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Mary Bucher Bioresonance Occupational Therapist

Mary Bucher is an occupational therapist specializing in botanical and herbal remedies who provides instruction, consultations and writing on this subject matter. Additionally, she serves as Academic Fieldwork Coordinator of Dominican University’s OT Program.

Studies have shown that bioresonance can assist in treating conditions like fibromyalgia, digestive issues and allergies as well as improving immune system function and balancing hormones; it even has been known to aid depression treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is a form of alternative medicine

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative healing approach that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances within the body. It has been successfully employed in treating conditions and ailments like fibromyalgia, digestive issues, musculoskeletal pains as well as increasing energy levels while relieving stress levels. Bioresonance can also be used as part of detoxifying or balancing hormone levels – and studies have proved its efficacy! It’s an efficient painless and safe procedure which has proven its worth throughout numerous research papers!

Living and nonliving substances alike contain electromagnetic oscillations that resonate at certain frequency wavelengths. With bioresonance equipment, practitioners can detect these frequencies and alter them using amplifying beneficial signals while decreasing or eliminating unfavorable ones. Once altered signals have been transmitted to the body using applicators on forehead, hands, or feet; original resonance frequencies are fed back into its systems in order to restore balance and restore equilibrium.

Bioresonance therapy offers a safe and effective means of alleviating many health problems, from food intolerances to chronic fatigue and anxiety. Furthermore, this therapy serves as an invaluable way of uncovering hidden allergies or sensitivities – like those that trigger symptoms like bloating, headaches or asthma attacks – using its BICOM device bioresonance therapists can test for and eliminate allergens to stop these from recurring.

At your bioresonance session, your therapist will talk to you about your symptoms and any concerns that have been brought up. They may also inquire into any medications taken–both over-the-counter and prescription–as this information could potentially interfere with the BICOM allergy test results.

The BICOM Vega machine is an ideal way to identify food intolerances and allergies, since its electromagnetic frequency detector can identify electromagnetic frequencies generated by body tissues and tested allergens. Results are displayed as colors on a screen; dark hues indicate stress or inflammation while lighter colors indicate balance or healthiness in tissues. Furthermore, this machine can also help identify food sensitivities responsible for symptoms like bloating, gas or rhinitis that contributes to symptoms like these.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive process that uses sound frequencies to diagnose and treat imbalances within the body. A device emits various frequency patterns to pinpoint health problems before amplifying harmonious frequencies back into the body – helping restore healthy vibration of organs and cells while increasing immunity – without experiencing pain or side effects. The entire process is pain free with minimal side effects.

The machine scans for harmful substances and electronically inverts their frequencies, enabling the body to eliminate toxins without creating new ones. It can also identify nutritional deficiencies – like missing vitamins and minerals which could contribute to illness – which could be contributing to it. Lastly, this device can detect stress-related health conditions and alleviate them by relaxing the sympathetic nervous system.

Each cell in your body emits its own electromagnetic resonance signal that travels out into its surrounding tissues. Unhealthy cells, viruses, bacteria, parasites and toxins produce altered frequencies that disrupt communication among healthy cells and interfere with self-healing mechanisms in your body. Bioresonance can detect such frequencies to help identify sources of disease.

Process is pain-free and noninvasive, suitable even for infants and children. A practitioner places sensors on organ areas or reflex zones on either the forehead, hands, or feet of patients while sitting or lying down – they then connect this sensor to a device which records information about their energy field and transmits this back via applicators on either head, hands, or feet of patients – where harmonic frequencies are amplified while disharmonic frequencies are neutralized by amplifiers on each of these bodies.

Bioresonance has been touted as an alternative treatment for cancer, with practitioners claiming it can detect and destroy cancerous cells. Unfortunately, however, bioresonance has never been scientifically proven effective at either the prevention or cure of cancer; furthermore, when combined with chemotherapy drugs it may interfere with its effectiveness and may compromise effectiveness altogether.

It is a natural way to heal

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine practice based on energy. According to its proponents, it detects electromagnetic waves produced by diseased cells and converts them into healthy frequencies for treatment. Furthermore, it may detect parasites or harmful substances within the body – making this noninvasive technique ideal for homeopathy practitioners looking to help their patients live more harmonious lives.

Bioresonance machines claim to be capable of identifying numerous problems in the body, such as toxins, heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, this device allegedly balances electromagnetic and biochemical functions for faster self-healing.

A typical treatment session lasts 30-60 minutes and patients receive a personalized report detailing any imbalances within their body and specific supplements to address those imbalances. From there, patients can use those recommended supplements to boost their health and wellness.

The bioresonance machine is an elaborate piece of equipment capable of detecting and differentiating between various frequency patterns. Utilizing electrodes, it uses electromagnetic impulses to match or harmonize these discordant frequencies resulting in reduced stress levels and toxin loads within your body.

Bioresonance treatment has also been successfully applied to address numerous health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, insomnia and digestive complaints. A Russian study demonstrated that patients receiving bioresonance treatment saw faster recovery compared to traditional therapies; additionally it reduced unexplained stomach pain significantly.

Bioresonance advocates may make claims based on anecdotes rather than evidence; researchers question its ability to provide an accurate diagnosis. Yet many believe bioresonance therapy is an effective means of healing the body – it should be an integral component of holistic healthcare practitioner practices, used alongside other treatments for maximum benefit. It’s best to consult a certified homeopath when making this decision.

It is affordable

Bioresonance therapy could provide relief for allergies, digestive issues and stress. This noninvasive natural alternative treatment works by identifying imbalances and correcting them using electromagnetic frequencies. It can also detect parasites and harmful bacteria in your body, aid detoxification processes and balance energy pathways. Your practitioner will use the BICOM device to monitor energy wavelengths produced by cells during each session. This machine takes its inspiration from quantum physics, which states that matter is composed mainly of energy frequencies. When these energies are altered by unhealthy organs or cells, this machine can detect it and adjust back into their original state, thus curing diseases.

The BICOM machine uses pulsed electromagnetic frequencies to correct discordant frequencies in your body and accelerate natural self-healing processes. It can identify inflammatory conditions like leaky gut syndrome, where undigested food enters your bloodstream through damaged intestinal linings causing symptoms like gassy stomach. Furthermore, this device can identify obstacles preventing your body from functioning normally such as toxins, infections and food sensitivities which impede proper body functioning.

Bioresonance therapy not only can identify imbalances but is more cost-effective than traditional medical tests due to providing more accurate readings on where your body has been affected, eliminating multiple tests altogether. Furthermore, bioresonance equipment has the capability of detecting parasites and bacteria within the body so the immune system can eliminate them more efficiently.

Bioresonance therapy can provide relief for many symptoms, from allergies and digestive issues to smoking cessation and fatigue. It has even been successfully employed against chronic illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Your bioresonance therapist will determine your frequency and create an individual program designed specifically to address what’s causing you distress.

To ensure the most beneficial experience from your bioresonance session, it’s crucial that you choose an experienced and knowledgeable therapist. They will help ensure you experience maximum benefits with minimal risks – as well as answer any queries about its benefits that may arise during therapy.
