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Bio-Resonance Therapy Machine

Resonance therapy is an integrative healing approach that employs the body’s energetic frequencies to promote health and well-being, drawing upon quantum physics and traditional Chinese medicine for inspiration.

Bio resonance therapy devices include a memory element 5, in which is stored a program for creating specific vibration sequences and their distribution to specific units within 1. Access to the central computer (9) via internet platform (8) is password protected.

How it works

Resonance therapy is an alternative healing approach that uses vibrations to support your body’s natural healing processes. This approach draws inspiration from several scientific and holistic disciplines, such as quantum physics, Traditional Chinese Medicine (Qi), homeopathy and others. Resonance therapy operates on the theory that all living things emit electromagnetic waves or frequencies which create imbalances that lead to illness.

Resonance devices are medical-grade devices that produce electromagnetic waves to penetrate deep within your body and promote production of new cells and tissues, alleviating pain, inflammation and other symptoms while increasing circulation and therefore helping improve overall health. They produce these waves via electromagnetic induction.

This machine also emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves within the range of earth’s own magnetic field frequencies, known to balance and regulate body’s energetic frequency which is essential for good health. This treatment is safe, noninvasive and without side effects.

All organs and diseases possess their own specific frequency of vibration, so the task for a doctor using bioresonance therapy is to select in the selector connected to a computer the organo preparation that resonates best with a nosode found (for instance stomach cancer) tested on their patient in order to cause tumor destruction by resonance effect.

SRT devices use electromagnetic fields and vibrations for healing purposes; additionally they employ waves which directly affect hydrogen protons in our cells and redirect signals from damaged to healthy ones – an approach which may prove successful against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, two progressive neurological conditions which cause organ degeneration and cell damage.

At each session, patients sit on a treatment couch and move in various directions while the machine vibrates their entire body for approximately 60 seconds, followed by a rest period lasting 30 minutes.


Resonance therapy offers an alternative approach that addresses both symptoms and root causes of illness or allergy conditions by activating your own natural healing abilities. Resonance therapy does this by identifying and neutralizing frequencies causing imbalance in your biofield; once balanced again, positive frequencies are introduced again which can assist with numerous conditions including chronic illness and allergies.

The electromagnetic field of the device scans your entire body for frequencies that could be contributing to health issues. Once identified, these frequencies are counteracted through biontology: creating an energetic balancing field which counteracts them. Biontology has proven successful at restoring equilibrium to energy fields while healing damaged cells or tissues in MS patients as well as those affected by type 1 diabetes.

Not only is this technique effective, it is completely safe with no side effects. It uses electromagnetic frequencies which correspond with earth’s magnetic field frequency (0-30Hz). Such frequencies have long been recognized to be compatible with human tissue and cell structure.

Although frequency healing machines have yet to gain mainstream medical acceptance, they do provide a unique way of improving overall wellbeing. Best used as a complementary treatment alongside those recommended by your healthcare team and it’s wise to maintain an open mind and conduct extensive research before embarking on any alternative medicine regimes.

The Frequency Healing Machine is a non-invasive and holistic treatment option that can be used for anything from stress relief to chakra balancing. Utilizing specific electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with our own natural frequencies, electromagnetic therapy offers benefits such as cell healing and mood improvement. Furthermore, electromagnetic therapy may aid cancer treatments by using frequencies to target tumor cells while sparing normal ones. Additionally, it can help improve the quality of your sleep and lower risk for dementia and other neurological disorders. Studies have also demonstrated it can improve postural stability and musculoskeletal pain relief; using low frequency settings combined with solfeggio frequencies such as 528 Hz whistle to promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Side effects

Bio-resonance therapy is an alternative health practice used to balance the body’s energetic frequencies. When this balance occurs, natural frequencies in your body can work at their optimum levels to heal, protect, and increase happiness. This noninvasive drug-free therapy method is suitable for people of all ages and can be combined with other treatments; bio-resonance can treat an array of allergies, intolerances, chronic diseases and symptoms effectively.

Bio resonance machines use electromagnetic waves to balance your body and correct energy imbalances in its energy fields, sending electromagnetic waves outward to strengthen healthy frequencies while counteracting harmful ones. They can even help your cells repair themselves while rebalancing your entire system – with results being immediate and long-lasting.

At each session, a client sits comfortably on an electrode-covered table while electrodes are applied to their body. An in-house computer program analyzes this data to pinpoint imbalances in their frequencies; once identified, bio resonance machine corrects them using a special tool known as BICOM.

This device measures the energy frequency of every organ and disease. Then it finds a specific frequency in the body which matches it – for instance if test results reveal there to be a stomach tumor, this device would identify nosodes with potencies similar to its tumor which match its potency – this allows resonance destruction to take place, eventually eliminating its existence altogether.

Painless and fast, patients can expect a substantial reduction in symptoms within 30 minutes. This treatment is suitable for all ages from infants to seniors and works particularly well when other therapies have failed to bring relief. Furthermore, this therapy may help chronic and debilitating conditions like diabetes mellitus and autoimmune diseases; plus it has even been proven to reduce depression in some cases! However, for best results this technique must always be administered under medical supervision to ensure safety.


Bioresonance therapy has grown increasingly popular, but it comes at a price. Most insurance policies do not cover alternative therapies like Bioresonance. Before booking an appointment, patients should be aware of all costs involved as some practitioners offer packages which may reduce overall treatment costs by including multiple sessions as well as specialty services in one package.

Bio-Resonance technology scans your body and detects imbalances that cause symptoms. It counteracts bad frequencies, returning you to a harmonious frequency and relieving blockages that caused symptoms. Based on the theory that everything has an intrinsic frequency which is affected by different conditions, skilled practitioners can use Bio-Resonance equipment to identify imbalances within these frequencies and rebalance them for improved health outcomes.

Clinic sessions typically involve being fully clothed and sitting or lying down while equipment assesses your energy wavelengths. You will likely be connected to the machine via wrist and/or ankle bands or probes; sessions typically last anywhere between 30 minutes and two hours and you will receive a report with findings following each visit, while some systems offer remote sessions as well.

Trade India verified sellers are offering an affordable selection of bio resonance therapy machines to meet any budget. Some are even imported directly from overseas and come complete with warranties, providing added peace of mind. All models are safe to operate and suitable for treating a range of conditions.
