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A Course For Quantum Healing Practitioners

Quantum healing is an alternative form of medicine that relies on harnessing the body’s energy field for wellness. The practice blends elements from quantum physics with spirituality as well as mindfulness practices and positive affirmations techniques.

QHHT practitioners use hypnosis to put their clients into a deep trance state that allows them to access their Higher Selves for healing and answers, often including other therapies in their sessions.

Holistic approach to healthcare

As opposed to traditional medical approaches that focus on treating symptoms, quantum healing practitioners use energy therapy techniques to address both body and mind. This holistic approach may prove particularly helpful for people suffering from long-term illnesses by alleviating its source.

Energy healing combines ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science, enabling individuals to tap into their own internal healing power and bring about positive change in their lives. Energy healers utilize various practices such as guided meditation, visualization and positive affirmations in order to manipulate a person’s energy field for health and wellness benefits. Many vibrational frequency healing instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls and crystal harps also offer sound-based energy healing techniques as energy healing treatments.

Quantum healing operates under the belief that everything is made of energy, including our bodies and cells, which vibrate in an endless cycle. This energy, known as personal energetics, plays an integral part in overall wellness. Quantum Law recognizes this correlation; any change to personal energetics has ripple effects throughout your life just like choosing nutritious food or dealing with emotional issues can.

Energy healers are specially-trained practitioners who utilize various techniques to manipulate a patient’s energy fields in order to promote healing and wellness. EFT, for example, involves tapping specific points on the body to release emotional and energetic blockages; other energy healing methods include Reiki which uses channeled universal life force energy to encourage natural healing processes.

Many energy healers are now using modern technology to enhance their practices and increase effectiveness. Some energy healers combine biofeedback devices with energy healing techniques in order to measure and monitor any energy imbalances; this allows them to tailor treatment strategies more precisely while assuring each client receives the most efficient care possible. Furthermore, energy healers have begun creating new methods for assessing and treating chronic health conditions more effectively.

Accessing the subconscious mind

Quantum healing practitioners offer access to your subconscious mind via hypnosis and relaxation, enabling you to connect with your Higher Self for information regarding health, life purpose, and more. This information can help guide your decisions for healing yourself internally while manifesting desired future timelines. This course is ideal for quantum healers, energy healers, past life regression therapists and hypnotherapists and includes videos, mp3s and a course manual.

QHHT, developed by Dolores Cannon, bypasses your conscious mind to access information from your Higher Self during an altered state. This past life regression technique can be an extremely helpful method for treating physical or psychological ailments as well as providing answers and helping understand meaning behind questions or inquiries.

QHHT practitioners ask their client questions and record any responses from their Higher Selves, either directly answering the query or providing insight into why it has developed. Many clients report getting answers about their lives before coming to Earth as well as soul journey. Some clients even claim being told of parallel lives on other planets or similar lives from previous lives that have existed alongside current lives.

Quantum healing is founded on the belief that everything is connected, with individuals being integrated systems. This philosophy fits in perfectly with quantum physics principles which state there are no boundaries between things or parts; thus any change to one part of your body impacts all other areas. As a result, quantum healing often forms part of an integrative medicine approach alongside conventional medication treatments.

Accessing the energy field

Quantum healing provides many advantages, including its ability to balance and harmonize the body’s energy field, thus contributing to physical wellness such as relieving pain, decreasing stress levels and strengthening immunity. Furthermore, this practice may help overcome emotional ailments like depression and anxiety.

Quantum healing integrates traditional practices with principles from quantum physics. This healing practice utilizes mental and meditative techniques that promote mind-body connection; for example, visualizing healing processes within your body or using affirmations for creating positive mindset. These services may be provided both directly or remotely by trained practitioners.

QHHT sessions utilize quantum healing practitioners who can amp up a client’s life force energy (commonly referred to as “chi, prana, or mana”) in order to heal both physical and emotional ailments. Quantum healers can also utilize sound vibrations in order to promote natural health and well-being of their bodies.

This course introduces you to using QHHT technique to access deeper levels of consciousness within an individual’s personal quantum intelligence field – often referred to as their superconscious or higher self. A QHHT practitioner can use this level of consciousness for guidance about life decisions and purpose on earth.

This course is tailored towards both beginner and experienced hypnosis and quantum healing practitioners, providing students with an overview of key elements of QHHT practice and how to facilitate sessions effectively for clients. In addition, this course also covers important career-building topics like dealing with clients who stay too long in trance states, overcoming resistance, overcoming resistance from clients, and avoiding common errors.

Using sound vibrations

Sound vibrations have long been used as an effective and ancient means to promote healing. They work on the principle that all matter is made up of energy in constant vibration, with lower-energy vibrations creating solid matter; higher energies producing liquid and gaseous substances; while higher still produce electromagnetic radiation including heat and light rays. Therefore sound is often associated with physical healing because its vibrations cause body atoms to vibrate at optimal frequencies.

Quantum Healing utilizes sound vibrations to heal both mind and body. These sound frequencies may produce healing vibrations within the body that restore natural flow of energy, stimulating the endocrine system and encouraging overall wellbeing. Quantum Healing has been practiced for millennia by shamans, monks and other healers; today its incorporation with modern science means many are seeking out quantum healers to improve both physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Hypnosis is one of the most frequently employed methods of quantum healing. Hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind and releases any limiting beliefs that have developed, as well as helping break patterns of negative behaviour that might otherwise continue. Therefore, finding a qualified practitioner who will guide you through this process is paramount to successful results.

Dolores Cannon, an esteemed hypnosis therapist who passed away in 2014, created the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). It’s a unique past life regression technique designed to bypass conscious thought in favor of accessing information from your Higher Self while in a somnambulistic state – this includes both past and future life timelines.

Using hypnosis

Hypnosis can be an invaluable aid to quantum healing sessions. Hypnosis helps focus the mind and relax the body, which allows the quantum energy field to work more efficiently while also helping release any blocked emotions that might be contributing to physical discomfort. This form of treatment differs greatly from Western medicine which typically treats symptoms instead of root causes of illness.

Quantum healing is founded on the idea that our bodies possess an inherent capacity for self-healing. According to quantum theory, humans are surrounded by an energy field known as the Biofield that affects our health and influences how it heals itself. Quantum physics describes this phenomenon by showing how small particles appear and disappear at will from reality; these microscopic building blocks of existence also make up what are known as the building blocks of universe.

Quantum healing operates under the theory that minute particles, commonly referred to as the “God particle,” have an immense influence on our physical and emotional states. Quantum physics describes how these tiny spheres of matter can be affected by our thoughts and intentions – likened to an invisible force field surrounding us all.

Quantum healing works through the phenomenon known as entrainment. This happens when two objects vibrating at different rates begin synchronizing their frequencies to produce what’s known as resonance effect, used extensively across chemistry, biology and medicine fields.

QHHT practitioners use clinical hypnosis to access client’s subconscious and reveal information not known by them, including past life details. This enables practitioners to guide clients through an instant healing session that can result in immediate relief.
