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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing, is a noninvasive technique that uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances and blockages within your body’s system. Bioresonance can restore natural resonance within your system and prompt rapid self-healing processes within.

Bio resonance therapy utilizes your energy waves to identify imbalances that appear to be contributing to symptoms or health conditions. The results can be truly amazing, with no side effects whatsoever!

The Bio-Resonance Scan

Bioresonance scanning uses bioimpedance technology to identify these resonance frequencies and highlight areas of imbalance within your health. When one part of the body goes out of tune, it affects every other organ, tissue and cell in your organism – much like an orchestra when one instrument goes off key! Bioresonance can identify such resonance frequencies to show any imbalance or problems within it.

Scan results are then used to develop a program designed to restore balance. This may include herbs, supplements, diet changes and other natural therapies – making this non-invasive approach an excellent way to take charge of your health and prevent future issues before they turn into serious medical concerns.

An AO scan is pain-free and takes just 15 minutes to complete, providing ample time for relaxation while the device reads your energy field. After processing and analyzing this testing data, practitioners gain insights into any nutritional deficiencies, toxins, hormone imbalances or potential health concerns that arise during this examination process.

Your scan results will be presented to you in an in-depth computer readout that takes into account medical history, diet, medications being taken and stress levels for an individualized plan of care.

Once your scan is completed, your doctor will create a list of remedies to correct imbalances, such as herbal supplements or holistic therapies. They may also recommend changes to lifestyle that could increase health and well-being.

Homeopathy and other complementary therapy methods such as Acupuncture provide relief, yet another form of regulatory medicine known as Energy Balance Therapy seeks to balance out your energy system and trigger its self-healing abilities, so as to allow the body’s own healing mechanism. This form of treatment aims at harmonizing body’s energy to optimize healing capacity of system itself and allow it to heal itself naturally.

Bioenergetic scanners use hair and saliva samples from people to measure electromagnetic waves or frequencies emitted by substances, then compare those signals with healthy tissues and organs to detect any unhealthy patterns in your DNA that might contribute to disease, as well as detect imbalances such as nutrient deficiencies, hormonal disruptions, food sensitivities or inflammation in your body. They can even measure physical conditions that contribute to diseases like osteoarthritis.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bio resonance scanning is an entirely noninvasive and painless process. It works on the principle that our bodies are holistic systems, meaning imbalances in one part can have ripple effects across other areas. By identifying and countering unhealthy frequencies with healthy ones, bio-resonance scanning helps restore your natural healing processes and restore balance to your system.

Bioresonance scanners use electromagnetic frequencies to detect abnormalities in your energy field and process this data using computer analysis, which then uses it to recognize patterns that indicate possible issues in your health and create customized treatment programs tailored specifically for you. Every cell, tissue and even chromosome in your body has a distinct vibrational frequency that when mismatched can leave it susceptible to illness and disease; by improving conditions in as many parts of the body as possible with improved cell conditions via bio resonance frequency scan, it’s possible to make it harder for disease to thrive and ensure better cell health overall.

It’s Effective

Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies in the body that aren’t working optimally to correct them and allow the body to repair itself while also shielding against external attacks and diseases. It has also been used successfully as an aid in treating cancer.

Working via electrodes placed on the skin and connected to a machine that emits electromagnetic signals, it measures whether your energy levels are stable and will respond accordingly; otherwise it will read a different signal that has muted or negative tone which helps doctors identify which disease or conditions might be causing problems in your cells.

A doctor will then use specific frequencies that will “cancel out” negative energies within cells and bring them into resonance, providing relief for many diseases and disorders such as mental illnesses or allergies; bio resonance can even assist patients in quitting smoking or managing pain through this method.
