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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health PDF

The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health covers 768 pages of history, frequencies, equipment usage tips and complementary modalities such as electromedical devices – everything you need for optimal health!

Rife machines use frequencies transmitted via current, in small doses that zap microbes and break them down. Rife machines target pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungus and mold.


HUSO (formerly UrielTones) is a sound frequency therapy provider operating within the health and wellness industry. Their proprietary sound therapy utilizes human-generated tones and high-fidelity audio for relaxation and wellbeing purposes. Established in 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee by Jumpstart Foundry as a venture, their investors include Jumpstart.

HUSO is an easy, noninvasive sound frequency therapy designed to balance and recalibrate the autonomic nervous system and electromagnetic field through scientific properties like resonance and entrainment. Composed solely of modified human toning with health-restoring frequencies added, it’s introduced through headphones placed over specific acupuncture meridians where headphones activate an information carrying biophotonic response which disseminates it throughout fascia tissue layers.

333 Hz frequency range is widely utilized in holistic wellness practices and meditation, where it’s believed to create an atmosphere of harmony and equilibrium. Spiritual traditions also use it as a source of healing, with several studies finding positive effects of the frequency on both physical and mental wellbeing; studies show it helps with sleep disorders, stress management and anxiety while simultaneously improving immune function, inflammation reduction and supporting overall brain health; it can even boost energy levels while relieving pain associated with multiple conditions; this revolutionary technology called HUSO has shown transformative results for everyone from small children to seniors alike!

639 Hz

The 639 Hz frequency has long been used as an effective means of cultivating love, healing and understanding among its listeners. It has also been noted to activate the heart chakra while simultaneously balancing emotions to foster compassion and forgiveness – making it suitable for use in various holistic healing modalities like meditation and breathwork.

This frequency may stimulate the hippocampus and amygdala, brain regions known to trigger emotional responses. Furthermore, it balances out yin-yang aspects of personality making it easier to connect with others and cultivate harmonious relationships – making it an excellent solution for individuals suffering from anxiety or depression.

Yoga practitioners and others who engage in relaxation techniques such as Yoga Nidra can make use of the 639 Hz frequency to deepen their meditation sessions and promote spiritual awakening. Some individuals have even employed it as an aid against joint pain and inflammation – although such claims have yet to be scientifically demonstrated.

The 639 Hz frequency is part of an ancient solfeggio scale used in sacred music and chants, lost over time but recently rediscovered and studied again. While these frequencies may have spiritual or healing benefits, it’s best to approach them with caution as their use should only be undertaken if it will benefit your overall health in some way – it should not be used as treatments for serious conditions or for invasive procedures.

999 Hz

The 999 Hz frequency range has long been recognized for its therapeutic potential and increasingly used in various healing modalities. Many believe these frequencies resonate with natural vibrations of the universe to promote healing, balance, and spiritual awakening – some even use frequency therapy in tandem with holistic practices such as meditation or stress management to achieve overall wellbeing.

Human bodies emit extremely low-level electromagnetic vibrations known as internal statics at various frequencies, which carry positive energy. When sick or exposed to pathogenic agents, however, these vibrations become altered and cause imbalances within its self-regulatory system. Frequency therapy seeks to restore balance within these vibrations while eliminating their root causes of illness.

Frequency specific microcurrent is an emerging treatment option that utilizes resonance effects of frequencies to alleviate pain and promote overall body wellness. It is safe, non-invasive and has shown promising results in treating pain as well as other disorders, becoming an alternative therapy that’s growing increasingly popular with patients looking for natural and safe therapies. Results may differ between individuals; therefore it is wise to consult a qualified healthcare professional prior to commencing frequency therapy treatments.

174 Hz

The 174 Hz frequency range is associated with the root chakra. This frequency creates a feeling of grounding and stability that helps reduce anxiety, alleviate pain and enhance sleep quality while simultaneously helping balance hormones and strengthen intuition.

Human ears can only discern a limited range of frequencies, while mammals and bats can hear sounds as high as 20,000 hertz! That means there are probably vibrations we don’t even realize exist! Frequency therapy uses these vibrations to promote healing within the body by using specific frequencies with distinct effects on cells and tissues – for instance 174Hz frequency can help relieve pain while improving mood.

174Hz is the lowest of the solfeggio frequencies and can help relieve physical discomfort by relieving anxiety, promoting feelings of love and safety and healing injuries while increasing immune function.

Meditation with the 174 Hz frequency requires you to find a calm and peaceful space – such as your home, garden or any outdoor spot with scenic beauty – in which to find peace. Once in this space, focus on quieting your thoughts by dispelling any negative resistance thoughts before immersing yourself in its frequency and connecting to its grace.

285 Hz

The 285 Hz frequency range is an integral component of sound therapy and can be used for relaxation, healing, and spiritual awakening. Proponents of this alternative healing practice claim these frequencies have multiple advantages that range from cognitive enhancement to relieving stress and anxiety relief; however more research must be completed in order to validate these claims.

Frequency therapy employs sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural energy fields and facilitate healing. This ancient form of treatment has been around for thousands of years and was discussed by philosophers like Aristotle and Pythagoras; more modern frequency healing incorporates music for mental clarity and balance enhancement; frequency healing can even use frequency frequencies to improve mental clarity and balance – many people today incorporate sound frequencies into their everyday lives to enhance health and well-being; for example the HUSO app offers many soothing sound frequencies designed for holistic wellness and meditation purposes – the HUSO app offers many soothing frequencies for holistic wellness and meditation purposes!

It is believed that the 333 Hz frequency corresponds with the number 3; 3 is often used in esoteric traditions to symbolize equilibrium and equilibrium, and can provide those seeking new beginnings a tool to do just that.

While not scientifically verified, frequency healing is widely thought to have positive impacts on both physical and emotional wellbeing of its practitioners. Studies have demonstrated its ability to promote wound healing, help with insomnia and alleviate feelings of depression while simultaneously helping release emotions that have been stored up or transform fear-based thinking patterns.

333 Hz

333Hz frequency range is often associated with grounding energy and promotes feelings of well-being. Additionally, it may help release negative emotions and improve emotional stability, providing significant psychological stability benefits that can be found through meditation and yoga practices.

Sound healing is an ancient idea gaining in popularity within holistic wellness communities today. From singing bowls and drums, to tuning forks and tuning forks, sound frequencies have powerful healing properties believed to promote physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Frequency therapy has proven itself effective at managing many issues, from stress reduction and mood stabilization, pain relief and improved sleep patterns, to stimulating the immune system to combat infections or diseases more efficiently.

The 333 Hz frequency range can be combined with other frequency therapies for an overall comprehensive approach to wellness. A body scan using this frequency helps identify any areas with lower than usual vibrational levels; depending on this result, specific organs or areas for treatment could be targeted by frequency therapists using this frequency range. Furthermore, its association with number three serves to remove negative emotions and foster more positive perspectives of life; furthermore it has its roots in many esoteric traditions representing equilibrium and alignment.
