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How a Bio Resonance Device Can Help You

Bioresonance is an emerging yet effective treatment using energy to detect imbalances in your body. It does this by connecting electrodes to electrodes on your body and reading its electromagnetic vibrations; after which a device manipulates these frequencies to return healthy ones back into your system while eliminating unhealthy ones.

Used to treat conditions like fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases and allergies; it may also assist you in recovering after overtraining as well as ease any unexplained stomach discomfort.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy claiming to diagnose conditions like “Weight and digestive issues, such as bloating; Arthritis, joint pains; Back pain; Skin problems such as rashes and Psoriasis/Eczema; Psoriasis/Eczema; Rhinitis sinus; Headaches migraine depression anxiety fatigue as well as Sleep problems”. A Bicom-Optima device reads electromagnetic wavelengths sent from cells within your body before playing back frequencies which resonate with them to heal them and balance your energy system rebalancing your energy system and restore balance to balance and restore your energy system rebalancing your energy system rebalancing your energy system rebalancing it all back out. A typical session lasts one hour.

Bioresonance machine works on the principle that everything in life is energy. Cells, organs and tissues – even your entire body – each emit electromagnetic waves via magnetic or biomagnetic fields which emit bioresonant frequencies when your health is optimal; otherwise these waves form disharmonious frequency patterns caused by viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins or inflammation that disturb this harmonic frequency pattern. Thankfully the bioresonance machine recognises these disharmonious frequencies and sends them back into your system to neutralise them!

If a pathogen is discovered, this machine can kill it by sending out electric pulses at the same frequency as its natural electromagnetic waves. This technology draws upon work by scientist Royal Rife who discovered that many pathogens could be eliminated through sending electronic pulses at frequencies matching their natural electromagnetic fields.

Therapy also claims to harmonize the immune system, making it more effective against disease and infection, while providing mental clarity and emotional stability by aligning your energy fields in harmony.

Clinical studies examining this therapy are still inconclusive; however, success stories and testimonials from those who have found relief through it. It can be used in combination with traditional medicine to accelerate healing processes; however it should not be used during pregnancy or when there are specific medical conditions present – always consult your doctor first when considering this form of therapy; side effects could include headache or nausea due to detoxing your body of toxins.

It is safe

There are various bioresonance devices on the market. Of them all, one of the most sophisticated models is the Inergetix-CoRe. This device utilizes resonance response information obtained via resonance testing or Kinesiology methods and works as an overall system. The device is then placed between two brass cylinders and electromagnetic signals are transferred to its body; their response recorded and then interpreted before creating a report outlining results. This device can test how your body responds to items from all natural health modalities, including herbs, homeopathy, flower essences, acupuncture points/meridians/nutritional supplements etc. Additionally, it identifies any toxic materials and emotions, before providing tools that boost harmonious frequencies while invert harmful ones to lessen harm inflicted upon your body.

But it should be remembered that bioresonance phenomenon has not yet been scientifically established, though some practitioners assert it can cure cancer, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. The Therapeutic Goods Administration is currently engaged in compliance activities related to this industry; practitioners must not make unsubstantiated claims. Therefore it’s wise to do some research prior to purchasing such devices as well as check if they’re listed on Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG), an official list of safe and effective medical devices.

It is effective

Use of a bio resonance device is a noninvasive and effective way to balance energy fields and promote healing in your body. It works on the principle that every cell produces electromagnetic waves which are then detected by a computerized scanner called a bioresonance machine, emitting gentle electromagnetic frequencies which travel throughout your body before tissues respond back with different spectrum frequencies – this machine then detects these answers to determine what may be going wrong and provide information that allows treatment plans tailored specifically for each case.

Quantum physics research has demonstrated that all materials have both wave and particle properties, enabling them to interact at certain resonant frequencies known as biophotons. Bioresonance therapy can identify these frequencies within the body and use them to treat conditions like allergies, digestive issues and stress-related disorders.

Bioresonance therapy treatments often start off with an organ and system scan using an FDA-approved device called a BioScan, providing valuable insights into your body’s health, such as nutritional imbalances, food and environmental sensitivities, hormonal issues or any potential toxins resonating in the system.

The Bioresonance machine can detect the presence of numerous substances, such as medications and vaccines, within your body. Furthermore, it can detect parasites, fungus and any organisms which might pose potential threats – even genetic predisposition for certain diseases!

Bioresonance devices are straightforward and simple to operate, requiring no physical contact between user and device. They work by transmitting electromagnetic waves into energy fields in your body’s energy systems and then analyzing their responses before recording reports based on those responses – much faster than traditional muscle testing methods such as Kinesiology or Kinesiotaping!

It is affordable

Every living being has waves and frequency patterns which resonate harmoniously in a healthy biological system and dissonantly when sick, and these can be measured using the BICOM bio resonance device. It sends physical oscillations from your own body into its deepest structures of your organism in order to activate self-regulatory reactions without stress, pain or manipulations – the patient can lie comfortably during this process.

BICOM bioresonance analyzer provides more than an assessment of electromagnetic fields in the body; it detects negative frequencies and restores them back into positive frequencies for effective therapy for various conditions, including food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders such as prostatitis and low immune defenses, digestive issues such as constipation and liver issues as well as rheumatism. It may even detect heavy metal poisoning, imbalanced hormone levels or emotional traumas.

BICOM bioresonance device can be used in tandem with diet and lifestyle to support natural healing processes in your body, detect allergies and intolerances (e.g. gluten or peanut), detect allergies/intolerances such as gluten or peanut allergy/intolerance; costs around PS60 per session which lasts 60 minutes and payment can be made with cash or card; some practitioners even offer live blood analysis which detects impurities/problem areas within your system.
