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What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum healing sessions provide a unique approach to tapping into both your subconscious and higher selves, by inducing deep relaxation through visualization and asking your higher self questions about matters such as physical and emotional pain. They’re an effective form of self-healing which has proven helpful for physical as well as emotional ailments.

Your higher self is that part of you that understands everything about you from an overall perspective; often referred to as intuitive guidance or gut feelings.

It is a form of energy medicine

Quantum healing sessions utilize energy medicine techniques and ancient practices with cutting-edge technologies to release any energetic blockages that are inhibiting your health, often caused by life experiences that lead to physical or mental symptoms. Quantum healing can be administered either personally or remotely and it works by stimulating and clearing energy highways of your body’s energy highways. It can be utilized either directly in person or remotely.

Quantum healing sessions differ from other forms of energy therapy in that they utilize quantum theory principles. According to quantum theory, everything in the universe consists of energy and is interdependent. Sessions aim at clearing any blockages in your energy field which are keeping you from experiencing an enjoyable life; furthermore it can also reduce or alleviate physical pain, emotional distress or mental trauma.

At a QHHT session, your practitioner will ask questions about your current life and any concerns or issues you are currently experiencing. They may then guide you to experience past lives or other dimensions relevant to this current moment in time that can provide insight into current patterns or relationships; also helping heal energy fields and increase intuitive abilities.

After experiencing QHHT therapy, you’ll feel less stressed and more balanced emotionally, as well as more confidence and strength to face life’s challenges. Energy healing methods used include speaking empowering statements, breaking psychic agreements, guided visualization with color light being applied directly to energy centers on your body, guided visualisation while applying color light, guided visualization using color light therapy for relaxation purposes – these have all proven successful with thousands of people worldwide!

Quantum energy healing is just one form of holistic therapy available to ease pain. Hypnosis, frequency healing, sound bowel therapy, Reiki energy transfer from a practitioner and singing are also all methods that may help. But keep in mind that what works for one person may not necessarily work for all; don’t be scared to try new approaches; who knows, maybe something might just be the cure you have been searching for all along!

It is a form of hypnosis

Quantum Healing sessions are specialized forms of hypnosis designed to connect you with your Higher Self and answer any questions that come up during sessions. Quantum Healing works to release negative thoughts, beliefs, or emotional trauma weighing you down while healing physical, mental, and spiritual bodies simultaneously. Quantum Healing takes advantage of your body’s powerful natural healing capacities by treating root causes rather than treating symptoms alone.

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon to use hypnosis to bypass the conscious mind and get information from your Subconscious (Higher Self). You may refer to this part of yourself by any name you find comforting–for me it is known as my Higher Self but you may prefer another label such as Oversoul Self Collective Christ Consciousness etc.

At a QHHT session, the practitioner will lead you into a deep trance before asking a series of pertinent questions related to your current life. They might focus on topics like health, relationships and career. While you are in this state of consciousness, past lives that relate to current challenges may appear that provide insight.

Practitioners use various techniques to remove energetic blocks that are keeping you from moving forward with life, such as Inner Child healing, shadow work, parts integration, Soul retrieval and energy healing. They can help reconnect you with your Higher Self as well as any support teams such as guides, ancestors, angels Ascended Masters Deceased Loved Ones and Beings of Light that exist for you – including past lives or unhealed wounds from them that need healing or untying from past lives.

QHHT sessions offer another great way to gain clarity about your purpose and relationship to the universe, as well as recognize how everything around you works and releases energy. Many believe that our thoughts create reality while the mysteries of physical world lie hidden in frequency, vibrations and energy; this belief aligns perfectly with discoveries in quantum physics which demonstrate this phenomenon.

It is a form of meditation

Quantum healing is a technique that harnesses energy and consciousness to facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It focuses on finding the root cause of an illness while creating conditions where natural healing can take place. Furthermore, quantum healers believe the human body possesses incredible capacity for self-healing when given adequate conditions to do so.

Quantum healing sessions involve practitioners guiding their clients into a deep trance state and asking a series of questions regarding current life issues and events that might provide useful insight for this lifetime. Once in this state, their subconscious minds are instructed to transport them back through time or space where there might be useful insights. This process allows clients to let go of negative memories while awakening spiritually.

Quantum healing sessions can encompass anything from exploring past lives to visiting other dimensions, and may help people gain greater insight into life and its purpose. Sessions may assist individuals with health, relationship and career issues as well as boost self-confidence and promote inner happiness.

Some of the most frequently requested QHHT sessions include reviewing current-life or life between-lives experiences, physical and emotional healing, receiving advice regarding diet, family relationships and career choices as well as receiving advice about them from extraterrestrial beings, plants dinosaurs or pure source energy. Clients frequently report experiencing scenes from their current life or lifetimes such as animals, inanimate objects, peasants kings extraterrestrials beings plants dinosaurs pure source energy; but whatever scene or images are seen will always relate back to whatever question or intention was presented to their Higher Selves during their session – they always come back around to what questions or intentions are presented by clients to their Higher Selves during these sessions.

Quantum Healing sessions involve being guided into a deep trance by an experienced practitioner to access your Subconscious mind – your connection to universal energy – which provides all-knowing guidance that will allow for true self-healing. During sessions, you can ask any number of questions related to life, purpose or your relationship with God.

Quantum healing sessions offer an effective means of relaxation and letting go of one’s ego, providing relief for physical and psychological ailments such as cancer, heart disease, depression and anxiety. Furthermore, quantum healing may even help relieve surgery-related or childbirth-related pain.

It is a form of healing

Quantum healing is an energy medicine practice designed to increase our body’s natural ability to recover. This modality operates under the assumption that our physical and energetic bodies contain life force energy – known as “chi” in Chinese or prana in Sanskrit) – which can be focused and amplified for healing purposes. A quantum healing session usually begins by placing a field of high energy around areas of pain or inflammation within your body in order to create vibrational resonance with vibrational resonance that stimulates its own healing mechanisms, known as vibrational resonance or “energy acupuncture”.

Quantum healing hypnosis sessions involve inducing deep trance states through guided imagery, with the client guided into entering their Subconscious to access experiences from past lives that pertain to this lifetime. Within this trance state, patterns or lessons from their previous lives may emerge to help heal and develop spiritually.

Therapists use intuition to detect low-frequency energies that are hindering your full potential and energy field – these could include trapped memories, entities or implants in the physical body and energetic fields – which then work through them to clear and remove these blocks, enabling you to reconnect with your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

Once the session concludes, you will be guided back into consciousness by your therapist and will then be able to integrate any healing insights gained during it. Many who receive quantum healing report feeling more relaxed and grounded after receiving sessions; however, everyone’s healing journey varies; some experience instantaneous relief while others require more time for resolution of an issue.

Before attending a quantum healing session, it is crucial that you set your intention. Your conscious mind or ego may take a backseat during this experience so it is wise to prepare by telling yourself several times each day that you can easily connect to your Higher Self during the session and this will allow your ego to relax so you can benefit from its insights into healing.
