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3 Alternative ADHD Treatments That Work

At a time when herbal supplements, superfood fads, and miracle cures seem endlessly promising, it can be challenging to identify effective alternative therapies from those that simply don’t work. But some natural methods have proven their worth over time: omega-3 fatty acids, exercise, and talk therapy have been widely reported as successful solutions.

Behavioral therapy assists those living with ADHD in developing beneficial behaviors and coping skills to manage symptoms. Psychotherapy includes diet changes, physical activity and mindfulness practices.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavior therapy, commonly referred to as CBT, teaches people how to change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior. CBT encourages patients to collaborate actively with their therapists in changing unhelpful thoughts and emotions that arise. CBT takes a goal-oriented approach unlike traditional psychoanalytic or psychodynamic therapies based on the principle that beliefs and emotions influence actions which impact self-perceptions.

CBT therapists ask questions, provide interactive discussions and assist in helping to understand how you respond to certain situations. Once identified, their help in identifying unhealthy emotions, beliefs or behaviors. You will then work on replacing these negative habits with healthier ones through interaction with your therapist, practice during sessions and homework exercises in between appointments.

Assuming you have difficulty remembering appointments and are always running late due to doubting your memory, therapy can teach you techniques for using reminders and organizing your schedule to avoid missing them altogether. They will also teach you how to err on the side of being early – giving you confidence that you can arrive on time which in turn enhances work, relationships and self-esteem.

CBT may be combined with other treatments for increased effectiveness, but should always be administered under the direction of an experienced mental health professional. Alternative adhd treatment behavioral therapies may include diet, exercise, neurofeedback and brain training – some have even shown promise as more effective solutions than medications alone! However, additional research needs to be completed in this regard before conclusively proving this assumption.

Before initiating any alternative treatments for ADHD, it’s essential to discuss them with your physician first. Certain supplements and herbal remedies may interfere with prescribed medicines for ADHD; caffeine, nicotine and recreational drugs can increase symptoms; in addition to this, sugar-containing dairy and processed food should be limited and physical activity encouraged – this helps release brain chemicals which stimulate alertness. Finally, stimulants should not be consumed shortly before bedtime.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is a form of talk therapy that equips a person with essential tools for controlling emotions and behaviors, including mindfulness, emotional regulation and distress tolerance. Sessions may take place through individual, group or phone therapy; it has proven one of the most successful non-pharmacological therapies for ADHD.

DBT therapy’s primary objective is to assist a person in building a fulfilling life. DBT focuses on increasing clients’ abilities to regulate emotions, interact with others and build relationships – four stages in total from behavioral dyscontrol to behavioral control are considered within its four stages of therapy.

DBT was initially developed for treating borderline personality disorder; however, since then it has expanded into treating depression and anxiety disorders as well. DBT is an evidence-based therapy which has shown to significantly enhance emotional regulation and interpersonal functioning; using weekly skill-based groups with individual therapy sessions as well as phone coaching support to implement skills into everyday life situations.

DBT began as the brainchild of Marsha Linehan, a doctoral student who set out to develop an effective treatment for suicidal women with multiproblematic personalities. To tackle their difficulties, Linehan used research into psychosocial treatments for mood disorders to assemble an arsenal of skills proven effective against suicidality.

Similar to CBT, DBT seeks to teach patients how to replace negative behaviors with more constructive ones. Furthermore, it teaches how to regulate feelings and be more present-minded during any situation – thus significantly decreasing depressive symptoms and improving interpersonal functioning. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy.

Neurofeedback is a noninvasive, drug-free technique that helps people manage their emotions by training the brain to regulate activity in certain parts. This noninvasive, drug-free treatment option can be used for ADHD as well as other mental health disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Neurofeedback may be combined with medication or therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); therefore it’s essential to discuss all options available with your therapist before making a decision on your course of treatment.

Sensory Integration Training (SIT)

Sensory integration (SI) is a neurological process in which the brain gathers information from all five senses to regulate movement, balance and motor planning. SI can often be found among those suffering from ADHD, autism and other developmental disabilities; individuals with sensory processing difficulties may struggle with one of more of their senses than expected or may struggle to integrate input from multiple senses simultaneously – often contributing to learning or hearing issues as well.

Studies on sensory integration therapy (SI) for children with ADHD have been mixed, yet some results do show promise. However, these results should be taken with caution given that most studies involve either group or individual SI sessions with no controls being compared against them; more research needs to be conducted into whether its benefits come from any specific treatment, or are simply due to spending time in a supportive environment.

Adults often utilize Sensory Integration Therapy to strengthen motor skills, enhance daily functioning, social interactions and academic performance. Trained occupational therapists in SI therapy can develop plans for individuals that address their specific sensory needs while also offering advice about environmental accommodations that could reduce symptoms and promote independence.

Although alternative treatments can be useful, it’s essential that they’re used alongside medication for best results – this is especially crucial for adolescents who are still growing. Some alternative therapies like diet changes and physical activity may interact with certain medications while ginkgo and ginseng supplements could interfere with the effectiveness of medications, so always discuss potential interactions with your healthcare provider prior to beginning them.

IM provides an innovative solution for treating ADHD that incorporates both behavioral and cognitive approaches. Through interactive exercises and visual cues, its visual cues improve executive function, impulse control and organizational skills as well as sensory integration which is often an issue among those with ADHD.

Behavioral therapy can be an invaluable asset when treating ADHD symptoms in both adults and children, coupled with proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Together these treatments can drastically increase quality of life – while some methods may not be as powerful, behavioral therapy should still be part of your ADHD treatment regime.

Metronome Training

Stimulant medications for ADHD may be effective; however, they aren’t the right fit for everyone. Non-stimulant options like Atomoxetine – which selectively inhibits norepinephrine reuptake – offer lower dependency risk and may benefit individuals with co-occurring anxiety disorders. Furthermore, behavioral therapy techniques like training on time management skills, sensory processing management training skills development and improving socialization may all assist with relieving ADHD symptoms.

Occupational therapy provides adults with ADHD practical solutions for dealing with their symptoms. For instance, it may include teaching strategies for planning tasks and using relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Furthermore, occupational therapists offer guidance in monitoring and regulating sensory stimulation – such as decreasing distractions while increasing completion times for tasks as well as strengthening self-monitoring and problem solving abilities.

Interactive metronome (IM) training may also help improve rhythm and timing in the brain. IM utilizes a computer-generated beat that patients must match with repeated hand or foot tapping – encouraging better internal synchronization through game-like features that motivate children. Studies have also demonstrated its positive effects on movement coordination as well as attention and regulation.

Neurofeedback is an alternative treatment option for ADHD that teaches people how to modify their brain wave patterns, specifically alpha waves production in order to concentrate and alleviate other problems like insomnia or anxiety. Although costly and time-consuming, Neurofeedback has proven highly effective over the years.

Behavioral coaching may also be an alternative treatment for ADHD, helping you learn to control impulses and become a more disciplined individual. It can be used on its own or combined with other treatments; older adults who struggle with executive functions such as planning or time management may particularly benefit. Furthermore, behavioral coaching can also serve as family counseling by helping parents develop strategies for helping their child cope with ADHD. It is advisable to speak to a professional before trying any alternative therapies.
