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Medicine to Reverse Aging

Scientists are on the cusp of creating medicines to combat or even reverse aging. Unlike statins that reduce cholesterol levels, such drugs would prevent age-related diseases while improving health and increasing longevity.

They won’t offer immortality pills or cryogenically preserved brains; rather they will target specific hallmarks of aging such as mutation accumulation or unravelling of chromosomes.


Metformin is an affordable medication used by millions worldwide to treat type 2 diabetes. Additionally, Metformin may possess antiaging properties, leading to longer lifespan and improved healthspan. Researchers have studied various interventions that might prolong life or slow biological aging; among these drugs, metformin stands out due to its proven ability to delay age-related diseases in animal models. Metformin is also relatively affordable, costing only 50 cents daily with insurance coverage. A large clinical trial known as TAME (Targeting Aging with Metformin) is currently underway to examine its effects in humans; this six-year research will enroll 3,000 adults aged 65-79 for testing purposes and examine if taking metformin delays the onset of age-related conditions such as heart disease, cancer or dementia.

Metformin has also been found to reduce aging in mice beyond its antidiabetic benefits, through activating the AMPK signaling pathway and by reducing cell damage, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and delay stem cell aging – as well as attenuating hallmarks such as autophagy, macromolecular degradation and transcription. Furthermore, metformin may inhibit mTORC1 and sirtuin pathways which could increase calorie restriction-like responses in cells.

Though metformin is generally safe for most people, it is still wise to speak to your physician about any adverse side effects you experience. Common adverse reactions include weakness, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort and nausea. Drinking alcohol while taking metformin increases your risk for lactic acidosis; conversely if you have kidney issues your physician may suggest either reducing dosage or switching medication altogether.

At first, it’s most important to take metformin exactly as prescribed by your physician, with meals. Do not miss any doses and inform them immediately of any unusual symptoms such as extreme tiredness; weakness; stomach pain; unusual sleepiness; breathlessness or low blood sugar levels.


Rapamycin is an anti-aging and cancer therapy drug that works by blocking an essential protein called mTOR. Since its discovery, this discovery has opened doors for anti-ageing medicine and cancer therapy treatments. First isolated in 1972 from Easter Island bacteria known as Rapa Nui, later discoveries showed strong antifungal qualities as well as immunosuppressant qualities which lead to transplant use as it prevents organ rejection after kidney, heart and liver transplants as well as extend lifespan in mice and other animals.

Scientists have demonstrated that mTOR inhibitors can effectively halt atherosclerosis’ progression, yet its exact mechanism remains unknown. To better comprehend it, researchers conducted extensive tests with fruit flies exposed to short-term treatments of rapamycin which resulted in an increase in intestinal epithelium lysosome formation as well as lower cell senescence rates and improved regeneration capacity.

Results of these studies are encouraging, yet do not demonstrate that rapamycin can significantly extend human lifespan. People die due to multiple age-related conditions that threaten health at once; treating only one or two will not increase lifespan. Therefore, finding an anti-ageing medicine with broad appeal that targets multiple ailments simultaneously would be most effective.

Rapamycin is an anti-aging drug that works by inhibiting mTOR, an enzyme responsible for cell growth and metabolism. Studies on yeast, worms and flies have demonstrated its effectiveness at slowing aging and increasing lifespan; human trials will need to take place to ascertain whether rapamycin will extend human lives as well.

The optimal dose and schedule of rapamycin must be tailored specifically to each individual, as each disease involves different cells that respond differently to mTOR inhibition. For instance, atherosclerosis involves multiple cell types that could respond differently to inhibition – these could include arterial smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, macrophages, hepatocytes and fat cells; each may respond differently and the best approach may include pairing low carb diets and lifestyle modifications with rapamycin therapy.


Dasatinib (Gleevec) can be used as an initial therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML; an form of cancer in white blood cells). Additionally, this drug may also be prescribed to adults who cannot take other leukemia treatments such as imatinib. Additionally, dasatinib can treat Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL; which occurs in white blood cells) in children aged 1 year or over.

Dasatinib belongs to a class of medications called antineoplastics. It works by blocking proteins that encourage cancer cell growth. Dasatinib can be taken either whole or broken up into smaller pieces to make swallowing easier for kids, although it’s important that all instructions from your healthcare provider be strictly adhered to.

Dasatinib can cause an accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pleural effusion). This side effect may make breathing difficult, and may need to be managed either by temporarily not taking dasatinib for several days or taking diuretics such as furosemide. Furthermore, it’s essential that daily weight measurements be taken and plenty of fluids consumed while taking this medication.

Notifying your doctor of any food, dyes, preservatives or animal allergies is crucially important. Also let them know of other health problems, like an impaired immune system or liver disease. Furthermore, pregnant and breastfeeding women or those planning to become pregnant must let them know as this medicine should never be taken during gestation as this could harm a developing baby.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, or have had previous heart disease, your physician may recommend lower doses of this medicine. Because this medicine may interact with many other prescription and nonprescription drugs as well as vitamins or herbal supplements; be sure to inform them about all medications taken, including vitamins or herbal supplements; also avoid drinking alcohol while on this treatment plan.

This medication may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body, potentially leading to bleeding or bruising, and decrease the ability of your blood clotting. Your physician will monitor and test for this and any possible side effects.


Quercetin, a natural plant compound with many health advantages, acts as a powerful antioxidant and can significantly decrease oxidative stress by blocking free radical formation. Furthermore, quercetin may help inhibit cancer as well as other inflammatory diseases and can be found in many foods like apples, berries, onions and leafy green vegetables; its content may vary depending on farming method; it’s therefore best to opt for organically produced produce when purchasing quercetin-rich food items.

Quercetin is an extremely potent anti-inflammatory that has been shown to significantly decrease heart disease risk in humans, while its ability to modulate inflammatory response makes it particularly useful in the treatment of diabetes. Studies have demonstrated quercetin’s effectiveness at lowering blood glucose levels while protecting function b cells of diabetic rats and mice. Furthermore, quercetin helps minimize oxidative damage to neurons as well as neurodegeneration within their brains.

Quercetin is an easily absorbed lipophilic compound, and thus easily crosses the blood-brain barrier to exert its neuroprotective activity. It works to inhibit aggregation of mutant Huntington’s protein (mHTT), increase mitochondrial function, and reduce accumulation of ROS in neurons – it may even decrease inflammation linked to Alzheimer’s disease, while also improving UPS and CAT system functions and decreasing accumulations of 3-nitropropionic acid accumulations.

Quercetin may help protect against neurodegeneration by suppressing pro-inflammatory cytokine production and microglial activation, and by suppressing age-related cell senescence as well as decreasing accumulations of amyloid plaques. Its protective action has been associated with neurodegeneration; Quercetin may even reverse age-related cell senescence while decreasing amyloid accumulations.

Furthermore, CBD can stimulate neuroregeneration by increasing their phosphorylation and regulating calcium-channels. Furthermore, it can reduce oxidative stress while inhibiting beta-amyloid accumulation in neurons; finally it may even reverse symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s by blocking acetylcholinesterase activity.

Quercetin also helps stabilize cells that release histamine, thus reducing histamine-related inflammatory reactions in the body and potentially treating chronic prostatitis or urological conditions such as Vulvar Pain Syndrome. Furthermore, quercetin has also been proven to increase sperm motility among males.
