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Terahertz Quantum Healing

Terahertz quantum healing is a form of holistic wellness combining crystal energy, quantum principles and water memory into one wellness modality that works to support the body’s energetic flow and restore balance to every gland, organ structure and system.

THz radiation interacts mainly with non-ionizing photons that do not cause irreparable tissue damage, altering protein conformation and biological activity while having minimal impact on DNA double-strand breaks and membrane permeability. These non-thermal effects include changing protein conformation and activity levels as well as altering DNA double-strand breaks as well as membrane permeability.

Reduced Stress

Terahertz frequencies provide numerous health and wellness advantages. One such benefit is helping reduce stress, anxiety and other mental health conditions by strengthening your aura’s protective field around the body – creating calmness in mind while making you more focused when performing tasks.

Studies have also demonstrated the power of terahertz wave therapy to unclog blood vessels, increase blood flow, and strengthen the immune system – making this therapy particularly helpful for people living with chronic pain, inflammation or other conditions that cause considerable stress. Furthermore, terahertz waves help relax muscles and unblock nerve pathways to lower stress levels and enhance sleep quality for greater relaxation and improved restfulness.

Terahertz frequency waves not only aid relaxation, but they may also stimulate neural stem cells (NSC) to proliferate faster – helping restore damaged neurons caused by disease or trauma to improve cognitive performance and memory recall.

THz radiation can also be used to monitor and assess both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors, since its deep penetrating powers allow it to penetrate deep into tissues without damaging them. THz can detect changes in water molecules and proteins associated with cancerous cell growth as well as locate its exact location and size allowing doctors to treat more effectively.

Many researchers believe terahertz radiation could even help treat certain forms of cancer by upregulating genes that support cell repair. Furthermore, its waves can be used to activate short duration DNA damage response mechanisms that protect genome from mutation and help prevent diseases like cancer from emerging in your genome.

iTeraCare Terahertz Quantum Healing Devices such as the AO Infinity Wand can have a transformative impact on your life. They emit terahertz waves which interact with cells and bones of your body in a unique manner to promote balance and vitality – and all without leaving home! Not only is this revolutionary technology safe; you can even use it at home.

Increased Energy

Terahertz wavelengths of light produce an instantaneous energy shock that activates your body’s natural healing abilities, prompting damaged and sick cells to wake up and be eliminated while simultaneously improving communication among healthy cells and increasing metabolism. Furthermore, these wavelengths also boost your energy by encouraging cell regeneration and increasing blood circulation throughout your body.

Terahertz wavelengths provide great health benefits for cells because of their deep penetrating capabilities, penetrating tissues without changing or harming them, enabling it to treat organs and joints where conventional therapies cannot reach. Furthermore, their energy-rich wavelength can promote healing by stimulating production of new proteins and enzymes to facilitate tissue repair. This makes Terahertz an invaluable tool in the fight against diseased tissue.

Biochemical macromolecules like DNA, RNA and proteins contain vital information needed for life functions. Their ability to communicate this data relies heavily on their vibrational states – for instance the vibratory state of proteins depends heavily on hydrogen bond structures and water environment as well as water channels connecting their atoms, such as aquaporins. Terahertz frequency waves may help stimulate these channels and facilitate folding; improving protein function.

Terahertz radiation also produces nonthermal effects of interest. For instance, its nonthermal effects include changes to protein conformation and DNA double-chain stability (Borovkova et al. 2017); furthermore it may affect membrane permeability or generate acute inflammatory responses (Cherkasova et al. 2020).

THz radiation is strongly absorbed by polar molecules such as liquid and gaseous forms of water, thus limiting its depth of penetration into biological tissues by several hundred to several tens of microns depending on its frequency.

Terahertz waves penetrate much less deeply than other electromagnetic radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays, making their penetration much lower than other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays or gamma rays. To understand the physical mechanism that links THz radiation with living cells and tissues – thus giving rise to THz biology or THz biophotonics which aims to develop methods for characterizing and modeling its effects on biological objects.

Increased Focus

Terahertz frequency has long been used as a safe yet powerful frequency to rejuvenate cells and promote self-healing in both cells and individuals. Penetrated deep into the body, stimulating cellular voltage and ATP production as it helps the body optimize endocrine and metabolic functions for increased energy, immunity and more.

Terahertz radiation’s non-ionizing nature makes it safe for human bodies, with studies proving its ability to aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Studies also indicate that nearly every molecule exhibits its own electromagnetic fingerprint spectrum that resonates in the THz range, possibly explaining its therapeutic powers.

THz waves are magnetically drawn to water and biochemical macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, DNA, and RNA molecules due to their vibrational states and ability to pass along information through networks of hydrogen bonds and aquaporin water channels called aquaporins. THz frequencies have been proven to enhance vibrational states in biomolecules as well as encourage proper folding of proteins that contain information so it reaches all cells correctly.

Terahertz waves have an immense impact on human brain function, increasing focus and cognitive performance while simultaneously decreasing stress levels and activating neural networks responsible for processing sensory data. This may be partially attributed to their ability to strengthen auric fields around bodies while stimulating healthy flow of energy throughout systems.

Research into the biological effects of THz radiation is rapidly progressing; however, it remains in its infancy. Numerous factors impede living organisms’ responses to THz radiation; including exposure mode (continuous-wave or pulsed), power level and number and duration of cycles; these must all be carefully explored so as to gain greater insight into its interactions with biological systems as well as determine safe limits of exposure.

Better Sleep

Terahertz frequencies have been found to aid sleep by creating an efficient flow of energy throughout your meridians and clearing away blockages – in turn helping create a more relaxed state of mind and relieving stress.

Many terahertz quantum healing devices emit negative ions that help reduce air pollution by binding with harmful particles in the atmosphere and binding with them, helping reduce exposure to smog, which has been shown to lower risk factors associated with cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses as well as decreasing blood pressure.

Terahertz frequency wands can also imprint specific frequencies onto water molecules, making regular drinking water into an effective source of healing energy. This process is known as “water memory,” and it’s thought that these frequencies resonate with body cells to promote optimal hydration and vitality on an internal level.

Terahertz frequencies have long been recognized for strengthening the auric field around our bodies, creating an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being by protecting us from electromagnetic smog and radiation exposure. This also strengthens immunity so we can better fight disease or infection.

One study which used the COSMO Wand to treat insomnia patients found that after two sessions with it, their blood work significantly improved; their creatinine levels dropped from 7.18 to 4.41 and they no longer needed dialysis three days per week due to strengthening energy fields and restoring internal rhythms through the terahertz frequency wand.

Another study concluded that terahertz frequencies successfully stimulated Hegu acupuncture points in participants’ hands, supporting traditional Chinese medical theory and its concept that thoughts influence Qi. This finding was significant because Hegu points are known for responding to conscious intent of practitioners; when activated intentionally there was an increase in brainwave frequency associated with focused consciousness indicating stimulation by intention alone. This supports Traditional Chinese Medicine’s theory that thoughts affect Qi.
