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Biophotonic Therapy and Medical Ozone

Biophotonic Therapy for Weight Loss

Biophotonic Therapy and Medical Ozone have long been recognized for their healing potential; however, they’re most effective when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan involving testing, nutrition, hormone optimization, detoxification, and other therapeutic techniques. Together they are especially adept at attacking viruses, bacteria, fungus and pain while improving circulation, relieving autoimmune conditions and aiding weight loss.

Regular usage of this treatment will enhance and strengthen your immune system and create a detoxifying effect which will help balance blood sugar levels and decrease weight. Combining the natural healing properties of UBI Biophotonic Therapy and Ozone Autohemotherapy therapy helps achieve this aim. At your treatment session, we will collect some of your own blood in a sterile delivery system and expose it to ultraviolet light rays in order to supercharge its effectiveness in supporting overall blood health. The results of this process include enhanced cardiovascular function, increased oxygenation of tissues, destruction of viruses, bacteria, fungus and other pathogens as well as faster metabolism of cholesterol, uric acid, glucose and fats for reduced inflammation, removal of toxins from your system and improvement in autoimmune conditions.

Light photons penetrate tissue and interact with chromophores within cells to initiate a chain of physiological reactions that accelerate wound healing, tissue regeneration and reduction of pain as well as acute/chronic inflammation reduction and increase cellular performance.

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Studies conducted by Miley demonstrated that blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) rose quickly to 100 % following UV exposure, remaining there for as much as one month following treatment. This increase coincided with significant improvements in glucose tolerance and insulinogenic responses; normalization of skeletal muscle insulin resistance; recovery of glycogen synthesis and ATP production.

Light is widely known to activate fat cells by dislodging triglycerides from within them and causing their size to reduce, thus mobilizing stored fat reserves that could otherwise remain dormant – creating the opportunity to burn them as fuel or use as an alternate energy source.

Biophotonic Therapy for Headaches

Biophotonic therapy has also proven highly successful at mitigating long-term COVID-19 symptoms such as muscular fatigue, “foggy brain”, mental illnesses and headaches, which impact quality of life significantly.

This study employed a pragmatic double-blind randomized clinical trial to assess the impact of photobiomodulation therapy on pain levels and daily activities as measured by a Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), Visual Analogue Scale and Headache Impact Test-6 (HIT-6). Results demonstrated that photobiomodulation significantly reduced pain while improving functioning among post-COVID-19 patients suffering from tension-type headaches or orofacial pain, per-protocol analysis also showing significant increases in BPI scores pre and post-treatment.


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