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BICOM Optima Bioresonance Machine For Sale

The BICOM Optima device is the latest innovation in bioresonance therapy. Featuring pre-configured therapy programs designed for various conditions as well as a frequency range from 10Hz to 250kHz, it is the ideal device to help restore health through bioresonance therapy.

Testing and treatments with BICOM machines are painless and stress-free for animals, activating their bodies’ natural self-healing processes.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy is an alternative medicine method which uses electromagnetic frequencies to treat disease. This noninvasive and chemical-free therapy utilizes frequencies which target active points on the body to kick-start natural processes that enable healing to take place from within, making this an extremely safe and reliable treatment method that has been in use for more than 35 years.

The BICOM device uses electromagnetic frequency patterns transmitted from cell membranes and recorded by its scanner. Once recorded, these frequencies are transformed by electronic systems of the machine into therapy signals for delivery back into the body – helping eliminate electromagnetic pathology of diseased organs and cells while activating self-healing mechanisms within.

An ideal biological system exhibits waves and frequency patterns that vibrate in harmony. BICOM can identify such systems, emitting electromagnetic impulses which match and harmonize any discordant frequencies to allow the body to reset itself while also acting as a powerful tool in disease prevention.

This method can also be extremely beneficial to horses. Their electromagnetic oscillations often become out of sync, leaving them susceptible to respiratory conditions, lameness and other ailments. The BICOM device can restore balance in these situations – often without needing medication or any other interventions!

An effective resonance test provides information about stressors in the horse’s body, such as its mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements and potentially toxic elements. Additionally, this can reveal allergies or food intolerances that the horse might have and give insights into potential therapies which might be prescribed based on these results.

While bioresonance therapy isn’t officially considered part of conventional medicine, many doctors and naturopathic practitioners recognize its value as a complementary treatment approach that can complement traditional approaches. One such device operating according to this methodology is the BICOM optima; an FDA-regulated Class IIa medical device which can only be operated by trained therapists; thus making sure it remains under regulatory oversight by Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (ARTG).

How does Bioresonance Therapy work?

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic vibrations found naturally within healthy biological systems to induce healing without pain or stress for animals, activating self-healing mechanisms without harmful side effects. Vibrations generated from the BICOM device then reach all cells of their bodies for bioresonance therapy to take effect.

BICOM machines are programmed with thousands of frequencies that they can recognise. When receiving any frequency that matches up, it will emit counter-frequencies to help reset biomagnetic fields in your body and address various health conditions including allergies, bacterial and viral infections, inflammations, digestive problems, stress relief and joint problems. Bioresonance works best when combined with other forms of therapy like Functional Medicine or Nutritional Therapy for maximum efficacy.

Dependent upon the condition being addressed, sessions with BICOM typically last 20-30 minutes and two or three treatments should usually suffice for most conditions.

Regumed’s BICOM devices are manufactured in Germany and feature various accessories. Each has a therapy section equipped with a mirror circuit that filters out harmonic and disharmonious signals; six therapy modes; frequency bandpass options and frequency filter capabilities. Both the Optima and Mobile versions of these models have also been certified as class IIa medical devices, offering access to various software programs developed using Regumed therapist experience.

The BICOM device is also designed to detect and treat bioenergy overloads caused by modern day stresses like smartphone/Wi-Fi radiation, electricity, chemicals in drinking water, detergents and pharmaceuticals that compromise your body’s natural ability for self-healing, leading to deadlock or discomfort in its healing process. By helping restore balance and stimulate healing processes faster than before, this device enhances overall body resilience against such overloads.

The BICOM system has been rigorously tested in the laboratory and shown to produce significant benefits on a cellular level. Studies have proven that using the BICOM can stimulate more vitality production while decreasing inflammatory processes – meaning it could help prevent chronic illness in its early stages as well as aid treatment of existing disorders.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Healthy biological systems vibrate in sync, while harmful frequencies from within can create discord. The BICOM bioresonance device can identify such negative frequencies and counter them with harmonically corresponding ones to restore balance – leading to healing, regeneration and the removal of symptoms without painful interventions – no painless procedures needed! For horses specifically, bioresonance treatment has proven useful against allergies (topical dermatitis/eczema/cystitis/prostatitis), chronic diseases like cystitis/prostatitis as well as asthma/respiratory issues/lameness issues among other ailments.

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves that penetrate the body and are reflected back by its cells, with recorded and evaluated signals being recorded and evaluated on a computer for comparison against standard reference values in order to identify positive or negative energy frequencies that can then be neutralized, similar to iron filings on paper.

Many types of stressors, from smartphones and Wi-Fi to electricity radiation and chemicals in drinking water, can strain our body’s miraculous self-healing mechanisms and lead to disease. When this happens, natural balancing mechanisms become overwhelmed and fail to function correctly – Bioresonance Therapy activates these innate processes and accelerates healing processes.

Dr. Hennecke was able to demonstrate the efficacy of therapy on human patients suffering from allergic conditions like atopic dermatitis, eczema and asthma through clinical studies conducted on humans; in these studies he successfully reduced symptoms significantly with lasting results in most cases. Another clinical study conducted at Veterinarian Dirk Schrader’s Hamburg clinic showed its success at relieving animals suffering from even hopelessly ill conditions through therapy treatments he employed there – even those once considered hopelessly sick animals soon began recovering thanks to him over 46 years of clinical experience!

All BICOM devices include an extensive array of accessories and can be configured according to individual therapist requirements. Furthermore, the BICOM optima mobil provides more flexibility and applications than its counterpart for treating exclusively within one practice – this makes it suitable for travelling therapists or providing home visits.

Who can use Bioresonance Therapy?

The ASA upheld complaints against one practitioner who claimed to use bioresonance therapy to treat medical conditions including “alcohol addictions,” insomnia, and depression. Their claims rested upon unsubstantiated assertions that unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage that bioresonance machines could detect and return back to their regular frequencies – claims which the ASA determined were false as their practitioner did not possess medical qualifications for making such claims.

Studies on bioresonance suggest it may help in treating some health issues, though there is no scientific proof it can treat all conditions. Furthermore, other research indicates it could even be detrimental if used as a standalone treatment; using it may cause patients to stop taking effective treatments which have proven themselves and cause poorer results for the individual patient.

However, many practitioners see bioresonance as an effective treatment option for various health conditions. Some of these practitioners take an integrated approach to wellness and are able to help their clients enhance their quality of life through bioresonance combined with other treatment methods, such as acupuncture or supplements.

Bioresonance therapy can also be a valuable aid for helping individuals to give up smoking or other harmful habits such as excessive drinking. A bioresonance session helps restore balance to the body by clearing away negative energies causing stress.

Many practitioners who offer bioresonance therapy also employ an holistic approach and are educated in using Regumed’s BICOM optima and BICOM optima mobil devices from Regumed. This German company has been producing bioresonance machines for more than 35 years and is considered a pioneer in alternative medicine.

BICOM bioresonance system is used in over 90 countries worldwide and this video from Regumed shows doctors, alternative practitioners, and patients sharing their experiences using this device. Utilizing information from your own body’s cells and organs that have become imbalanced back into balance; as well as helping prevent illnesses or chronic diseases from emerging altogether.
