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Oberon Bioresonance

Oberon bioresonance machines are scanning machines that use bioresonance frequencies to identify patterns of vibration within our bodies’ cells and can transmit and receive frequencies for balance purposes.

Studies have revealed that organs and cells with imbalance emit different resonance frequencies than healthy ones, thus exacerbating symptoms while supporting healing. By altering these resonance frequencies back to their usual values, symptoms may be resolved and healing further promoted.

What is Oberon Bioresonance?

Oberon Bioresonance is a noninvasive and drug-free approach to diagnosing health issues and restoring balance to the body. It was developed over two decades of research conducted by scientists participating in Russia’s space program; their scientists discovered that patterns of energy wavelengths associated with certain organs and functions correlate to specific disorders, diseases or symptoms – this information being then used to create customized Oberon diagnostic scans.

This system works by measuring electromagnetic fields produced by your body and comparing them with a database of healthy frequencies. It detects imbalances and stressors which may be contributing to health issues, and devises a treatment plan designed to restore natural balance within your body and facilitate its healing capability.

Oberon can detect vibrational patterns associated with various illnesses and ailments as well as detect toxins, allergens and parasites which can then be targeted and killed with specific frequencies. Furthermore, this machine can identify priority treatment areas such as stomach or kidney pain or issues to help avoid mistakes like taking medications for heart conditions when they should actually be taking something for their gut instead.

The machine utilizes electronic oscillators tuned to various electromagnetic wavelengths and energy levels to break weak bonds in body molecules and tissues, recording frequencies released from them and comparing them against a healthy frequencies database for comparison. It then analyzes this information via computer to detect areas of imbalance as well as possible causes of health issues.

Metapathia’s computer display displays these areas of imbalance as spectral colour; low entropy values (fully functional structures) appear as pale yellow, while higher entropy values (disrupted or failing structures) show as darker tints ranging from orange through red, purple and even black hues.

Oberon Bioresonance machines use frequencies to match deranged intrabodily electromagnetic radiation and restore balance to body’s frequencies, returning it back towards health. The frequencies produced are then transmitted directly into cells through inhalation, injection or absorption into skin tissue for delivery and absorption.

How does Oberon Bioresonance work?

The Oberon Bioresonance Machine is a special computer that analyzes your body’s cell vibrations and compares them with known illnesses to detect imbalances in organs, tissues and chromosomes. If any imbalances are found it sends healthy frequencies directly to them in order to balance out and expedite healing processes. Furthermore, this device can also monitor your health over time in order to catch any anomalies before they turn into full-fledged diseases.

Oberon Bioresonance system technology draws upon oriental medicine discoveries and energetic concept of acupuncture as biological system control. A computer software tracks each organ and cell’s oscillations using spectral analysis of vortex magnetic fields; additionally it scans for their resonance frequencies as well as for common disease tissues, medications, and allergens.

These frequencies are then compared with those of the client and displayed on a graphical physiological display for easy viewing by practitioners. Any imbalances are highlighted using a color coding system which can be seen on the screen of the Oberon machine and ranges from pale yellow (lowest entropy value) through orange, red and purple (highest entropy values).

Once imbalances have been identified, information therapy begins with the Oberon device emitting healthy frequencies to organs and tissues of the body so they vibrate at their natural frequency – repeat this step for each identified illness until all are in a balanced state.

Equipment used for scanning family members and picking up any imbalances within them, which can help detect illness before it starts, saving medical costs and potentially avoiding terminal illnesses altogether. Furthermore, athletes will find this device beneficial as it scans their whole bodies to detect imbalances due to overexertion or poor nutrition and then recommend personalized diets and supplements tailored specifically to each athlete’s body that may improve performance or even help avoid injury altogether.

What are the benefits of Oberon Bioresonance?

Oberon bioresonance is a noninvasive and painless way of diagnosing and treating health issues. It works by detecting imbalances within the body and helping restore balance; strengthening immunity; encouraging self healing; treating food and environmental allergies, low immune defences, digestive issues (colitis, constipation insomnia etc), heavy metal poisoning toxicity issues as well as metabolic problems weight issues hormonal imbalances menstrual disorders osteoporosis rheumatism or other gynecological issues are just some of these conditions that it treats!

Bioresonance is an electromagnetic frequency therapy designed to encourage the body’s natural healing process. The treatment works by identifying any frequencies present within the body and then applying a frequency that matches up with any imbalances, leading to reduced symptoms and an enhanced immune response.

During a scan, electrodes are applied to various areas of the body and connected to a machine which reads energy wavelengths from within it and uses this information to correct imbalances in frequency patterns. Results of the scan can be seen on Metapathia computer display which shows its results by showing each region’s entropy values – with high values indicating greater disorder being highlighted pale yellow while low levels being depicted with orange, red, purple or eventually black colours based on how quickly entropy increases with age.

Oberon can create remedies using homeopathic, flower and stone preparations with protective and strengthening frequencies to be taken during a healing crisis. Furthermore, Oberon has the capability of detecting and weakening pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites that might pose risks.

Studies on bioresonance‘s effectiveness are still limited, but evidence shows it can help alleviate symptoms associated with chronic health conditions such as smoking cessation – one such study found that 77.2 percent of participants who received bioresonance treatment quit compared with 54.8 percent given placebos.

The Oberon bioresonance system is an innovative tool that health professionals can use to assist their clients in reaching optimal wellness. This device can detect and treat imbalances before they become serious, strengthen immunity, stimulate cell regeneration processes and promote self-healing processes – as well as promote self-healing mechanisms. The Oberon can fit seamlessly into different healthcare settings from holistic practices, wellness centers and medical clinics – and be tailored specifically to each client to ensure an effective wellness journey journey for each of them.

What are the risks of Oberon Bioresonance?

OBERON equipment utilizes electromagnetic properties to non-invasively diagnose diseases and select effective personalized treatments. It records frequency characteristics from organs and compares them with reference processes like healthy tissue, diseased tissues or infective agents – then determines the most similar pathological process or tendencies towards its expression.

Information gleaned by diagnostic systems is transmitted back to clients as “metazodes,” informational medicine preparations designed to correct imbalances in their energy fields. Metazodes may be taken orally, sublingually or via injection and are designed to reach cells of affected organs quickly for absorption by them. Their frequencies match those recorded by diagnostic systems to help restore balance to internal energy fields and accelerate natural healing processes in organisms.

This method provides an innovative means of evaluating both physical and mental health in a client. Information obtained is then compared against a database of known healthy frequencies; the practitioner then uses these results to identify any stresses or imbalances which might be contributing to his client’s symptoms as well as make treatment recommendations.

Bioresonance practitioners may recommend taking specific supplements or avoiding certain foods; in other instances, they may suggest diet or lifestyle modifications to improve client’s health. It should be remembered that bioresonance should not replace conventional medical treatment; should a bioresonance scan detect serious illness it is imperative that clients seek advice from qualified medical personnel immediately.

Bioresonance sessions may provide misinformed or false information. There have been reports of people being fooled into believing bioresonance could treat various conditions; as a result, patients may forgo necessary medical treatment, potentially endangering their health in the process. Furthermore, many claims made for its benefits have yet to be confirmed by scientific research; thus promoting it as an answer should not be promoted as such a solution for any condition.
