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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an evidence-based noninvasive therapy that uses electrodes on your skin connected to an energy machine which monitors energy wavelengths and counteracts bad frequencies, with claims it can help your body reduce toxin build-up and heal itself.

Veterinarians have seen bicom bioresonance therapy help dramatically transform previously hopeless cases; however, more research must be conducted to confirm its efficacy.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing and bio-energetic medicine, utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize with body resonances, initiating rapid healing processes that have proven incredible benefits for individuals suffering from digestive complaints, allergies, insomnia, low immune defences or any number of ailments. Bioresonance can provide relief in many forms: from digestive complaints and allergies through insomnia and low immune defences – just to name a few!

Bioresonance employs electromagnetic wave patterns to detect disturbances and stresses in organs, cells, and tissue caused by food, environmental pollution, infections, hormone imbalances and many other factors. BICOM devices identify such disturbances and send out healthy frequency patterns back to help organs overcome them; additionally it also provides information about stressors so you can eliminate or take preventive steps against them.

BICOM can also identify the effects of medications and supplements taken, making this device invaluable in cases of allergy as well as for determining optimal dosage levels of herbs or supplements. Treatment sessions themselves are painless and noninvasive; typically lasting one or two hours depending on severity. Some patients may require monthly follow up treatments while for others one or two sessions will suffice in restoring health.

At each session, your therapist will ask you to lie down fully clothed before placing several electrodes on your hand connected to a machine. These electrodes pick up your frequency patterns and deliver them directly into a BICOM device where they can be compared against those scanned from substances and changes within your system – with healthy waves being reinforced back into the body while unhealthy waves being reversed to lessen their impact.

BICOM is a CE-certified medical device, having gone through extensive safety testing in Germany. Additionally, numerous controlled and observational trials have demonstrated its efficacy for specific conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis and asthma; research supports its success.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy uses a device that detects imbalances in the body’s energy system and corrects them with electromagnetic waves, supporting and reinstating natural healing processes in a safe way. This noninvasive method helps alleviate pain while improving overall health by targeting root causes of symptoms.

Bioresonance technology is grounded in quantum physics, and uses electromagnetic vibrations from healthy cells back into diseased ones in order to restore normal function and correct imbalances caused by illness, stress or environmental influences. Bioresonance therapy offers one way of correcting imbalances resulting from illness, stress or environmental influences; its BICOM device transmits electromagnetic waves back through healthy cells back into any dysfunctional ones via electromagnetic frequencies that help restore normality in each.

The BICOM device conducts resonance tests of bodily substances, liquids and secretions to identify causes of imbalance such as mineral/electrolyte imbalances, chronic deficiencies or oversupply and more. The findings can then be utilized in creating a personalized bioresonance therapy program.

Bioresonance sessions involve patients lying or sitting comfortably while applicators are placed on their head, hands and feet over organ areas or reflex zones. A therapist then records all information that enters into their device and converts it to resonance waves for transference to body tissues via applicators – amplifying harmonic frequencies while dampening out disharmonic ones or neutralizing them altogether.

Bioresonance systems utilize electromagnetic vibrations to induce positive and healthy changes within cells, tissues and organs of the body – leading to reduced inflammation, improved function and overall sense of well-being.

BICOM devices have been proven to be safe for use and show no side effects; however, it’s still wise to consult your healthcare provider prior to beginning this type of therapy; they will be able to answer any of your queries regarding benefits and risks associated with the therapy.

Bioresonance therapy is considered an alternative form of medicine and, thus, does not fall under statutory health insurance coverage. However, many private insurers are more accepting to this form of therapy and will cover its cost through private policies.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy stands apart from traditional treatments by being noninvasive and without harmful side effects. It uses electrodes placed directly onto your skin connected to a Bicom device that monitors and controls energy wavelengths in cells to increase healthy frequencies while decreasing unhealthy ones – ultimately helping restore balance to your energy field.

Bioresonance therapy offers many advantages, one being its effectiveness at treating allergies. By eliminating their root causes, Bioresonance therapy helps your immune system work less hard.

Bioresonance therapy has proven its worth beyond allergies by alleviating a host of other health problems. According to one study, patients suffering from fibromyalgia who received bioresonance therapy experienced faster healing of their symptoms compared to those who didn’t receive it. Furthermore, an over-trained athlete study also showed how bioresonance therapy helped speed their recovery by normalizing blood pressure and decreasing stress levels more quickly.

Bioresonance therapy has also been proven effective against multiple sclerosis, eczema and stomach pain – likely because bioresonance helps the body flush out toxins which weaken your immune system and hinder recovery.

Bioresonance therapy‘s other advantage lies in its ability to help people quit smoking. One study demonstrated this success; 77% of participants who underwent bioresonance therapy succeeded at quitting compared with only 56 % who received placebo treatments; this success can be attributed to bioresonance‘s ability to offset nicotine’s harmful effects in your body by neutralizing negative resonance frequencies created by its molecules.

Bioresonance therapy should not be treated as a miracle cure; though studies may demonstrate positive effects, there’s no concrete proof it can cure certain diseases. As such, most healthcare professionals do not endorse bioresonance therapy for curative purposes; some practitioners make unsubstantiated claims that bioresonance can treat cancer or allergies; these claims must be approached with caution – the Federal Trade Commission even successfully sued someone making similar statements!

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help Me?

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative, drug-free solution to many ailments. It works by identifying harmful frequencies that impede energy flow within your body, then emitting counter frequencies to balance out these unwanted energies and restore equilibrium to your physical being. Bioresonance is particularly useful in allergy testing but also treats many other health conditions.

Proponents of this form of therapy assert that every cell in our bodies emit electromagnetic waves. An energy wavelength machine like the BICOM device can detect those waves and identify which frequency pattern disrupting body energy fields; then using this information against known disease frequency databases it can help diagnose diseases; finally transmitted back to patients to help alter electromagnetic wave of diseases so as to cancel out harmful vibrations caused by disease.

This process doesn’t treat disease directly, but can assist the body in relieving toxin or stress load and helping it heal itself. As it falls under complementary therapy category, this approach is frequently combined with traditional approaches like acupuncture or massage in order to address symptoms or root causes associated with disease.

Researchers found in one study that bioresonance could enhance cancer cell vitality and regeneration, in addition to providing effective relief from infections, autoimmune disorders and chronic inflammations.

At each session, clients lie fully clothed while electrodes are applied to their forehead and hands. Once connected to BICOM mobile VET device, these electrodes transmit modified vibrations/therapy frequency patterns back into their bodies – signaling and activating self-healing mechanisms within organs, tissues and cells while helping reduce stress levels and supporting natural functions of organs, tissues and cells.
