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Vibration Therapy For Scar Tissue

After an injury, our bodies produce scar tissue as part of the healing process. Unfortunately, this glue-like structure often forms around joints, tendons and muscles and limits movement while increasing pain levels.

RRT vibration therapy releases restricting scar tissue, relieving pain and increasing performance. Learn more about this exciting treatment today!

Improved Blood Flow

Scar tissue forms to heal wounds in our bodies, using collagen-rich skin as protection from injury. When exposed to oxygenated blood flow it expands, becoming flexible and pliable again; but when left without access to this oxygenated blood flow it dies away, becoming rigid and constrictive, often trapping nerves within it while restricting flexibility or even leading to pain-producing adhesions that must be broken down by vibration therapy to improve muscle, joint and ligament health.

Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) employs a patented high-speed vibration to break apart adhesions found in spastic muscles and tender fascia that interfere with blood flow, pinch nerves, or hinder lymphatic drainage. RRT breaks these adhesions apart to alleviate pain quickly and restore normal movement quickly over two to five minute sessions – even professional athletes use this treatment method for peak performance!

Studies have demonstrated that vibration therapy helps promote new blood vessel formation and increase delivery of nutrients directly to scar tissue sites, providing key benefits in recent scars’ early healing stages – which is critical for remodeling scar tissue before it matures into fibrous scars.

One study demonstrated how vibration could stimulate the growth of new blood vessels in scar-like tissue samples marked to differentiate them from normal muscle tissue. Vibration triggered dark lines to represent new blood vessels created from vibration; these resulted in more flexible, resilient muscle-like tissue with decreased scar size as a result of the vibration’s desensitizing nerves which may be contributing to pain; all together these results could accelerate and enhance physical therapy regimes using multiple modalities.

Reduced Pain

Scar tissue forms naturally when an injury, overuse, or surgery alters our bodies’ normal processes and sets off an immune response to repair damaged tissue. Scarring can be beneficial when applied directly to joints; when built up within muscles or fascia it can lead to pain and stiffness, making movement much harder than necessary. Vibration therapy can help relieve congestion while improving mobility by helping heal damaged areas faster.

One primary cause of muscle pain and movement restrictions is scar tissue adhesions that cling to nerves, muscles, or other tissues causing pain or numbness in your body. Rapid Release Technology (RRT), however, offers painless vibration treatments which can break apart these adhesions to release surrounding tissues resulting in immediate relief and increased range of motion with just two to five minute sessions of RRT treatment. RRT could be ideal for anyone struggling with chronic muscle discomfort that has not responded well to other therapies like medication, physical therapy, acupuncture or injections among others.

Vibration therapy can also be an effective way of treating trigger points – knots in muscles that refer pain to other areas of the body. A trigger point in your back, for instance, can create headaches; one in the neck could contribute to shoulder and migraine discomfort. While massage and manipulation can provide temporary relief for these pains, many find they cannot reach deep knots with their hands, or cannot apply enough pressure for optimal results. Vibration therapy offers another alternative treatment option for trigger points.

Hydrodissection is another option for treating scar tissue, using ultrasound guidance and injecting saline solution under ultrasound guidance to separate peripheral nerves from their surrounding scar tissue and adjacent structures. When combined with massage or other therapies, hydrodissection has shown promising results for improving outcomes. At NYDNRehab, we specialize in treating scar tissue to help restore pain-free movement while minimizing restrictions caused by scar tissue. Contact us for more information about our advanced techniques or to arrange a consultation today!

Increased Flexibility

After experiencing injury or surgery, your body’s response can often involve creating layers of extra strong reinforced scar tissue to heal the area and seal it shut. Although this helps heal wounds more effectively, this scarring may cause numbness, hyper-sensitivity or restrict movement severely limiting mobility – even tugging at organs such as bladder and bowel. However, noninvasive solutions exist that can break up adhesions to restore pain-free movement.

Vibration therapy can be used to release adhesions between spastic muscles and fascia that pull on healthy tissues, as well as release adhesions between spastic muscles and tender fascia that pull on healthy tissues. Rapid Release Technology’s (RRT) high-speed vibrations melt scar tissue and adhesions found in tight muscles and connective tissues – this makes RRT vibrations an excellent alternative for patients unable to receive manual physical therapy or who prefer not taking pain-numbing narcotics/pharmaceuticals for pain relief.

