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Bioresonance in Signalis

Signalis, much like Alan Wake and Evangelion, focuses on finding who you belong with. Elster’s butterflies in both of her bathroom scenes–Sierpinski and Rotfront–evoke her basic character while their repeated appearance seems telling of who they represent.

The Nation of Eusan is more authoritarian, mirroring Soviet and East German policies in terms of propaganda; controlling language and thought with books like The Song of the Gods; forcing military service or other activities related to war effort on citizens as part of life obligations; etc.


Signalis provides much room for interpretation due to its use of multiple layers of subjective themes and symbols, but that does not have to be seen as negative; games like Alan Wake and Evangelion use this same approach, creating an elaborate Venn diagram with multiple interpretations that may all end up competing at some point during their tale’s journey.

Mathematical concepts and numbers can be seen throughout Signalis to reflect its spiraling, nonlinear nature. For instance, Leng’s facility was named after a Sierpinski triangle; this geometric shape features similar patterns that repeat themselves fractal increments with each smaller version being subsumed within itself; like triangles within triangles. This alludes to Song of the Gods; an allusion heard only by certain Gestalts and Replikas who use its music to manipulate reality itself through various means such as terraforming planets or controlling gravity or altering reality itself.

There are legends of a powerful physic known as “Grand Empress”, who created Replikas during Silent Hill 2’s Rebirth ending and inspired Adler’s use of tarot cards to test her neural patterns – these cards depict her with her daughter Alessa. One theory suggests this might actually be Lilith Itou from Elster’s Gestalt relationship who used Adler to test his neural patterns (her surname matches the twins while her first name matches an angel who saved humanity in Evangelion).


Signalis’ story is nonlinear and roguelike, yet certain motifs appear consistently throughout. These include a three note sequence reminiscent of Jeopardy music and repeated uses of six. These symbols symbolize reality’s fractal nature as things copy themselves at increasingly smaller scales; additionally they also play into bioresonance magic that allows some Gestalts and Replikas to manipulate reality itself to alter planets through bioresonance technology.

One of the most remarkable elements of the game is its use of different genres to craft an immersive and compelling experience. For instance, it shifts between moody anime art reminiscent of Blame! and Evangelion and in-engine sequences featuring faceless dolls similar to those seen in Silent Hill 2. Additionally, English, German and kanji texts appear randomly throughout gameplay revealing important yet inaccessible information that’s hard to ignore or understand.

First person sections in this game provide an effective way to experience Signalis’ world, with its chilling soundtrack adding further atmosphere. Gameplay itself is well-designed, featuring both item pickups and puzzles for players to solve; unfortunately there’s no inventory system which may prove annoying at times.

As players advance through the game, Ariane becomes a pivotal figure. Her search for belonging serves as the impetus behind its narrative; Ariane represents our universal desire for love and companionship – the game focuses on her journey to find someone special only for it to suddenly slip away again.

Ariane is a strong female character who’s unafraid of taking risks and standing up for what she believes in, even as she works underling for Eusan’s powerful Empire. While living within their confines with artistic creativity and freedom in her artistic endeavours and sense of freedom. Ariane serves as a foil to ADLER’s calculated self-awareness who serves as Falke’s “Ken”.


Ariane’s lucid dream shows her to be something of a god. She has the ability to bend the minds of replikas and decipher their intentions with remarkable ease, using a powerful prototype bioresonant Falke unit she created herself to manipulate them at a distance and even grant new neural patterns similar to her Gestalt’s for each replika manipulated from distance – an amazing ability that allows her to wrest control back from the Nation; whether this power stems from bioresonance or because she herself created her bioresonance is unknown – only time will tell.

Mathematical concepts and numbers appear throughout Signalis and seem specifically chosen to reflect its nonlinear, spiraling design. For instance, the Sirpinski facility is named for a fractal geometry shape with six appearing again and again as well as on several Tarot cards featuring Ariane who looks strikingly like Empress from Silent Hill 2’s Rebirth ending.

Ariane resembles a Tarot card further due to her Gestalt giving her the form and function of Alessa, known for being the mother of Eusan Empire and creator of Replikas. Additionally, Ariane houses Lilith, an all-powerful otherworldly creature who many consider the mother of all humans.

Signalis stands out with its mysterious, spiritual, and even Biblical story elements that bring it a truly distinctive feel. Visually, the game mixes in many styles ranging from anime stills to faceless animation with faceless faces reminiscent of dolls; English German and Kanji text will pop up from time to time providing you with specific but often fleeting or vague information that teasingly tantalize you with clues too specific or significant for comprehension.
