decreasing free radical damage and free radical-induced damage to blood lymphocytes from patients suffering with rheumatoid disease. According to one study conducted on patients receiving bioresonance therapy sessions for this condition, scientists saw increased superoxide dismutase activity as well as glutathione peroxidase activity while decreasing nonprotein thiol groups present within blood lymphocytes from patients suffering with this disease.

But the studies supporting this claim tend to be of dubious quality, with researchers failing to adhere to proper scientific procedures or compare results with a control group, or misinterpreting their data. Another problem associated with such studies is their short duration and small scale nature.

Independent scientists have conducted more credible research on the efficacy of bioresonance therapies. A paper published in Forschende Komplementarmedizin (Research in Complementary Medicine) describes findings of a randomized controlled trial featuring 10 treated and 10 untreated patients suffering from functional gastrointestinal complaints; results demonstrated that bioresonance therapy significantly alleviated symptoms in those receiving therapy compared with untreated controls.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as an effective method for the cessation of smoking, with numerous newspaper stories featuring people claiming that one session helped them kick the habit. But Professor Ernst cautions that anecdotes do not constitute evidence. When Wales implemented its smoking ban in public places, many smokers pledged that a single bioresonance session would do it for them – while many failed to keep that pledge!

Mental health

Mental health is a multidimensional concept that encompasses our ability to cope with life’s challenges and thrive, along with maintaining healthy relationships, managing emotions constructively, working productively and sleeping soundly. Mental wellbeing can be affected by biological, psychological, environmental and social influences.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medical practice that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to balance body energy. It’s a noninvasive solution used both to diagnose and treat conditions; for instance, toxin accumulation, autoimmune processes, hormonal imbalances and respiratory, digestive or other muscular health ailments.

Bioresonance therapy works according to its proponents by monitoring energy wavelengths that come out of your body, counterbalancing any bad ones with beneficial ones and restoring an ideal vibrational pattern that allows it to heal itself. Unfortunately, however, its claims rest on scientific illiteracy – the notion that everything is energy is simply unfounded and does not support that this technology could be useful in diagnosing or treating illness.

Recent research compared bioresonance therapy and pharmacological treatment approaches for treating patients experiencing recurrent depressive episodes. Participants were divided into two groups; Group 1 included 40 people suffering recurrent moderate depressive episodes (31 women and 9 men) treated exclusively with bioresonance therapy alone while Group 2 consisted of 30 people (20 women and 10 men) who also received medication treatment.

After five sessions of bioresonance therapy, four women and six men experienced significant reductions in depression symptoms. Furthermore, those who combined it with antidepressant medication experienced even greater improvements. This indicates that bioresonance therapy could be an effective method for treating depression; however, more research needs to be conducted into its effectiveness in larger clinical trials.


Pain is a universal experience that may result from illness, injury or stress. While discomforting, pain is also vital as it allows us to identify its source and any possible health risks associated with leaving the issue untreated. One effective method for managing pain is bioresonance therapy which employs electromagnetic fields generated within our bodies to detect and reduce painful symptoms.

Bioresonance sessions use electrodes attached to electrodes placed on a client’s skin and connected to a machine called Bicom device, which measures energy wavelengths emitted by your body and detects immune system reactions to potentially harmful substances or microorganisms. Furthermore, Bicom can recognize any imbalance in energy patterns within your body’s energy patterns that require correction by emitting frequencies designed to restore natural resonance levels and correct for imbalances that exist.

Bioresonance therapies help the body restore healthy electromagnetic vibrations by eliminating negative electromagnetic vibrations while encouraging healthy ones to reestablish themselves within your cells, aiding healing processes. Individuals who have utilized bioresonance therapies as part of chronic pain treatment report significant improvement, often without needing strong medication like opioids.

Though bioresonance therapy isn’t widely offered by the NHS, it has grown increasingly popular at complementary medicine clinics worldwide. Bioresonance is an innovative non-invasive technique that offers an alternative to conventional treatments for treating digestive issues, asthma attacks, skin conditions and hormonal imbalances.

Although no clinical studies exist to prove bioresonance therapy works, advocates for it maintain that it has helped many with chronic pain and other health concerns. Many have posted online testimonials detailing how much bioresonance therapy helped them. It is recommended to first consult with a medical provider prior to beginning any form of bioresonance therapy.
