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Bioresonance For Horses – Biocom Bioresonance Machine For Sale

Bioresonance therapy for horses has long been recognized and supported by veterinarians and practitioners as an effective solution for numerous health complaints such as allergies, lameness and respiratory diseases.

Utilizing natural physical information and energy wavelengths, holistic therapy helps prevent illness while supporting self-healing processes in the body.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive alternative therapy designed to promote the body’s self-healing capabilities. A computerized system detects imbalances within the body and sends balancing resonances directly there. Furthermore, this therapy can detect chronic deficiencies in terms of nutrients as well as foreign substances like chemicals or pollution; and can even identify emotional stressors affecting bodily processes.

At the initial consultation, a complete medical history is reviewed with particular problems evaluated to devise personalized protocols. This process is typically carried out by a therapist who has completed a two-day compulsory course and received an instruction manual; only in this way can one ensure safe handling of the device.

The BICOM is an electromagnetic device that works within Quantum Physics. Designed to transmit frequencies identical to those found within our cells, thus eliminating any risk of electric shock – its use is completely safe for children as well.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating allergies (including atopic dermatitis), chronic diseases, breathing issues such as asthma and bronchitis as well as pain therapies and detoxification purposes. A number of controlled and uncontrolled studies have been performed on its effects.

While the BICOM can be helpful for treating various conditions, it is important to remember that there are no miracle cures and each condition must be approached individually when using this device. Furthermore, since FDA does not approve BICOMs as medicine treatments it would be wiser seeking professional advice from a physician rather than using one of these devices alone.

The BICOM is an electromagnetic frequency analyzer which measures and analyses electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances, stressors and possible root causes of health issues. Once imbalances have been identified they can then use various frequencies to harmonize these imbalances and restore natural balance of your body. BICOM can identify chronic bacterial load, fungal/yeast overgrowth as well as emotional stressors; making this device an excellent option for anyone searching for alternative treatment that may improve overall quality of life.

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive solution for physical ailments without risking side effects. During a session, patients lie fully clothed while electrodes on their hands pick up frequency patterns from their bodies and deliver them to a BICOM device for analysis by their therapist. With this information in hand, BICOM sends back signals which allow the body to restore natural physical resonance and heal itself naturally – whether this happens directly by making contact with skin or indirectly via magnetic applicators placed over light clothing.

BICOM can then divide electromagnetic waves from your body into harmonious and disharmonious components, with the former being enhanced back into your system to strengthen normal functions, while disharmonious waves are inverted and sent in opposite polarity so they cancel out or reduce harmful substances’ impact on you; this helps prevent disease while speeding healing of existing complaints; it may even help cure nicotine addiction by cancelling out electromagnetic waves of nicotine molecules from your system.

Bioresonance therapy can detect and neutralize harmful substances that have entered the body, such as chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals, to stop them accumulating in tissues and organs that could become damaging over time. Furthermore, it can identify and eliminate bacteria or viruses which are causing illness in the body as well as treat stress-related issues or treat conditions associated with emotional or mental wellbeing.

Regumed’s BICOM optima device is used by veterinarians and naturopaths to diagnose and treat various health ailments in both people and animals, including metabolic disturbances, allergies and other health concerns. Furthermore, this device has proven itself effective at preventing cancer, aiding weight loss and strengthening immune systems.

While results from this therapy appear promising, more clinical trials must first take place before conclusive proof can be provided that it is safe and effective. Therefore, until further tests can be conducted to establish this evidence-based therapy’s safety and efficacy it would be prudent not to make claims that this device can treat specific conditions, like cancer; rather focus on allergy therapy instead.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive therapy used to restore electromagnetic and biochemical energy functions within the body, restore cellular equilibrium, promote self-healing, treat allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic diseases as well as provide pain relief in inflammatory conditions. Bioresonance can be used as an alternative treatment that works by reinforcing healthy signals from within and negating pathogenic ones from external sources.

Regumed’s German bioresonance device BICOM optima device can detect imbalances in your dog’s energetic field and correct them, offering solutions for diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder issues, general weakness as well as allergies or parasite infestation. Furthermore, this bioresonance machine can identify their root causes as well as suggest possible treatment plans.

At each treatment session, a BICOM therapist will use standardised substances like food, water or grooming products to introduce imbalanced energies into an organism’s energy field and detect causes of illness. They then use that information gathered to develop a comprehensive treatment plan using frequencies that strengthen healthy frequency patterns while counteracting any unhealthy ones in the body.

The BICOM device provides a safe and effective means of alleviating anxiety and pain in dogs. It can be combined with massage or acupuncture treatments; however, no claims should be made that BICOM will treat cancer or any serious illnesses. Scientists are currently testing this therapy and its results have shown promising signs. Studies conducted on humans indicate that it can effectively alleviate stress while stimulating natural healing abilities of the body. It’s also easy to use with no reported side effects; to use, please consult with your veterinarian first; sometimes supplementary insurance and naturopathic practitioners may cover its cost as well.

It is affordable

The BICOM machine works by recording frequency patterns that vibrate harmoniously in healthy bodies and discordantly in diseased ones. It then transmits these wave patterns back into the body to activate and trigger its own self-regulating and healing responses; additionally it sends balancing frequencies that help counteract stress-inducing substances like bacteria, viruses, allergens or heavy metals using principles similar to well-known medical diagnostic devices like EEG, ECG and EMG.

BICOM is an FDA-cleared complementary therapy device used to reduce stress signals in the body. While traditional medicine often treats symptoms without addressing root causes, BICOM allows therapists to identify and target stressors directly with this device, providing personalized therapy programs designed specifically to address imbalances caused by those stressors as well as guidance for future avoidance.

Although originally developed in Germany over 25 years ago, BICOM machines only recently gained popularity here in Britain. Tim explains how they work by decreasing toxin and stress loads on the body while also helping restore a sense of “self-regulation”. He emphasizes that these treatments do not treat or cure any disease; rather, they merely alleviate symptoms caused by environmental stressors such as fatigue, general aches and pains, skin blemishes or digestive upsets.

BICOM gathers information about its patients via applicators that either make direct contact with the body’s surface, or hold over light clothing, with information being recorded and processed by internal circuits that separate healthy from unhealthy frequencies; healthy ones being boosted back into the body while any negative ones being inverted by electronic mirror circuits before returning back as negative effects.

A BICOM therapy session can be surprising affordable; though costs vary depending on which therapist is used, a 60-minute treatment typically costs around PS60. Furthermore, many pet insurance policies cover this treatment without incurring additional charges; plus it has no side effects!
