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Remote Scalar Healing

Tom Paladino is an academic researcher and humanitarian with the goal of making an impactful difference through Scalar Energy. Similar to sunlight or starlight, Scalar Energy contains healing energy frequencies which promote life and can help restore optimal health.

Beginning each session with a photograph of the person or animal receiving treatment is key in using scalar energy instrument to localize them and then deliver its treatment.

What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar energy is a force that can be detected without using conventional instrumentation, like electromagnetic fields characterized by transverse and longitudinal waves. Scalar energy influences living organisms at a quantum level by encouraging cells in our body to vibrate at similar frequencies and healing itself; or increasing effectiveness of medications or supplements by better penetrating our cell membranes.

James Clerk Maxwell developed the first equations to describe electric and magnetic fields during the 1800s. His work connected electricity with magnetism, opening up the possibility of scalar energy. Unfortunately, its existence was widely disregarded at first as too mysterious or nonphysical; it took almost 50 years before researchers started understanding its true nature and power.

Today, scalar energy is known by various names: information fields, longitudinal waves, zero-point energy, tachyon, orgone radiant energy or quintessence are just a few examples. Scalar energy carries the instructions and design for all things in our universe and far outshone even electromagnetic spectrum as a force for change.

Scalar wave energy has the ability to alter genetics and transform medical care, and may have played a part in creating Egyptian pyramids and other ancient wonders. Furthermore, this noninvasive energy can be transmitted via photographs.

Researchers like Tom Paladino have demonstrated how scalar energy can be used to effectively destroy pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds yeast and parasites. He has also shown how its light wavelengths can destroy drug residue in the body thus eliminating cravings for drugs.

Blushield’s scalar healing sessions can be conducted from any location using digital or hard copy photos of those receiving treatment. A therapist uses the photo as a “link” between themselves and their client in order to direct scalar energy directly towards them; each photo’s harmonic signature contains the unique energy patterns associated with every individual that instructs scalar equipment to locate and provide energy directly.

How Does Scalar Energy Work?

Human bodies contain seven energy centers called chakras. When functioning correctly, these chakras serve as natural receptacles of scalar light which when distributed throughout our bodies. Furthermore, scalar waves make nutritional supplements more absorbable and bio-available thus improving their efficacy as your body can make better use of nutrients found within these supplements while eliminating waste that often arises with these products.

Nicola Tesla and other scientists have long recognized scalar energy’s subtle forces and have utilized devices to harness it. Scalar energy devices use it to deliver essential nutrients directly into cells while also creating resonance within those same cells which increase performance of mitochondria – your cells’ power plants – thus producing more energy and detoxifying more effectively.

Scalar energy also possesses an exclusive property that allows it to disassemble pathogens at their molecular levels – including viruses, bacteria, fungus, protozoans and prions – at an atomic level. This disassembly causes symptoms associated with their disease to lessen or even disappear altogether.

Tom Paladino has developed a way of broadcasting reverse phase angle harmonic scalar energy aimed at disassembling specific pathogens remotely using his scalar instrument and face photograph of those being treated.

Tom’s remote treatment process makes it possible for anyone, no matter their geographical location, to receive effective healthcare anywhere around the globe. By breaking apart or disassembling molecular bonds in pathogens causing diseases he will neutralize them and stop further spread of diseases.

Scalar energy also assembles molecular bonds of micronutrients found within your body, delivering them directly to cells for faster healing and rejuvenation. Many people have seen healing results after just one session of remote scalar healing; however, the number of sessions required depends on your desired goals for healing or cleansing.

What is the Scalar Energy Pathogenic Cleanse?

Scalar energy is an extremely potent force of nature that has the capacity to disassemble infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungus and protozoa while also maintaining physical matter’s molecular structure. Thus, using its properties, scalar energy can disassemble any infectious agent into forms harmless to quantum and human health.

Tom Paladino has over 25 years of experience using scalar energy research to assist people recovering from pathogenic infection. He follows in the footsteps of scientists such as Hieronymus, Moray, Priore, and Nikola Tesla – all who had success harnessing and harnessing scalar energy for various uses – Hieronymus used it in agriculture fields while simultaneously increasing soil nutrient capacity; Moray and Priore utilized scalar energy transmission into human bodies in order to treat diseases and illness more effectively.

Paladino’s instrument for scalar energy pathogen cleanse can quickly identify and transmute infectious agents with photographs as targets, by employing its reverse phase angle harmonic. This technique works similarly with bi-located versions of plants or people.

Scalar energy instruments are also capable of identifying and disassembling the nucleic acid of any virus by harnessing its power to break apart molecular bonds that connect them, thus rendering viral infections harmless to quantum human health.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests provide the most reliable means of detecting either the presence or absence of viruses, and many medical facilities offer these free of charge upon request. Our clients have provided proof that their herpes simplex virus type 2 viral load has been reduced with our scalar energy pathogen cleanse.

Note that scalar energy pathogen cleansing does not disassemble antibodies, which serve to defend against antigens entering the body through invading antigens and invaders. Antibodies are produced by white blood cells in your immune system.

What is the Scalar Energy Nutrient Therapy?

Scalar energy has been in use since Nikola Tesla first popularized it and can be transmitted over long distances without losing power or frequency. Studies have also demonstrated its healing capabilities, providing relief from chronic pain, insomnia and mental disturbances.

Studies have demonstrated the power of scalar energy to deliver direct instructions directly to the body that initiate a process to rid itself of harmful pathogens, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoans. The instructions also work to break molecular bonds within DNA and chromosomes containing damaged or incomplete information, so cells can repair or complete damaged DNA sequences and improve overall cell functionality.

Cellular repair and regeneration is an ongoing process which benefits immune system function, inflammation reduction, and overall cell health improvement.

Tom Paladino is an expert in scalar energy and on a mission to change lives by equipping individuals with the education and tools to restore optimal health and enhance their quality of life. Through his company Scalar Light he utilizes this form of scalar energy that works with quantum fields to activate humanity’s inherent ability to heal itself.

He offers scalar energy programs for anti aging, hormones, nutrition, chakra balancing, toxin removal and cognitive enhancement. In addition he utilizes remote use of his scalar technology which sends instructions to your body via photo to begin disassembling molecular bonds of infectious agents that might otherwise evade detection.

Scalar energy pathogenic cleanses, or Cosmic Cleanses, are an effective way to clear away infections such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa from your body. They’re also great for improving immune function, detoxifying and increasing nutrient uptake – such programs have even been used by ancient cultures as well as spiritual seekers today in an effort to achieve better health and wellbeing. Scalar energy has long been utilized in traditional healing systems across cultures as a powerful method for increasing wellbeing and improving immunity.
