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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive procedure that uses electromagnetic frequencies to scan your body for signs of illness and strengthen healthy cells’ frequencies. By cancelling out those associated with illness and strengthening those that support health, this therapy provides a complete diagnostic profile.

Full Health Screening Test and Food Intolerance Scanning can be conducted remotely for UK & International clients, providing them with a report as well as customized Bioresonance liquid drops to address imbalances in their bodies.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment based on the belief that our bodies and minds are composed of energy. Information can be transmitted using quantum entanglement. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequencies to scan the body for any symptoms of illness; its practitioners claim this technique can detect and treat diseases before they progress further into full-blown illness. Bioresonance is considered noninvasive, painless and suitable for all ages of patients.

In a typical session, electrodes are attached to your skin and linked to a machine that reads your energy wavelengths. Once identified, BICOM bioresonance system then manipulates those frequencies so your cells vibrate at their natural frequency; additionally therapists can identify environmental stressors which may be contributing to illness; these may include general aches and pains, tiredness, digestive upsets, constipation or feelings of being unwell or unhealthy.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating allergies. Additional research indicates it could also help treat fibromyalgia when combined with manual and point massage techniques; there is limited evidence supporting its use against rheumatoid arthritis; proponents of bioresonance therapy claim it can activate tumor suppressor genes to lessen overactive cells that might contribute to cancerous growths; but, again, such claims remain unverifiable.

While some small studies demonstrate promising results from bioresonance therapy, experts caution against its overuse as this may dissuade individuals from seeking other, evidence-based treatments for their conditions. Bioresonance should only ever be used alongside traditional medicine – not in its place.

Bioresonance systems vary, with the most popular one known as BICOM being computerized diagnostic and treatment tools that identify any imbalances within your body and administer corrective vibrational signals to correct them, then deliver these remotely so you can get their benefits even when away from their clinic.

It is a holistic therapy

Bio Resonance is an energy balancing technology designed to promote wellness based on TCM and Reiki philosophies. This technique works by analysing your energy field and shifting any blockages, aligning meridians and chakras, as well as using biofeedback. With its proprietary software BICOM machines can identify any imbalances quickly and create customized treatment programs suited for you individually.

This technology operates under the assumption that healthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies, which the machine detects and compares against a list of diseases. By manipulating energy frequencies accordingly, your body’s cells can vibrate at their natural frequency to heal.

Proponents of bioresonance believe it can treat various illnesses, from cancer and allergies to rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, research on its efficacy remains limited, with mixed or negative results from controlled studies conducted so far; one such research report suggested bioresonance may help alleviate stomach pain caused by various conditions – including acid reflux.

Another study compared bioresonance with placebos as an aid for smoking cessation and found that over 78% of those in the bioresonance group quit, as opposed to only 50% or so from those receiving the placebos. Other research, however, has demonstrated its ineffectiveness when treating allergies or rheumatoid arthritis.

Remote bioresonance works on the principle that machines and their energy fields can form an energetic link with client energy fields despite physical separation, creating a kind of quantum entanglement between their energies and those of clients. This allows therapists to transmit healing frequencies and energies into clients regardless of proximity. Furthermore, this connection between two objects is measured and transferred along time and space; similar to how tuning forks resonate with certain frequencies of sound waves.

It is an alternative therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic therapeutic practice that uses electromagnetic frequencies to counteract harmful wavelengths and restore body balance. It operates under the theory that cells and organs suffering DNA damage emit altered electromagnetic waves; proponents claim that detecting these waves is an indicator of illness while returning them back to their regular frequencies can cure disease.

Home bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive technique that can be performed using only a computer, scanner and bioresonance machine. The latter scans your body before transmitting healing frequencies directly into organs – believed to enhance natural healing capabilities while strengthening immunity systems.

Remote Bioresonance therapy combines elements from neuroscience, energy remedies, TCM, Reiki and other healing energies into an energy balancing machine that helps your energy flow align more harmoniously. Based on quantum entanglement principles it works on the premise that humans and consciousness consist of both energy and information which can be transferred across space via quantum resonance technology.

Bioresonance machines use electrodes to connect directly to patients’ bodies and assess energy fields of their bodies, while simultaneously measuring electromagnetic frequencies in specific areas. Therapists then use this information to determine the most effective course of treatment and can deliver treatment remotely – no physical contact necessary!

Russian researchers conducted a study demonstrating how bioresonance therapy improves protein synthesis of lymphocytes among those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Bioresonance may help reduce inflammation in joints as well as associated pain associated with the condition.

Bioresonance therapy stands out from traditional forms of treatment because it does not entail medication or surgery, making it an attractive complementary choice that should form part of a holistic treatment plan. Studies indicate its potential to alleviate symptoms while supporting natural healing processes within the body, making it an effective supplement to traditional medication plans and holistic approaches to healing.

It is an alternative medicine

Studies conducted recently by researchers revealed that bioresonance therapy could aid in alleviating depression. While more rigorous and larger studies need to be completed in order to verify these results, bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical therapies, but should rather be used alongside them.

Therapists use machines to establish an entanglement with the energy field of clients and transmit healing frequencies and energies despite being apart by some distance, using the theory that frequency and energy fields have non-local properties that transcend time and space constraints.

There have been various claims made for bioresonance therapy. One belief holds that diseased cells and organs produce abnormal electromagnetic waves, and returning these waves back to their regular frequency will cure the body. Other bioresonance devices purport to detect tumors or viruses. At least one person made unsubstantiated claims using such devices and was successfully sued by the Federal Trade Commission for making such claims.

Studies supporting bioresonance therapy show mixed results; most healthcare professionals do not consider this technique effective. Even so, some practitioners have reported positive outcomes using it for treating conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and allergies with positive outcomes reported back by bioresonance devices that claim they cure cancer. Nonetheless, consumers should avoid bioresonance devices that claim cancer curing capabilities; otherwise they could face legal repercussions from the FDA.

Research suggests that bioresonance therapy can improve symptoms associated with RA by normalizing how antioxidants function within the body, thereby decreasing inflammation and slowing progression. Furthermore, it may provide patients with ways to manage stress better and cut down on medication use.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in reducing inflammation markers such as CRP and IL-6 in people living with RA, even more effectively than traditional medicines.

Bioresonance therapy offers another key application of promise – helping smokers overcome physiological dependence to nicotine. Bioresonance can assist the body in desensitising, detoxing and loosening its grip of nicotine allowing you to stop without withdrawal symptoms or weight gain.
