Quantum healing differs from traditional massage by taking into account the interconnectivity of your energy map. Quantum massage facilitators intuitively understand that pain experienced in one area could be related to imbalances or blockages elsewhere on your body.
Practitioners identify areas that need work by asking clients, “Where does it hurt?” Sessions can take place either on a massage table or chair and do not require disrobing of clothing.
Level One
Quantum healing massage is a combination of bodywork and energy work that utilizes life force energy to realign physical structures with their energetic pathways, relieving pain, clearing emotional blockages and increasing immunity levels. Practitioners utilize intuitive awareness of client energy fields in order to identify areas of blockage and facilitate healing. Many clients report that using both quantum touch and regular bodywork together provides significant relief in terms of reduced pain levels, headache relief, increased energy levels and aligning organs and glands with proper positions as well as clearing past trauma stored in DNA in order to promote emotional and spiritual well being.
Quantum Healing involves having a massage therapist hold their hands over a client to tap into their “qi,” or life force energy. It is believed that tapping into this life force energy can trigger their natural ability to heal themselves faster, reduce symptoms from disease or injury quicker, or even help them avoid medical treatments altogether. One anecdote about quantum touch shows this at work – for instance a woman was in need of knee replacement but ultimately cancelled the operation after receiving multiple quantum touch sessions!
Quantum healing practitioners believe this to be possible due to how life force energy responds to vibration. When someone’s body matches up with the high frequency vibration of a practitioner, their life force energy becomes more open for healing – known as resonance or entrainment.
Massage therapists must understand the basic principles of quantum healing to successfully incorporate its techniques into their practices. For instance, during a quantum touch session, the practitioner must learn how to increase his or her own vibration through breathing and body awareness exercises, before transmitting that vibration to their client – this allows them to match up energy levels more closely, speeding up healing.
Are You Curious about Integrating Quantum Healing Into Massage Practice? Take an Live Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop from an approved Quantum-Touch Practitioner. This event fulfills National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork’s continuing education requirements by counting as 4 CE hours.
Level Two
At level two quantum healing massage sessions, practitioners focus on activating the client’s body’s natural ability to heal itself. This process can help eliminate aches and pains, relieve headaches, balance autonomic nervous systems, increase energy levels and clear emotional blocks more efficiently than traditional treatments can. Quantum touch practitioners have reported their sessions are helping their patients overcome illnesses faster – including cancer faster than traditional medicine – through frequent quantum touch sessions; one anecdote tells of one woman who required knee surgery but managed to cancel her procedure through regular quantum touch treatments instead.
Quantum healing does not have a governing body or certification system, yet skilled practitioners are readily available both domestically and abroad. Most have completed training programs in quantum healing or energy work techniques like Reiki; many also specialize in complementary therapies like massage or acupuncture. Many practitioners provide free introductory or consultation calls so potential clients can assess whether quantum healing may be suitable.
Quantum healing massage sessions involve practitioners placing their hands gently over areas in need of energy healing for up to 75 minutes, which allows them to perform massage techniques without needing the client to change positions or remove clothing. This form of energy healing can even serve as an alternative therapy when an individual cannot tolerate manipulation or physical contact therapies.
Before selecting a quantum healing massage practitioner, one of the first considerations should be their education, training and experience. They must hold either an academic background or be licensed or certified as well as being familiar with physical, emotional and energetic aspects of the body as well as providing an objective evaluation of current state of health.
An additional factor to keep in mind when selecting a practitioner is whether they possess a solid understanding of quantum physics. Quantum physics is a field of study which seeks to explain reality by employing universal principles applicable to all matter and energy in existence – some believe that quantum physics forms the cornerstone of all modern scientific theories.
Intuitive Guidance
Quantum healing sessions involve the practitioner placing their hands gently overlapping on areas of their client’s body that need energy, such as on areas that lie under an armrest or require more energy than they currently possess. They may have their client lie on a massage table or recline in a chair to receive energy treatment; or be seated upright and facing forward in an upright position for sessions that last no more than 10 or 15 minutes and don’t require taking off clothing – instead their practitioner relies upon intuition and information received through aura reading during healing sessions for guidance during healing processes.
Quantum energy healing is founded upon the belief that all things are composed of energy. This approach aligns with an understanding that physical pain often begins on an energetic level due to disruption or imbalances in our energy field due to stress, trauma, negative emotions or unresolved issues.
Energy healing modalities like quantum healing can remove negative patterns and enhance your natural healing capabilities, as well as support emotional and spiritual well-being. They may help balance skeletal system alignment, relieve back pain, boost immunity levels, relieve anxiety and depression symptoms and further assist with uncovering your purpose in life with clarity.
Quantum healing can be integrated into massage sessions through an energetic imprinting technique, which involves asking clients “Where does it hurt?” before using resonance and entrainment to direct energy toward these areas. This approach allows therapists to locate problem spots more precisely, providing more opportunity for them to address them fully during massage therapy sessions.
Clients of these treatments can experience immediate pain relief and increased flexibility as a result of this massage therapy, in addition to increasing endorphin levels in the brain to promote feelings of wellbeing.
Whoever would like to try an innovative form of massage therapy that incorporates quantum physics and energy work should contact a qualified, licensed quantum healing practitioner. A certified practitioner should specialize in this form of therapeutic massage in addition to other types of therapeutic massage modalities.
Noterro practice management software enables you to streamline client intake processes and book sessions efficiently by consolidating all aspects of your massage practice on one platform, including intake forms, scheduling and financial documentation.
Quantum energy healing practices are founded on the idea that everything, including our physical bodies, is made up of energy. They also adhere to the belief that energetic patterns contribute to both health and disease. Quantum healing practitioners understand that physical pain often arises due to disrupted energies or emotional blockages – therefore working simultaneously on both aspects of pain.
Energy healing can be achieved using various modalities and techniques, including meditation, sound therapy and aromatherapy. Some practitioners also offer nutritional counseling and lifestyle coaching services. Others incorporate spiritual practices like journaling or creative expression into their healing plans to foster an affinity between themselves and the universe.
Quantum healing practitioners employ breathing techniques and body awareness techniques to deepen relationships between themselves and their clients, as well as intuition for guidance in sessions. Quantum healers may gain insights that lead them to specific areas of a client’s energy field that help directly address physical pain or other issues; such insights could come in the form of sensations, images or inner knowingness.
Many practitioners of quantum healing also offer virtual or online sessions in order to reach more clients. This can be especially convenient for busy schedules or remote locations where travel costs would otherwise prohibit access. Furthermore, the cost for online sessions tends to be less than in-person sessions.
Although energy healing doesn’t fall under any one governing body, many practitioners have completed training courses for different modalities – for instance a Quantum Touch practitioner and instructor is certified with their organization as such.
Quantum energy healing may provide real advantages, yet it must be remembered that these techniques should not replace conventional medical therapies. Instead, they can supplement traditional medicine in helping the body heal itself more naturally while supporting natural self-healing mechanisms within your own system. It’s always wise to consult a qualified health professional if any serious health concerns arise.