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Bioresonance Therapy for Insomnia

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive alternative therapy that uses an electromagnetic wave sensor machine to measure electromagnetic signals from within your body and detect communication breakdowns between cells, as well as invert unhealthy frequencies to encourage healthier ones.

Proponents of this process believe it can detect disease and treat illness. Unfortunately, controlled studies have produced mixed or even contradictory results.


Depression can be a debilitating illness that affects multiple aspects of one’s body, so finding effective treatment that addresses both mental and physical aspects is paramount to recovery. One such approach is bioresonance therapy which works to increase communication between cells in your body while eliminating imbalances that contribute to depression.

At this treatment, a bioresonance machine uses electrodes to connect to your skin and send signals directly to your cells. If all goes according to plan, they’ll respond by giving back clear signals back to the machine; otherwise it will read different frequencies that help identify their source and then use specific frequencies “cancell out” any unhealthy signals so as to foster stronger, balanced relationships among them.

Studies conducted recently demonstrated that patients undergoing bioresonance therapy experienced greater improvement in their mood than those taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to treat their depression. Bioresonance therapy could alleviate symptoms by targeting the root causes, which include parasites, toxins, metals and viruses as sources of dysfunctional behavior.

Hormonal imbalances are another contributing factor of depression, often as the result of age, diet or medication use. When hormone levels become imbalanced they can manifest as anything from premenstrual pains to irregular cycles to hot flushes and insomnia – bioresonance therapy has proven itself helpful by targeting limbic systems responsible for emotional regulation in the brain.

At each session, patients lie on a couch while their therapist connects the electrodes to their bodies via wires. It is best if loose-fitting clothing is worn so the therapist can access all parts of your body more easily; no mechanical devices such as mobile phones or headphones should be attached to this device either; after an initial test run is completed, your therapist can begin developing your individual treatment plan.


Anxiety is a widespread condition that can impact individuals of all ages. Stressful situations, insufficient restful sleep and other consequences of anxiety are just some of the many issues it causes. Bioresonance therapy offers noninvasive relief from anxiety while improving overall health – it’s an ideal complement to other treatments available today.

Based on an unproven premise that unhealthy cells or organs emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones, this treatment relies on devices which detect these frequencies to cancel them out, leaving your body functioning normally again. Promoters of this therapy make claims ranging from miraculous cures to quack remedies; many even consider some forms to be fraudulent and illegal by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

The device can also check for levels of toxins and metals that could be contributing to stress in your body. Treatment can also help balance hormones to relieve symptoms such as hot flushes and insomnia. In addition, it may also help treat chronic back and arthritic pain, skin conditions, digestive issues, food intolerances and food intolerances.

At your session, you will remain fully clothed while being seated or lying down on a machine scanned to detect imbalances within your body and generate a report for interpretation by the practitioner. They may suggest any next steps and provide any products such as drops/spray, pills or creams to take home with you (which could include wearable devices). An average clinic session usually lasts half an hour to two hours.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that uses electromagnetic waves to communicate with cells within your body and diagnose and treat conditions such as depression, anxiety and chronic diseases. When combined with other therapies like acupuncture it can enhance its effectiveness as a form of treatment.


Insomnia is defined by difficulty falling or staying asleep, awakening frequently in the middle of the night or early morning and/or waking too early in the morning. It can cause distress, hinder daily functions and have lasting impacts on a person’s mood, behavior and relationships; untreated insomnia may even reduce quality of life and increase risk for health problems and substance use disorders as well as negatively affecting work or school performance and healthcare utilization costs.

People suffering from chronic insomnia experience symptoms at least three nights every week for three months or longer, worsened by attempts to sleep such as staying in bed too long, taking sleeping pills or other drugs to help with sleeping, alcohol or caffeine consumption or using them as sleep aids. Stressors such as financial or family issues, depression or anxiety may exacerbate insomnia as well.

There are multiple treatments for insomnia, including behavioral therapy and medication. Unfortunately, these may take considerable time and commitment before becoming effective in combatting persistent insomnia.

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine approach used to diagnose disease and correct imbalances in the body’s energy system. A machine measures frequency of energy wavelengths emitted by organs and parts of the body and can also identify toxins, bacteria, and viruses. Proponents believe that unhealthy cells emit altered electromagnetic waves detectable by this machine that are used for diagnosing disease; by restoring those frequencies can treat any associated illness.

The amp coil device uses electromagnetic vibrations to identify imbalances in your energy fields and correct them by changing your DNA to healthier states, while also helping restore correct electromagnetic resonance among your cells, the key element for maintaining healthful body systems.

When suffering from insomnia, it’s essential to become your own sleep detective and identify its root causes. By understanding why insomnia occurs and developing an effective treatment plan, relief may come by decreasing stress, improving sleeping hygiene practices or taking steps to address emotional issues that might be contributing to it.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electromagnetic waves to assess and diagnose any imbalances within the body. An electrode placed on the skin connects directly to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals; healthy cells will emit clear signals back; otherwise sick ones will send weaker ones that the machine then interprets to make a diagnosis.

Bioresonance therapy has the ability to treat an array of conditions, ranging from fatigue and digestive issues to insomnia and allergies/autoimmune disease. Unlike many alternative treatments, bioresonance seeks out its root cause rather than simply covering symptoms with medication; some examples include treating:

Recent research revealed bioresonance therapy as an effective means to treat fibromyalgia. Researchers examined two groups of patients suffering from this condition; one received manual therapy and massage, while the other both manual therapy and bioresonance therapy. Of the two groups, those receiving bioresonance therapy saw more significant improvements than others, and experienced lasting relief.

Bioresonance therapy can also assist in treating asthma. Therapists can utilize the Hunter Metapathia device to isolate energy frequencies within the body and isolate any that are being caused by problems in the limbic system that might be contributing to asthma symptoms, providing invaluable information which will be used by their practitioner in tailoring a personalized treatment plan for their client.

Bioresonance scanning may also assist in weight loss, bloating and other digestive issues. Therapists can utilize this technology to detect any unhealthy foods in an individual’s diet before creating a detox program designed to rid themselves of these bad habits. Bioresonance sessions may also prove invaluable when trying to quit smoking; the therapist can use the bioresonance scans to find any tobacco or nicotine products in one’s system and work toward eliminating them from one’s body.
