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What is AO Scan Technology?

AO Scan Technology is an innovative non-invasive method of evaluating one’s energy field non-invasively and conveniently, giving insights into potential areas of imbalance or concern in their body’s energy field. Furthermore, this process may help promote greater digestive health and emotional balance.

Everything gives off vibrations, and the AO Scan scans 120,000 Blueprint Frequencies to identify any deviations from an ideal vibrational state and thus guide your body back toward homeostasis – its natural state of balance.

AO Scan Technology is based on the works of scientists

AO Scan Technology is an innovative new noninvasive bio-resonance technique to detect imbalances in body vibrational frequencies. This groundbreaking tool draws inspiration from some of history’s greatest scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Raymond Rife whose discoveries inspired it. The AO scanner is a handheld device designed to communicate with your body using subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, in order to promote homeostasis – its natural state of equilibrium. It scans and measures frequencies and detects deviations from your Blueprint Frequencies, which are universal for each person. Once this data has been gathered, an AO scanner sends out harmonizing frequencies in order to optimize these frequencies in order to bring your body toward harmony and health.

The AO Scan Mobile device goes beyond traditional medical tests such as ultrasounds and blood tests to give you a deeper understanding of what’s happening within your body. Utilizing methods from Russia, Germany, and the USA it analyzes frequency patterns within cells, tissues, organs, as well as helping with lifestyle modifications that will benefit overall wellness and improve health and wellness.

The AO Scan is an innovative bioresonance device, employing quantum physics principles to detect imbalances in your body’s vibrational frequencies and identify energetic blockages which contribute to illness or disease – then releases them through safe, painless, noninvasive treatment processes. Furthermore, this tool serves as great preventative medicine as it can identify imbalances before they become serious issues.

The AO Scan is an innovative mobile device that helps optimize health and wellbeing. It detects any toxins present in the body and removes their toxic energy signatures; analyze your physical and emotional state; identify any genetic miasms/chromosomes contributing to overall wellbeing; as well as produce a detailed report detailing your body’s performance as well as any areas needing improvement.

It is non-invasive

AO Scan Technology uses delicate bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to communicate with your body, comparing your current frequencies against those listed on your Blueprint Frequencies and identifying any differences which could affect your health. This noninvasive technology is designed to help achieve homeostasis – the body’s natural state of equilibrium.

Your body emits various frequencies that travel from your brain to all cells, tissues, and organs in your body via vibrational frequencies – known as vibrational frequencies – which determine how effectively organs and systems function in the body. When vibrational frequencies vary too widely from normal, discomfort, stress, or disease may develop as a result. The AO Scan device provides an easy way to evaluate health issues as it offers accurate and detailed assessments of both physical and energetic states of your body.

AO Scan devices send frequencies out into the body in order to stimulate different parts. These frequencies reflect back onto them, which then record and analyze how each cell, tissue or organ responds. Once this information has been received by software it identifies any imbalanced frequencies which need balancing against Blueprint Frequencies before providing you with an extensive report with these findings.

If you are experiencing chronic complex issues or mystery symptoms, the AO Scan device can give insights into their source. With these insights comes guidance for taking necessary supplements, lifestyle changes and natural remedies; often eliminating expensive laboratory tests or doctor visits altogether.

The AO Scan is an innovative quantum wellness technology based on the principle that everything in the universe, including human bodies, is energy. This theory stems from Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife and Albert Einstein’s beliefs that physical matter at its most fundamental level can be reduced to energy frequencies and vibrations; its mobile device enables you to see whether your frequencies align with those outlined by your blueprint, helping your body towards homeostasis – its natural state of equilibrium.

It is easy to use

AO Scan Technology is an elegant yet user-friendly innovation inspired by Tesla, Einstein and other notable scientists. Utilizing subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, it creates seamless communication with the body via its 120,000 unique Blueprint Frequencies library – and guides users toward homeostasis – our body’s natural state of equilibrium.

Each organ, tissue, and cell in your body emits its own frequency which can be affected by various factors. The AO Scan Technology uses this data to pinpoint each body’s individual resonant frequencies and devise strategies to improve them based on this innovative wellness concept based on the principle that your energy levels directly impact upon both health and wellbeing.

The AO Scan Mobile device offers various scanning options, including Vitals scan and Comprehensive scan. Furthermore, its advanced software enables you to optimize a specific organ or body system, helping you address the root causes of discomfort while increasing overall wellness.

After each scan, the AO Scan Mobile device generates an Inner-Voice report. This comprehensive document details your session results as well as recommended frequencies and playlists that will help you attain optimal wellness. These Inner-Voice reports include four audio tracks which should be played back two to three times daily using headphones for optimal results; additionally, using specto-chrome coloured glasses recommended in your report may further boost these outcomes.

Are You Seeking Holistic Solutions or Making the Most of Wellness Potential with the AO Scan Mobile? This device is easy to operate and can be used anywhere with Wi-Fi connectivity, making it convenient for traveling as it doesn’t need power outlets. Plus its sleek design makes it portable, lightweight, and durable for easy portability – an excellent addition when traveling!

It is affordable

AO Scan Technology is an innovative method of understanding your health and wellbeing. Utilizing bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals, this system communicates with the body to detect any imbalances and help you make lifestyle changes to achieve harmony and well-being. AO Scan is noninvasive and safe for all individuals; its personalized approach to health addresses root cause issues while offering tailored solutions.

Solex‘s AO Scan Mobile Device helps identify frequencies causing imbalance in your body, by comparing your frequencies against Blueprint Frequencies identified as optimal vibrational frequencies for every person. These frequencies promote homeostasis – the natural state of balance. Furthermore, this device can identify emotions stored in your body that need to be released.

AO Scan can help identify a range of health issues, such as an impaired immune system, digestive difficulties and toxic exposures; as well as emotional conditions like stress and anxiety. By pinpointing their source and making lifestyle adjustments to combat them.

AO Scan‘s affordability makes it even more desirable. A three-day pass costs $25 and provides unlimited scans for yourself, your family members and even pets. Each scan results in a comprehensive report of results as well as recommendations to enhance overall health.

The AO Scan mobile app for both iPhones and Android devices is now available on the App Store, reading energy, frequency, vibration and resonance signals to detect imbalances within the body and broadcast correct frequencies to address them. Perfect for anyone wanting to improve their own health as well as their loved ones’, including doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, veterinarians, biological dentists, yoga instructors physical therapists nutritionists biohackers biohackers as well as everyday wellness enthusiasts AO Scan Mobile can be used by medical professionals, physical therapists as well as everyday wellness enthusiasts alike!
