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Radiesthesia Practitioner – Working on Homoeopathic Lines

Before selecting an effective homoeopathic remedy for his patient, a radiesthetie practitioner must test for infection, nerve and glandular disorders, organ problems, vitamin and mineral deficiency as well as possible vitamin deficiencies.

Richards often administered virus remedies for evaluation, which exhibit a strong correspondence to homoeopathic principles.


Homoeopaths working within the traditional method may find radiesthesia disconcerting at first. While medical diagnosis tries to match symptoms to diseases or syndromes, radiesthetic diagnosis attempts to reveal underlying forces responsible for illness.

Radiesthetic practitioners will conduct extensive diagnostic tests on their patients to test for infections, nerve and gland conditions, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, organ conditions, as well as general health concerns. With two standard boxes of Turenne witnesses available they should be able to screen for at least 40 infections/disease conditions and 40 organs at the same time.

He may find that, while not likely a simillimum, his remedy will go some way towards alleviating symptoms and balancing the system. *However, in cases of psychosis or deep neurosis broadcast treatment might still produce permanent changes.*


Practitioners of radiesthesia must be instructed in using and reading the dowsing instrument and reading radiesthesia results, in addition to understanding and applying homoeopathic principles in practice. Aside from that, the practitioner must also understand general and specific laws governing his work as a radiesthesia practitioner and be able to pinpoint the source of illness with the aid of standard box of Turenne witnesses; testing for forty infections as well as nerves and glands health as well as organ condition, in addition to testing medications’ effects and find its causes.

Once they have mastered the basic technique of radiesthesia, practitioners can progress to more complex applications. For example, they may learn how to determine whether a mineral has therapeutic value, link an inorganic substance and human consciousness using radiesthesia, as well as use dowsing devices to search for springs of water or metals such as gold.

Ancient Egyptian surgeons practiced radiesthesia as an exact science, using it to perform intricate operations and make important geological discoveries. Modern satellites have shown that every gold mine currently worked by mining companies was discovered and mined by ancient Egypt’s geologists!

Dr A de Belizal and Mr L Chaumery of France played an instrumental role in revitalizing physical radiesthesia during the early 1900s, through their research of pyramids. Their investigation included using invisible rays generated from them to kill microbes at 100 miles distance in test tubes.

Starting a career as a radiesthesia practitioner requires training from various schools, such as Holistic Health Dowsing in Hamburg and Allergy Link in North East England. Aside from schools, other resources available to budding radiesthesia practitioners include books on the topic or seminars by Kris Attard that feature pre-recorded PowerPoint presentations with voice commentary allowing them to listen back at any point throughout their seminar course or section and even pause it when necessary.


Radiesthetists typically provide testing for many conditions considered important by homoeopaths, including infections, nerve and glandular conditions, vitamin and mineral deficiency issues and possible psoric elements in cases; and provide appropriate remedies if any are present.

Medical radioaesthetists must conduct extensive testing, using multiple witnesses as witnesses and creating his or her own ratings for each. He or she will note those that appear most resonant; liquid adrenalin has proven itself an effective indicator for sympathetic nerves while acetylcholine serves as a good test for parasympathetic ones.

An important benefit of seeing a radiesthetist for treatment will be their ability to identify many of the diseases on test, and also uncover any incipient conditions which should be treated immediately.

Radiesthetists can provide remedies which will aid greatly in clearing up cases, even if it does not exactly match simillimum; this may provide great benefits to their patients. It is essential, however, to remember that radioesthetic methods differ substantially from classical homoeopathy methods and must be employed gradually depending on practitioner knowledge and experience.


Homoeopathic radioesthetists must do everything possible to assess their patients’ conditions as accurately as possible, from testing for infections, nerve and gland dysfunctions, vitamin and mineral deficiencies etc. Also remember that good remedies may come from outside homoeopathy – and that each prescription must be tailored towards an individual patient’s unique constitution.

As they use radionic instruments, radiesthetists will find that certain diseases respond better than others to broadcast treatment via broadcast radio waves. This is because these conditions emit vibrations or radiations that are easily transmitted across living tissue than more widespread diseases.

As well as this, radiesthetists work on an energetic level by seeking out any psychological imbalance or deficiency and pinpointing its source. Not using just pendulum techniques alone, radiesthetists use specially prepared charts and their own instruments to detect vibration or radiation and pinpoint its cause.

He can use similar processes to identify any mental deficiencies and recommend remedies that address their vibration or radiation, eliminating the problem. This approach represents an innovative departure from traditional medical approaches and it will be interesting to see whether its command of vibration or radiation leads us closer to understanding how forces work within matter; and may begin to create new levels of awareness of vibratory forces at work within flesh and blood organs as well as deeper realms where power we cannot touch begins to operate.