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), another highly effective solution, uses sound waves to stimulate collagen regeneration and help remodel scar tissue structures. Furthermore, ESWT may help break up fibrotic scars that are resistant to other treatments.

Stecco Fascia Manipulation and TECAR Therapy can also provide effective scar tissue treatments. TECAR works by normalizing electrical charges within damaged cells to speed healing and allow scar tissue remodel. Shockwave therapy or ESWT treatments may help reduce inflammation while improving elasticization of scar tissue.

Combining this therapy approach with other approaches can effectively release adhesions and restore pain-free motion. Furthermore, they may prevent future scar formation as well as promote healthy muscle tissue growth.

At NYDNRehab, we take great pride in offering cutting-edge therapeutic approaches like scar tissue and fascia manipulation techniques to provide fast and lasting pain relief without resorting to prescription narcotics and medication. Contact us now to set up your free consultation; our holistic approach provides fast results without resorting to painkillers and prescriptions medications – leaving our team of physical therapists, chiropractors, and physiotherapists here waiting to assist.

Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury or surgery, intended to protect wounds. Unfortunately, inflammation can also become problematic when scar tissue forms and forms adhesions which restrict movement or pin nerves – these adhesions can then be broken up with vibration therapy, helping reduce pain, numbness, stiffness and increase range of motion.

Rapid Release Therapy (RRT) uses non-painful high-speed vibration to break apart scar tissue and adhesions found in spastic muscles and tender fascia, providing pain-free results in just 2-5 minute sessions that reduce nerve tension while increasing range of motion – with 6-12 treatments suggested for long lasting results.

Our bodies are amazing, but they can also form scar tissue after an injury or surgery, which acts as an aid for healing; however, when this scar tissue adheres to muscles or nerves it can restrict movement, cause pain, or even pull on organs such as the bladder or bowel resulting in adhesions forming that restrict mobility or cause adhesions that pull organs such as bladders or bowels to contract causing strain on organs like bladders or bowels – becoming problematic over time. Scar tissue made of collagen helps the healing process; however when this issue becomes problematic when adhesions form between muscles and nerves where adhesions adheres adhesions forming adhesions form between muscle-nerve connections forms adheres causing adhesions to occur attaching muscles to nerves causing restriction of movement as adhesions that bind affecting organs like bladder or bowel. These adhesions restrict movement causing pain while restrict movement which restrict movement causing discomfort; as adhesions forming can even pull organs like bladder or bowel when attached by adhesions form due to adhesions adhesions attaching muscles or nerves attaching themselves resulting in reduced movement restricted movements caused due to reduced freedom; restricted movements as adhesions become problematic due to adhesions adhesions which become problematic as adhesions become problematic when adhesions that pull against organs pull against their attached organs pulling on them pulling on organs pulling pull on bladder or even pulling organs pull against organs being pulled when these adhesions pull against organs such pull on organs pulling pull on organs pulling on organs pulling at these adhesions restrict movement from their attachment causing pain caused from movement being pulled on organs which result from pulling on organs like bladder or bowel pullings pulling on organs pulling on organs adhesions causing restrictions restrict movement restrict movement restrictions due to tight adhesions pull pull against other than those to which organs pull pulled against organs when pulled pulling causing pull pulling organs etc a force pull which in fact pull where organs could pull pulling them when pulled causing organ pull pull pull causing strain pulling pull pull on organs from pull pulling against their attached organ pull pull from pulling pull pull pull off their organ pull pull pulling pull pulled off pull against organs pull pull bowel or pulling even pulling on organ pull pull pull which pull bowel or organ pull pull pulling on organ pull pull pull against pull pull upon organs pulling them pull pull this type pull or pull on organ pull off by pulling force e bowel pull outs pull as tightening etc bowel or pull against them from pulling against organs pulling for pull out either to

Physical therapy alone cannot restore full movement. At NYDNRehab, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) provides targeted relief of scar tissue adhesions and pain related conditions with clinical evidence proving this effective treatment method can break apart fibrous components of scar tissue while restoring movement and relieving discomfort.

ESWT penetrates deep into the soft tissues of the body, reaching scar tissue normally covered by muscles and skin. Scar tissue is comprised of collagen fibers with limited blood flow that dry up over time, becoming constrictive. Scar tissue itself is rigid and inflexible without contractile properties like muscle fibers; when it adheres to muscles or nerves it can inhibit movement or cause pain; ESWT breaks up any adhesions between this adhesion and muscles/nerves that inhibit free movement, freeing both up for movement once again.
